I have finally think about it!

@edsss17 (4394)
April 14, 2011 10:53am CST
Hi mylotters, Since summer has already started here in Philippines, and my younger siblings don't have classes already, I realized something! I should spent some quality time with them! I haven't bond with them few months ago because I been very busy with some stuffs, and I really miss those times that we used to play together and even fight sometimes! And I also need a rest! I've decided to lessen my time in computer! I am afraid of having migraine and some eye problems any time soon! Its because I always sleep late! I should take good care of myself.. Its my only capital to live this world! HAHA!
1 person likes this
8 responses
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
14 Apr 11
hello eds, That's nice. Take time to relax and treat yourself and your kid siblings for a vacation. You are right,your health is your wealth so never take advantage or abused it. Hope you will have a great time with your loved ones. Come back and share us your escapades... take care also and enjoy every minute of your vacation
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
15 Apr 11
jaiho means -victory
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
15 Apr 11
Hi jaiho, Can I ask first? HAHA.. What does jaiho means? YEs, you're right! I definitely need a break! HAHA! See ya.
1 person likes this
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Apr 11
i rarely speak with my siblings nowadays, all of them are already married. I think once I get married I will have less time with them, since yous till have time to talk with your siblings, enjoy while it last so you wont have regrets and as you said you should also take care of your self. Yesterday I decided to have a full body massage after a stressful day of work and I felt like a new person. i felt light. Relaxing is such a good thing.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
14 Apr 11
Hi CaptAlbertWhisker, Thanks for dropping by! A Full body massage is a good suggestion! I think I might give it a try this week! Thank you!
1 person likes this
• Calgary, Alberta
16 Apr 11
yeah its going to soothe your senses and energize your body, its worth spending money for, I mean at least once in 3 months, you should try to pamper your self so you will have a better perception of your self and you will be less stressed from the hurdles of life.
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
15 Apr 11
Yes go and play with them, run around and have fun. You're only young once. This is the time to build memories that will last a lifetime. When you all are grown decades from now you will still reminisce and talk about memories spent of your childhood so make good memories now.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
15 Apr 11
Agree! Thanks for your words!
@piya84 (2581)
• India
15 Apr 11
Once me and cousin sisters and brother has nice bonding but since last few years we all have got too much busy.Some of them are married now and have their own family,routine and problems as well so it has become really difficult to bond the way we sued to before. I too think i need to take some time out and spend some time on bonding once again.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
15 Apr 11
Cool, Thanks for sharing your moments with your cousin! :)
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
15 Apr 11
For me good you know it for your self by doing it you find more happy than never do it to your kids.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
16 Apr 11
YES, I will and thank you!
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
15 Apr 11
Yeah, you're right! It's summer time and since most of the school kids are at home, it's the right time to bond with each other. Same with me, I haven't had any heart-to-heart talk with my children since they were busy with school. Maybe it's time for us to go somewhere else, a nearby province perhaps and enjoy some nature-tripping which we haven't done for so long.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
15 Apr 11
YES! :) I hope it will be the best!
18 Apr 11
It's good to know that you are taking care of yourself.As they say life is short so you should spend more time with your family because you will never know!Have fun and enjoy. Have a happy summer.
@niq993 (50)
• Bulgaria
14 Apr 11
Yes, spending time for you and your children is very important. Nowadays we do not have enough time for our most important people.Personally me, I see my family only on dinner and sometimes during the day for 10 minutes. Everybody has his own staffs, everybody is busy and has to go somewhere. We should not live like that! Our work is important, but our family is important,too. Even more important than all the rest .Now, reading your discussion, I realized that I am at a similar situation.I will try to spend more time with my family. I also need a rest,like you. We spend so much time on the computer, doing not so important things (at least me). If I organize my time better, maybe I could have more free time for relax and doing something with my family. Have a nice day, Niya
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
15 Apr 11
Hi, Yes you're right! BEfore, my time isn't organized and it sucks because I don't know what to do first everyday until I learn how to manage my time! And now, I really wanna spend quality time with my family! I hope you will too!