Coca Cola Verses Stor Brand

United States
April 15, 2011 2:32pm CST
I am not a picky person when it comes to something to drink, I like all kinds Coca Cola, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Dr.k, Sunkist, Orange Crush, Strawberry, all kinds of sodas I can drink anything if I am thirsty I will drink what is there and when money is tight I go for the store brands but on the other hand my husband is very picky and insists on the real thing Coca Cola I made his lunch all week this week and put 2 waters and 2 Dr. K's everyday for him to take for his work and they are all still in the car and it is Friday! L.O.L. Those are like store brand Dr. Peppers here, He does not like them. Are you picky like that? Do you have to have the real thing? Or do you know someone who is?
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4 responses
@petersum (4522)
• United States
15 Apr 11
How can Coca Cola be the real thing? They franchise it off to any idiot to make. It may contain the real concentrate, but how it is mixed, and with what, depends on the bottlers. It varies greatly from country to country. Here, Romanian Coca Cola tastes much better than the local stuff. I still prefer the super market cheapies!
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 11
I am not picky at all I know some store brands don't taste as good but I don't mind because the price is much cheaper!!
• Canada
17 Apr 11
I have to admit that when it comes to Coca Cola, I am picky. It has to be the real thing for me. My husband and I drink a lot of it, and we don't mind spending a little bit extra to get it. On the upside though, we have three grocery stores within walking distance of where we live, and each of them, at different times have offers on Coke. So, if we can't get it at a discounted price at one store, it's almost guaranteed that we can get it discounted at another one. With anything else, I'm not picky, but I am with my coke. The cheaper brands just don't taste 'right' if you get what I mean.
• United States
17 Apr 11
They don't taste as good as the real Coca Cola for sure.
@watergirl (567)
• Philippines
4 May 11
I'm not picky in choosing drinks. I don't mind if it's coke, pepsi, sprite, 7-up, etc. as long as it's cold and available.
• United States
16 Apr 11
No, I am not picky when it comes to soda but my real thing i would say it is spirt soda. I know a friend of mines that only drink soda that contain the message "diet" but i don't if diet soda really helps.
• United States
16 Apr 11
I don't like Diet sodas at all, I would rather drink water or water with Crystal Light in the water.