breaking up

United States
April 13, 2011 8:23pm CST
What do people really do when they break up with their love ones or when your parents are not together anymore do they just leave it like that.
1 response
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
14 Apr 11
i don't have past relationships, this is my first boyfriend but we also do have ups and downs and would even end up at breaking up, but that doesn't last a week, maybe just a few days. but during those days, i just stay in bed and just cry and cry and cry and cry he is like the only person i have. i am not that close to my family so i tell him almost everything and he is my only outlet. so when things like this happen, i feel so empty and i just have to just take him back right away or beg him to take me back already .. what about you? any experiences?
• United States
15 Apr 11
Well for me i have learn to let it go cause there are lot more chicks out there for you to find but here in there i still miss those good times.