One Life To Live...being cancelled.....

@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
April 14, 2011 5:23pm CST
Yep...come next January, OLTL says good bye. Sad to see it go. Been a viewer since 1969! But have to has been a let down lately. Same old "whos the daddy" and baby switch and marry/divorce and who's in who's bed..etc. I miss the old versions! Remember that time travel one back to the cowboy days for the buchanans? Silly, but entertaining! The under ground city? Again, silly but entertaining. Sad to see OLTL end. And what do we get instead? Cooking shows and weight loss shows! Are you serious? They say woman aren't watching cause many are working...well, did they forget about recording VHS or TIVO or SoapNet in the evenings? And if they aren't home to watch a favorite...why do they think those that are at home want to watch cooking and eating this hour, and then loosing weight the next hour? ABC has All My Children at noon and OLTL at 1:00. AMC is being cancelled in September so next year there is a full 2 hour time span to lunch time for many of the working women that watch in the lunch rooms at work places. But good grief, how the first hour about eating and cooking and then the next hour to loose weight cause we are so fat from watching the cooking and eating just before!!! But I have to say, at least not yet another 2 more talk shows with a bunch of people bickering, arguing and tossing their arrogant attitudes and all around and all bout celebrities! I hate to see OLTL go. Now all they have left is General Hospital. Been boring as of late, but I think too... I've been watching since 1968 ...I've seen it all so many storylines today are boring to me, but you new ladies (and men!) just starting in recent years to enjoy afternoon daytime will be missing awonderful time in tv history...daytime soaps. They ended up being called "soap Operas" as back in the 40's and 50's when many started on the radio...laundry, hand nad dish soaps were the main sponsers of the shows! So what will you do between noon and 2:00 every day?
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8 responses
• United States
15 Apr 11
It is sad that all the great soaps are going off the air. I am glad my cat Smyles favorite The Young and the Restless is still on the air (at least for a couple of more years). It is sad that all the great soaps are being taken off the air. I think it is dumb that our soaps are being replaced with reality shows. I would not be so upset if there were game shows on in the afternoon, but they really do not need to have more reality shows when there are so many already.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
16 Apr 11
Oh, I know. The trash they have on in the afternoons now a day is pathetic. But it was nice to watch the soaps and get away from reality for a little while. Y&R is a fav of mine to... and GH. HOpefully they will stay around a while longer!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
15 Apr 11
I remember watching One Life to Live in my high school days. back then Judith Light was a rising new star. who's the boss was not even on the horizon yet. This show introduced a lot of stortylines that were controversial and eye opening in its's social demeanor. it will be sad to see it come to an end.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
15 Apr 11
Yeah, I remember her too...Karen Wolack. She was great! Lot of current stars or at least current as of the 80's 90' their start on soaps! Where are they going to start now! And these soap stars...odds of them getting picked up by prime time are slim to none... they are sterotyped now. Oh well... sad to see such a wonderful ear of history go down the drain for no other reason than bad writers writing bad story lines repeatedly.
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
22 Apr 11
I am one of the guys who likes to watch these and I will miss them since they are on partly when I eat or else when working out. I now watch OLTL and tape Y&R and watch it later. So I will now be able to watch Y&R, at least for a while. I won't be watching cooking or weight loss shows or talk shows. With Oprah ending they also have that hour to fill; don't know why they needed two more to fill. Soon everything will be fake reality shows or stupid talk shows or one season shows that aren't any good and people will stop watching TV all together.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
22 Apr 11
I know! I already don't watch hardly anything in the evenings. I hate talk shows and weight loss shows and most cooking shows (and I love cooking) and once soaps are gone...there goes tv. I watch Y&R too, hopefully that will be able to stay. I watch GH, but if the writers don't take note of what is happening to ABC's other two major soaps...and start writting better shows...the will soon be gone too! I think that is the whole problem. The storylines are boring, repetitive and nothing but the same old thing. I just read on a AMC post...Erica has been taken hostage....AGAIN!!
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
5 Jun 11
I agree to an exent... it is sad to see these long standing shows being cancelled. Though I rarely have time to watch, I do occasionally, usually on Soap Net. I will miss it. But it is true that they are really just repeating the same lines with different details. I swear the split personalities and getting integrated and then splitting again- that is getting so old. It's getting to the point where nothing that happens is reliable or credible at all (even by soap opera standards). I don't know that I'd like to see the daytime hours filled with cooking shows and talk shows, but I can't think of what else would work there. At least those are the kinds of shows that you can watch once in a while and not be completely lost.
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• United States
14 Apr 11
Once upon a long time ago I use to watch General Hospital, lol.. Wow coffeebreak this one too?? Are they really decreasing in audience viewing so much that most are not being canceled. I suppose since I am one who no longer watches them I suspect many others don't either. I sorry for the ones are are so loyal and faithful, they will have to find something else to watch.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
15 Apr 11
It is sad not only cause they are well liked shows, but it is the end of an era. These shows have been on air (some starting on the radio before TV!) for over 40 years....what prime time or other drama can say that! Years ago they lasted for 10 years, now only 5 or so. But soaps...they kept us watching for years and years and years. IT is sad. But the writers are the ones to blame I think, as they couldn't be bothered to write NEW storylines, just repeat the same ones over and over. General Hospital, Young and the Restless and Bold and the Beautiful are the only ones I know of that are left. GH like 45 years, Y&R like 30 and BandB..not sure but it is the newest one still on Said to see them go and now I have no entertainment in the afternoons!
• United States
14 Apr 11
I am literally sick over it. I have been watching a long time too. This is just not right. Who needs more talk shows. We got enough of them already this is just ridiculous if you ask me. Keep the soaps on. Talk shows are on too much already. I do not want to see the soap gone at all. This really stinks and i am really disgusted. Tons of loyal fans and they are just taking it away from us. This is just not right. i agree with you completely.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
15 Apr 11
And I you. More talk shows and court shows and cooking shows... give us our fun loving, entertaining soaps in the afternoons for us to "get away from it all " just for an hour or so!
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@AmbiePam (96719)
• United States
16 Apr 11
I just responded to your All My Children discussion, so I didn't see this one until now. One of the most distasteful storylines they did recently to me was when Brody and Natalie had a one night stand. It was just gross. But I do like the characters Brody and Jessica (Tess while interesting annoys me). I was tuning in for them mostly. General Hospital has always been my favorite soap. I really miss Emily. I thought Emily and Zander and Emily and Nikolas were great couples. And I remember when the first Carly was on the show, and then when that actress came back as Claudia. Some of the bad stories to me were Luke and Felicia, Angel, anything with Courtney, and Liz and Nik getting together without Lucky's knowledge. That one was gross. But with actors like Maurice Benard, Steve Burton, Jonathan Jackson, and Laura Wright, you just know something good is eventually going to happen.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
16 Apr 11
I can't stand Natalie and the baby switch..hate those stories. What do you want to bet, that Marty switch the DNA before or after Clint had it switched and however it works out...the baby is John's. And Jess's is Brodys. I like Tess...she tells it like it is and that is refreshing! Sick of Starr and all the kids and Bo and Nora...oh gross!!!! But Clint and david are a hoot and I hope they make Clint live up to the next "Asa". Altho they only have 6 months left to do it! GH = Except Emily...couldn't stand her when they changed the acress that played her...that changed Emily. Never liked Carly until this new actress started playing I really like the character...usually! Bad stories? Yeah, anything with Luke in it, anything with Courtney in it and anything with Liz in it. Nik is falling int here too, but they haven't given him a story in so long, he just kind of hangs on the apron strings all the time. Can't stand idiot Sonny, never could, but Jason, Carly, Jax and Sam and Spenellie are the best. Toss an Alice and Piffy in there for a breath of fresh air!
@AmbiePam (96719)
• United States
16 Apr 11
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like Liz. Self-righteous to the highest level! That book, The Secret Life of Damian Spinelli is actually in the top 100 of Barnes and Noble. Kind of funny, huh.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
19 Apr 11
I would like to read it, but fear it won't be worth the price! Books are so expensive these days that I'd hate to buy it and pay that big price and then have it be stupid! He is a favorite character of mine and the idea is great,but I haven't heard anyone say anything about it so I will just keep my ears open and watch sales for it.
• United States
14 Apr 11
I stopped watching all soap operas long ago, but my favorites used to be AMC, Days of our Lives, Children Hospital, & OLTL. But like you said after a while I got tired of the same old story lines of whose sleeping with who, who is the father of so & so's baby, whose been kidnapped, brainwashed, lovers torn apart because someone claims to be pregnant w/ his baby....LOL After a while it all started to seem more then a little bit rediculious , so I stopped watching all of them & never looked back. So I wont miss OLTL or any of the others that they decide to take off either.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
15 Apr 11
Yea, those are the usual storylines. I think that is why this is happening...why so many have stopped watching. Instead of cancelling, they should just get new writers! how hard is that!?!?!