How Often Do You Clean Your House?

United States
April 15, 2011 7:51pm CST
Growing up I always had to clean as my chores, and clean everywhere. Every week the whole house whould be done. So that meant that the bathrooms would get cleaned atleast once a week, the floors would get hoovered atleast once a week and so on. Well now I am out on my own, I hardly ever feel like cleaning. I keep up with the kitchen, but for the rest of the house I only clean when it looks dirty. I hate cleaning but I know it has to be done. I just can't bring myself to do the whole house once a week like I was brought up. Especially now I hardly find time to eat and get dressed let a lone keep my house up to date... How often do you clean your home?
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22 responses
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
16 Apr 11
I do a little bit of cleaning everyday. It is sorta a never ending process. I am a stay at home mom, and my three year old is very active. So I am always picking up after her, sweeping, mopiing, doing laundry, doing dishes, dusting, and starting at the beginning again. I also have a 2 month old so I only get to clean in spurts. That is why I do a little bit of cleaning everyday. Dishes every day is a must for me though because I cook a lot at home, and I always have bottles to clean. There are days though when I just don't feel like doing nothing, like today. I simply picked up the house and am relaxing with my girls. My great grandma always said why worry about it, it will be there tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. :)
• United States
16 Apr 11
And she was right... the dishes from last night are still in my I go about like this too, a little at a time. My 6 month old is very time consuming, teething and wanting my always, so I get 20-30 mins when he takes a nap which is about 3 times a day.
@dodo19 (47305)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
16 Apr 11
Well, my husband and I try to keep our apartment as clean as we can. We don't clean it every day all the time, but whenever it needs a good cleaning, we'll do it and, at least, make it look nice. Not necessarily perfect, but at least make it look nice.
• United States
16 Apr 11
Yeah thats how I am... Although it always seams like theres something else that can still be cleaned.
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
16 Apr 11
Once a week. In fact I am going to clean today. It's raining so I'm not going anywhere.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
3 Jun 11
Hi. abbiemaldonado. I clean up my house really good once a week. I wash the dishes daily. Me or my husband will wash them. I make sure that my home is presentable so that if someone was to happen to come by, it would be very clean inside. I don't like my house to be nasty. But the strangest thing is usually that when I think that my house is messy, other people don't seem to think so.
@nj_1022 (251)
16 Apr 11
We clean room everyday, that is to clear things and put stuff in their proper places so not invite ants and roaches as we have kids. The other parts of the house we clean as needed. But the floor should always be kept clean. The bathroom should also be clean everytime and the kitchen. But we do general cleaning every two to three weeks.
@Matpunk85 (1066)
• Italy
16 Apr 11
I live with roomate so we clean part of the house every week. So the house is clean every week. Obviously some parts of the house became dirty easily and quickly so if we see a lot of dirty we clean it twice a week.
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
16 Apr 11
I dont hate cleaning.. but i dont really get time to clean.. even tho i do has a maid that cleans my apartment, but my room is a mess, the desktop needs to be organised, my bookshelf is a mess, mah beed looks weird too lol. so i guess its obvious i dont clean my room very often
• Philippines
16 Apr 11
Honestly, as much as I would like to clean my house daily, I AM LAZY!!! In my mind I must get up and start cleaning the house. It is easy to clean the house coz it's such a small place, what I hat is the dust. I just wiped everything after 5 mins here it is again. I know the more I should clean the house daily because of the dust. But seeng the dust again after cleaning makes me feel so frustrated and angry. But can't do anything about the dust. It's nature and our location is full of dust.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
16 Apr 11
I cleaned the house every day. I sweep, mop, clean windows, clean the kitchen every day. My tub cleaning, twice a week. I have to make sure, my house was always clean and tidy.
@libramie (562)
• Philippines
16 Apr 11
Everyday,because cleaning the house also helps burn out fats.I want to reduce my weights.I want also to see my house clean every time I went home so that my mind relax.
• Vietnam
16 Apr 11
Hi. I rarely clean my house because it's a small house. And my house doesn't have much dust so I don't need to hoover it. And I usually use towel to clean the floor and things like table, shelf, chair, etc
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
16 Apr 11
For Me my house is pretty much only my room but still I dont clean it regularly. I mean I clean it like once a week but the next day it g et s back to its messy state again. I dont know whats wrong but I seriously think theres soething in my room that likes making my room messy Lol
16 Apr 11
We clean our house every other day but the kitchen I do it everyday because it is where we store foods so I make sure its clean, I clean the bathroom once or twice a week if we have visitors.
@Jo1272 (49)
• United States
16 Apr 11
I clean my home every other day. we have seven cats we take care of and spoil rotten so you can imagine all the cat hair! I need to clean the house this way to keep the dust down as well that is why the old saying a womans work is never done
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
16 Apr 11
Well we are a small family so thankgod the house doesnt get messy hardly.So we clean the house about once a week.Its different for my room however I have to clean it like twice a week..I have to much stuff.
@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
16 Apr 11
General cleaning of our house is once a week, sweeping and mopping the floor is everyday.
@sashakiddo (1102)
• United States
16 Apr 11
I hardly ever clean! Maybe once every three weeks at most. It's very shameful, but I don't make much of a mess anyway. The trash and the bathtub are the only thing I really make sure to take care of. I guess this habit of not cleaning will have to change once I leave college. In the meantime, I'll keep making excuses that I'm too busy.
@kfroman (86)
• United States
16 Apr 11
I'm really bad about cleaning too. Now that I'm out on my own, I usually just clean when I need to. However, I found out that I feel better when I'm surrounded by a clean house. So, I usually blast the radio and set a timer for about 30 minutes, then clean as fast as I can. When the 30 minutes are up, I'm done! It doesn't have to be perfect, but making it a game definitely makes cleaning more fun. :)
• Argentina
16 Apr 11
Every single day. I wake up at the morning, I take a breakfast, and then to clean my house. I try to keep my house really clean all the time, and once a month I make a deep cleaning. I just can't be without cleaning my house, I love to see everything perfectly clean and good smelling. I'm on every detail, and often, I have fights with my mom and sister because they're not as clean as I am and they can't keep the house clean as I do. I'm very annoying with this issue.
• United States
16 Apr 11
There are days where my nephews come and together with my son woow, they truelly do make me work triple then normal. I have to clean up the house from 3-5times a day, specially if toys are involved or food! Wish I had a maid and i was rich lol jk...wouldnt hurt tho! xD