Need help with a Pokemon SS Team!

April 14, 2011 10:59pm CST
Heyy, I know I'm kind of lame, I decided to finally start playing SS once exams were done, and since I was taking a break from study ... (not really, haha) I decided to look up a team and just check out their stats, this is what I've done, its just for in-game, maybe a little bit of fun battles with friends but that's it. I haven't played in a while so I don't really remember everything, I'd be helpful if you could give me tips on what to hold and movesets. Thanks!! typhlosion - thunder punch, flamethrower, eruption, earthquake (sunny day maybe?) crobat - steel wing, air slash, cross poison, return (fly??) gengar - shadow ball, focus blast, psychic, thunderbolt gyarados - blizzard, surf, hydro pump, stone edge/earthquake ampharos - discharge, signal beam, toxic, thunder eventually will want to add tyranitar - focus punch, crunch, stone edge, dragon dance zaptos (?) - heat wave, thunderbolt, roost, ancient power I'm not sure if I want to add zaptos in, but the stats are overall better than ampharos' so I'm iffy about it. Thanks again for your help!! :)
1 response
@lam1995 (43)
• United States
25 Apr 11
There is no "perfect" team for Pokemon Soul Silver, but I will try to give you several pointers based on my team I made for Heart Gold. This is your current team: Typhlosion - Thunderpunch, flamethrower, eruption, earthquake fix: I think you should get rid of eruption in favor of a support move like Sunny Day. Also, get rid of thunderpunch for a more powerful physical move (I know Typhlosion does not have a great movepool and since it has bad attack, switch it for something with more base power, preferably something 100 or over). Also, give it a charcoal. Crobat - steel wing, air slash, cross poison, return fix: I recommend you get rid of steel wing in favor of something more useful like Fly(Same type attack bonus and more power) or roost. Give it a sharp beak. Gengar - shadow ball, focus blast, psychic, thunderbolt fix: nothing really, it's pretty good. Make it hold something that powers up ghost moves. Gyarados - blizzard, surf, hydro pump, stone edge fix: lots and lots of mistakes on this. Gyarados is a physical attacker, his attack is amazing, but his special attack is terrible. What you have to do is teach it waterfall and get rid of surf. Get rid of hydro pump for dragon dance. Get rid of blizzard for earthquake (for type coverage on electric types). Have it hold leftovers. Ampharos - discharge, signal beam, toxic, thunder fix: pretty good. If you want, get rid of thunder for thunderbolt for accuracy and power point increase. Make it hold a quick claw or a focus sash to ensure you can get off a toxic on the tougher opponents. You can only add one more since you have 5 already. I recommend you add the Tyranitar since it is better than Zapdos. Tyranitar - focus punch, crunch, stone edge, dragon dance fix: focus punch is not going to cut it unless you have substitute. Get rid of it for earthquake. Other than that it's pretty good. Have it hold either the berry that weakens fighting moves or give it a focus sash to make sure you don't get one hit KOed by fighting moves. Hope I helped.