what do you think of gossipers?

April 14, 2011 8:34pm CST
I my sell can't stand them they always seem to say things to hurt other people with out even knowing it which isn't right,I will not let any body into house if they are saying bad things....I got a rule.it goes like this 1.No bad words 2.If you got something good to say about anybody fine but if not for get I'm not intersted leave out side. The only one that can say bad words or any bad things is me. c d
13 responses
@xien2xien (1382)
• Philippines
15 Apr 11
gossipers are the people who never had a descent life and had nothing to do in life that's why they make gossips as their everyday chores, these type of people is uneducated and uncivil, they were not normal for talking someone else's back is an abnormality, if you have to say something with anyone say it to her face, say it to them directly, that's life truth hurts weather you say it in a nice or in a rude way
3 people like this
• Canada
15 Apr 11
I agree with you one hundred percent you're right. cd
• China
15 Apr 11
I am disgusted with those people who like to speak ill of others or make mischief.It seems that it is their hobby to talk about other people's private lives and poke their noses into other people's business.They take every occasion to gossip about others behind their backs and always enjoy it.They are either having nothing to do or have vulgar interests.
2 people like this
• Canada
15 Apr 11
I agree with you all the way about people that like to speak ill and disgusting things about people and poke their noses in where they don't belong and vular is not call for eather, cd
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I think you are right...there is good in everyone...concentrate on that! Gossip does hurt people and half the time only half the info is right!
1 person likes this
• Canada
18 Apr 11
That's so true. cd
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
17 Apr 11
Hey cd! I definitely agree with you! I was taught that if you don't have something nice to say about someone, don't say anything- Unfortunately, this rarely works in the "real world". Most people just can't help but gossip. But, when gossip turns into something serious to try to ruin someone's reputation or really hurt them or make trouble for them that's where I draw the line. I have an ex-friend who is like this. She had done something really bad to me years ago and I sort of forgave her when I shouldn't have. She now has done something similiar and this time I have cut ties with her permanently. The worst part is she lives across the street from me and I have to see her all over the place! She is evil and mentally ill and I will not allow her back into my life after this last episode of talking behind my back.
1 person likes this
• Canada
18 Apr 11
That's way I was raise to try be nice to people with out the gossip it's better that way. cd
@joystick (1675)
15 Apr 11
I can not stand them either, but there will always be people like that, while they think that they can get away with it.I try to avoid people like that as much as i can,but it can be really hard to sometimes.I look at it like this, while people are talking about me they are leaving other people alone.
2 people like this
• Canada
15 Apr 11
I agree with you about your saying.All they are doing is showing how smart they think that they are which isn't I do the same as you. But there's alot people that get hurt by them saying mean things, cd
• Philippines
15 Apr 11
hi, crazydaisy! gossip is bad for everyone because it encourages troubles. i have neighbors who always make gossip. at first, i showed them with kindness but i moved away from them after learning that they were saying bad things about me in spite of the good things that i shared with them. too bad,there are people who still can afford to do you wrong after the friendship that you once shared with them.
2 people like this
• Canada
15 Apr 11
I got neighbours like that I tryed to be so nice to them I found out after being nice they were rule to my friends my friends ask me why they acting that way they even try to get into fight them for no reason I don't talk to them at all. cd
@GardenGerty (162786)
• United States
15 Apr 11
It is your house and your privilege to make the rules. We all would be better off without the gossip and trash talk.
• Canada
15 Apr 11
That's so true. cd
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
15 Apr 11
I'm not into gossipers either however, I can handle someone talking about another if it's just pleasant conversation but to gossip about them is wrong. I won't do that and don't like to hear it either. Oh and CD, You can and I can't? What's up with that?
1 person likes this
• Canada
15 Apr 11
I agree with that, cd
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
15 Apr 11
hello cd,how are you? I am in complete agreement with you here.I, too do not like gossips and do not encourage them.fortunately i do not have any friends who are gossip-mongers which is a great relief since i don`t like to hurt anybodys feelings even if they are gossips.I don`t socialize much,hardly to tell you the truth.Therefore i am away from the company of people and gossips too.
1 person likes this
• Canada
15 Apr 11
I am happy for you to.I am glad you feel the same way as I do. cd
• United States
22 May 11
I cannot stand people who gossip about others. I hate it when people hear gossip, don't know if what they're hearing is true or not, and still spread it as if it were the truth. I've had people in my own family spread things about me that weren't true. I think it hurts worse if it's family because when people see that it's your own family members they are more likely to believe it since they wouldn't be able to think of any reason for them to be talking about you like that. I didn't and still don't know the motivation for the gossip but I've decided that people who gossip have nothing better to do with their lives, are unhappy with the life they are living, and like another user said are uncivilized and uneducated. When I find out that someone has been spreading rumors or gossip about me I stop having as much interaction with those people because they will only try to find other things to say about you. If they aren't associating with you then people will wonder where they heard their gossip from.
@Nadinest1 (2016)
• Canada
16 Apr 11
You go, Daisy!!! Good for you!!! Wonderful rules to live by.
1 person likes this
• Canada
16 Apr 11
I try my best that dosen't alwys work but I try. cd
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
15 Apr 11
Hahaha, I totally agree with you. I too do not like to gossip. I think it bring no good to anyone. Therefore, I always tell my friends that we should not partake in gossip. Talk more informative and productive topic that can enrich everyone, in knowledge and happiness.
1 person likes this
• Canada
15 Apr 11
Thanks for your reply I am glad that there's alot of people think the same way as I do. cd
• United States
15 Apr 11
People are always saying horrible things about everyone no matter where you go. It was the worst in high school, it was the main topic of conversation and labeling it gossip is putting it extremely lightly. It was verbal abuse I'd go as far to say. In my own home I could never take that and would have to speak up. On family get together's is the only time I have to let it slide, in fact last time I drank so it would lighten up everything my cousins were speaking. I love them and I have a good relationship with them but their in high school so what do you think their views and opinions are. It's a terrible world we live in in this aspect of life, no one has anyone nice to say about anyone, it's always something they have a problem with.
1 person likes this
• Canada
16 Apr 11
I understand what you mean there's alot of gossip going on every where you go which is sad. cd