I Know Best

April 13, 2011 5:40am CST
When I craft my responses to the discussions here on MyLot, I always try to give an answer that I think will be thoughtful, and if someone is looking for help or advice, then I do my best to be as helpful as I can. Sometimes, I'll notice that a topic I'm replying to has another answer already marked as "best response", but if I still think I have something relevant to share, I'll go ahead and put my answer in anyway. When you're giving responses, how motivated are you to get "best response", and if someone else has already been chosen, is this an important consideration in your decision to leave a reply? xoxo Cyne
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3 responses
@allknowing (142861)
• India
13 Apr 11
Every one does their bit here and some one has to get the BR tag. But it hurts when your response is not commented upon while every other response is.
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• Canada
13 Apr 11
Aww, I'm sorry you feel hurt when you don't get a response. Personally, I don't care either way, I've even started discussions that have not gotten a response; not a single one. Sometimes, when I leave a comment, it doesn't necessarily warrant a reply. The motivation to comment isn't for me to get a comment back, but rather to share my perspective in a given situation. Once I've done that, I have met my objective and need no more than that. Wayne Dyer said, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Try changing your motivation and see if that doesn't make you happier. xoxo Cyne
• Canada
13 Apr 11
Yes, I have in fact had that happen to me and I have noticed. I just don't let it affect me in such a way that I feel hurt by it. If it were happening to me on a continual basis, I think I might have to rethink my responses; being hurt wouldn't be a productive thing for me. xoxo Cyne
@allknowing (142861)
• India
13 Apr 11
This is a discussion site and if a response receives no comment then it fails to be a discussion, more so when the responder expects comments. Ofcourse there are responses that do not warrant a comment sometimes and these are exceptions. If every other response is commented upon and yours is ignored I am sure you will notice it
• Philippines
13 Apr 11
There are actually days when i feel like being in a beauty pageant here, particularly in the question and answer portion.I get so engrossed with the topic, carefully think of an answer and after that my fingers will just keep on hitting the keyboard without the care of whether I win the title or not (the best response in this case). All I want is to come up with an answer that is well thought of so that I may reach out to those who will read it, establish a basically strong ground for my advocacies or just give a helping hand. It has never been a routine of mine to check if the discussion has been resolved or not before commenting. If I feel that I have something to share with regards to the topic at hand, i'll give my thoughts and wouldn't care if there's already a best response chosen.
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• Canada
13 Apr 11
It seem you and I have similar motivations for participating in discussions here. I enjoy knowing that I have shared something that will help, give people something to think about or just plain make 'em laugh. I have to admit though, that maybe I should be more thoughtful about choosing a best response for my own topics, as I have only done this once. xoxo Cyne
• Philippines
13 Apr 11
You remind me of my share of unresolved topics!Can't decide yet on some of them as most of my discussions has not earned that much of a response! Anyway, it's not really that important if yours is considered as the best response so long as you regard your response as the best you could come up at that moment.
• Canada
13 Apr 11
You are exactly right. Knowing you did your best is all the reward one needs xoxo Cyne
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
13 Apr 11
I don't bother too much about Best Response though it is annoying sometimes when one sees a Best Response already sitting there, especially when the discussion is only a few minutes old! If the discussion was worth my while opening and reading in the first place and if nobody has given as good or complete an answer as I would have given, I go ahead and give my best. It's a pity that MyLot don't provide (on our profile page or elsewhere) statistics about our Best Responses. I find that I have to go to my Best Responses page and actually count how many I have! If I divide this number by the number of discussions I have responded to, it gives me an idea of how well I'm doing in terms of giving people what they want. Even though BR has no effect on our earnings, I'd rather like to be able to see this on my profile! It would look like this (yes, I really did go and count - 10 to a page makes it a little easier): discussions answered: 8035 Best Responses: 3352 %BR: 41.7% Has anyone else, I wonder, taken the time to do this or is it only my hungry-for-statistics mind which drives me to do this?
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
13 Apr 11
I am well aware that the 'BR' thing is often a matter of mutual back-scratching, possible in a mistaken assumption that is has an effect on earnings. I tend to answer any topic that interests me, allknowing, regardless of whether it was started by a 'friend' or not. When it comes to giving BRs, I do try to genuinely give the award to the most deserving response. It quite often happens that the Best Response goes to someone on my 'friends' list but that may be because I try to choose friends who are somewhat articulate.
• Canada
13 Apr 11
Wow you're sharp! You must be giving 'em what they want, eh? . . . lol You ever wonder though if it's always a matter of giving them what they want that garners the best response? Like you said sometimes it's already tagged as br when it's still a brand new topic, and sometimes that happens when it's the only response. I think sometimes it's just a case of friends doing favours for friends. I know I got a couple from someone who I think only did it because we know each other, for I had been the first to reply and he gave me the br right off the bat. As the discussion continued, though I noticed other replies from a perspective I hadn't even thought of that were better, and then I felt guilty that I got the best response. xoxo Cyne
@allknowing (142861)
• India
13 Apr 11
@owlwings - I would not even want to try. I will die of shame! I have failed miserably when it comes to keeping a tab on my friends. I dont go answering topics that have been put up by friends alone and those 'strangers' whose topics I respond to don't even sometimes bother to comment. I am noticing there is a pattern here which I don't follow.