What was that?

Sleep - Sleep Sleep
South Korea
April 16, 2011 7:17am CST
Last night as I was sleeping I suddenly woke up because I felt really uncomfortable. I opened my eyes and try to move but I couldn't move at all. It was as if something was holding me or was on me so I couldn't move. I tried hard to move and call my sister but my voice wouldn't come. But I tried hard and broke free from whatever that was. Anyway what was that?? Has it ever happened to you before?? This wasn't the first time it happened to me, actually it happens quite often and while it does happen, it scares the hell out of me. I asked my mom but she says it's just some nerves or whatever and it happens to her sometimes too. And I asked my friends too and one of them was like it's a dead person sleeping on top of me!!! What actually was that??
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43 responses
@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
16 Apr 11
Yea, it happened to my sister before, a couple of times. I think it's just a nightmare that you are having. So, don't worry to much. Sometimes prayers do help, so pray first before you go to bed.
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• South Korea
16 Apr 11
I don't think that's just a nightmare because it feels so real =( And it's not just once. It has happened to me many times. I seriously don't know what that is. It scared the hell out of me but I somehow forget about it soon, until it happens again.
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
I have experienced that before too. I had a bad dream, a very scary dream. It was like someone was running after me but I could move. I also tried to shout but no voice came out. I was struggling so hard. Then I woke up, perspires and so tired. I asked my mom and she said it was just a bad dream and maybe I failed to say my prayers before going to bed. Since then, I never failed to pray before going to pray before sleeping. At my age now, I was told that it was a card problem. At that point I must have been sleeping in apnea. But my body translated it to a bad dream. I am not sure if it was right though.
• South Korea
24 Apr 11
Thanks for the share.
• China
17 Apr 11
I also experienced that many times when I was a kid,it seened a dream,but really not.And I had ever asked my grandma,she just told me not to put my hand on the precordia,but I used to forget her word so that the same thing happened later now and then.After I grew up,I didn't undergo it any more.
• China
17 Apr 11
...it seemed...
• China
20 Apr 11
It means "wind",the part of the chest!
• South Korea
19 Apr 11
Hey thanks for the share but what is precordia?
• United States
16 Apr 11
That happened to me a long time ago when I was young and it was so scary I mean the same thing and I asked my mother if she heard me call her and she said she didn't hear anything and when I woke up the refrigdearator door was open and no one had been in the kitchen at all!! I think it is some kind of a ghost, I couldn't move either and it was like something was holding me down and I could not move at all it has happened to me twice it is very strange it happened to me when I was younger, but not since then.
• South Korea
16 Apr 11
OMG I really hope and wish that thing (whatever it is) not to be a ghost. What is that actually??? I'm glad it doesn't happen to you these days. It happens to me quite often =(
• United States
16 Apr 11
It is strange and I really don't know what it is but all I can think of is a ghost!! Don't mean to scare you but what else could it could be?
• South Korea
17 Apr 11
I have no explanation but some of the users here say it's sleep paralysis. I had never heard of it before but it might be that.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
17 Apr 11
that sounds super freaky but oddly enough your not the first person I heard complain about that.I dont wanna say its a spirit or anything but I cant help but wonder..Time to take out the ol bible ^___^" and hopefully its nothing medical. seriously tho may want to talk to your doctor about that.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
27 Apr 11
your welcome.I had a friend that had the same issue as you.i imagine you were scared..i mean i would be..so hopefully a trip to the doctors will fix all. goodluck.
• South Korea
27 Apr 11
Hey thanks for the advice. If it happens once more again, I'm going to the doctors. Thanks.
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
16 Apr 11
Aren't you dreaming? I mean a nightmare maybe?? Gosh, that was really scary. I was just watching that on movies and never thought would happen in real life. Well, my Mom told me a story before that she can't move her body and some big monster was holding her and keeping her from moving. I think that was a nightmare. Maybe you should free your mind of bad things or don't think too much while you're in bed so that when you sleep, only good things remain. Hope you'll be okay with your sleep soon.
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
16 Apr 11
Um, try to think of happy moments then. Or listen to soft music to relax your mind. If still happens, try to seek some professional advice. Hope everything will be just fine.
• South Korea
17 Apr 11
Thanks. I hope everything gets better too.
• South Korea
16 Apr 11
I don't think it was a nightmare. I mean it might be a nightmare once but it happens to me often =( I really wish it was just a nightmare but I somehow don't think it was. I normally don't think of anything bad or scary before sleeping. I really don't know what that is. I wish it'd just leave me alone =(
• United States
17 Apr 11
There is a medical term for this Its called Sleep Paralysis and it can be absolutely terrifying I had it happen to me 3 times, You cant move, You cant yell for help and you feel as something else is in the room with you. I pray its the only thing to do and it eventually lets me go. Doctors will brush this off as sleep paralysis, But I think its much more. If it happens to you pray to Jesus and Padre Pio
• South Korea
19 Apr 11
Hey thanks for the share. the experience is pretty scary i know :( I hope it never happens again. have a good day.
• United States
19 Apr 11
No Problem at all, I am happy I could share my experience with you. When it happen to you did you feel like something else was in the room with you while it was taking place? Like I said, Doctors will write this off as sleep paralysis, wiki it. Others say, Its a demon sitting on you, very scary stuff and stuff not to mess with. I was scared when it happen every single time and the last time it happen at our last apartment was the worst. Its a little too personal and I don't want to freak anyone out by what happen to me, Thankfully it only happen once. All 3 Times it lasted for maybe 30-50 seconds but it feels like a life time, Like I said the best thing and your only option is to pray.
• South Korea
24 Apr 11
I don't know. It felt like my head was inside some transparent plastic bag or something. I could see but things were blur and there was a weird noise that was really close to my ear, like the rustling noises of a plastic bag. I don't know but I don't want to believe it was a demon sitting on top of me
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
20 Apr 11
That sounds quite terrifying and i hope it never happens to me. Actually, I've never heard of that experience and I think i would be asking my doctor for advice. All the best.
• South Korea
28 Apr 11
Hey thanks. if it happens again I'll be sure to visit my doctor. But according to mylot users here, it's some condition called sleep paralysis and it actually matches my description perfectly.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Apr 11
hi thatgirl wow that does sound scary.i do hope it never happens to me.I have read about it.its called sleepparalysis. I never have experienced this but sounds like I am lucky. I did wake one night to find I had been walking in my sleep and woke hanging on to the bookcase I had dreamed I was sorting out books and putting them in alphabetical order., Of course all I was doing was just sleep walkig. my theory on your scare is that your body was still not out of the dream state and was totally relaxed. I can understand how frightening it was.
• South Korea
17 Apr 11
Yep it was very frightning. But I have never sleepwalked. I find it scary too though. I had this cousin of mine. She once sleep walked to the kitchen and was boiling water I didn't see it though, her mom told us. It's so scary things like these happen. Anyway thanks for the share and have a wonderful day.
• Argentina
16 Apr 11
Sleep Paralysis? I didn't know about this, I'm going to Wikipedia now.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
I was in that situation before. In my province we call that incident “nabatibat” The Batibat or Bangungot is a vengeful demon found in Ilocano folklore. These demons were blamed as the cause of the fatal nocturnal disease called bangungot or night mares. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batibat It happened to me twice. And I can still remember it. There were small black shadowed people each holding my arms and legs and they were holding me back from my bed when I was fighting to get myself up. I was trying to shout but no words came from my mouth. I was really wide awake, my brain was telling me to get up but my body would not follow. It took me awhile before I finally get myself up to bed. And when I woke up I was breathing heavily. I was thinking, if I haven’t wakened, would I still be here now sharing this experience?
• South Korea
28 Apr 11
OMG that is really spooky!! I have had this experience many times but not once have I seen anyone around me or anything around me except for some weird noise like some plastic bag rustling. It's like my head is inside some plastic bag and my arms and legs, literally the whole body is glued to the bed. And I use all my strength and can finally break free. Then I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. It's really creepy. Anywya thanks for the share. I hope it never happens to anyone again. A good day to you!!
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I had a dream years ago that was just like that, I could not move, I could not talk and I could not open my eyes. I decided in my dream to just go with it and stop fighting. I eventually woke up, sweating and I was okay.
• South Korea
28 Apr 11
I don't like to call it a dream coz it happens quite often and I am very much aware of what is happening around me. I can see and I can hear things but the only thing is I can't move. It's scary and I hope it never happens again. Anywya thanks for the share. HAve a wonderful day.
• India
18 Apr 11
Hi thatgirl13, that is indeed a very spooky experience. I once had an experience similar to it, but it happened while I was walking!! I was a trainer back then and we used to go out of our company capus to a small tea stall in the evenings. One night around 8 pm I was walking back towards our office with a couple of my trainees. All of a sudden I stood on one spot and was unable to move or walk or even lift my hand. It was as if someone had stuffed a huge foam inside my mouth and ears, and when that feeling lifted after a few seconds my trainees were also looking at one another and were real scared. So we three had the same experience and what was worse, there were so many other people walking around us at the same time but none had experienced it. What explanation was given to us by many people was that tehre are indeed lot of spirits walking around everywhere. They don't really care about us or out to harm or contact us. Its just that by chance we happened to cross each others' paths and that is what we experienced. I think what yopu experienced was something of that sort! There are just so many wierd things that are beyond the realms of scientific explanations.
• South Korea
27 Apr 11
Wow what happened to you was really strange too. Mine was a bit different but yeah it might have been similar. Yep there are so many things in this world that cannot be explained and it scares the crap out of me :(
@kheydia (882)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
Well, it happened to me always before and somehow i am used to it, but i do not want to have experienced it becuase you know the feeling don't you?.. well, in our dialect it is called "urom" i forgot the english term of it.. I will post it if ever i will find it or remember's the word.
@kheydia (882)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
yeah i know, i do sometimes experience it, but i will just pray that relax, because the more i try to resist and get panic the more i will feel losing breath. and i would just say, if i will die, then i die...
• South Korea
19 Apr 11
Yes the feeling is so uhhhh... it's hard to explain and pretty freaky :( I hope we don't experience this again. let's just hope. Have a good day.
@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
It happens when you are too tired and immediately lie down to sleep. Your physical body is too tired to move during sleep. It has been my experience as if having a nightmare, once you are in it do not panic since your mind is awake and only your body is numb, try to slowly move one finger of yours,then follow next until you can move your hand and immediately have a deep breath to force yourself to stand. Usually when you do not rest yourself in thinking and trying to look for a help, it will also lead to heart failure and so be careful if you have heart trouble.
• South Korea
28 Apr 11
Hey thanks for the share. I never knew it could be fatal :( It's scary and I wish and hope it never happens to me again. Anywya thanks for the share and have a wonderful day.
@axlrate7 (1398)
• Philippines
16 Apr 11
Yes, I experienced that too. It's like there's someone who hold me in my back and I can't move and I can't open my even though I want to. I really don't know what's that too and it's still mystery to me right now. I'm sorry I can't give you the information that you want but we had the same experience. :)
• South Korea
16 Apr 11
Exactly. But I can open my eyes, but can't speak no matter how hard i try to scream. It's spooky =(
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@axlrate7 (1398)
• Philippines
16 Apr 11
It scared me too on that time... That happened to me twice, but I don't want it to happen again to me.. :'
@gtdonna (1738)
17 Apr 11
I have read everyone comment and while Doctors 'think" they have a medical term for what has happened to you, as they do everything, somethings are just too weird to even calssify for the term "sleep paralysis". How can so many people, myself included, be fully awake, see around us, see literal presence, feel the 'thing' holding us down, feel the weight of whoever is on top of us and even feel what they may be doing to us and yet if it was a dream, why do we get marks and bruises in unreachable places at times we won't or can't even reach or think to harm ourself like that? It's scary to say the least, but in this world that we live in there is so much unknown. I would say, just say a prayter if you are spiritual before going to bed, cleaning out your room helps too. My Grandmother say, if your bedroom is dirty, it is more attracting to those kind of presence because of the dirt.
• South Korea
24 Apr 11
OMG you totally reminded me of something. While I was little, I used to wake up in the morning finding blue marks on my body sometimes. And it hurt if I pressed it. I have absolutely no idea what those were. Not it's giving me second thoughts
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
17 Apr 11
Id go to a doctor and ask him. Tell him about everything you feel and ask him to explain what it is. Sounds like whatever it is your mother has the same condition. Dont worry about what your friend is saying there is a reasonable explaintion im sure.
• South Korea
24 Apr 11
Hey thanks. I'll definitely go to the doctors if it happens again. Thanks.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I have had drinks like that! Not in a along time but it has happen! It scares the crap out of me,too! I have no idea why it happens! I also have had a similiar dream were someone is on me and I dream I am yelling to get this person off of me! Then I wake up scared out of my wits and it takes me awhile to try and get back to sleep! Scarey dreams are not fun at all!
• South Korea
27 Apr 11
Yep it;s no fun. And while it happens, it gives me all those random scary thoughts and I can't go back to sleep again. Anyway thanks for the share. I really hope we don't have to go through this scary stuffs again. Thanks.
@millertime (1394)
• United States
17 Apr 11
Wow, that sounds really strange. The only thing I can think of is the fact that when people are dreaming, there is something in our brains that disable our muscles. This "safety mechanism" prevents people from actually physically acting out there dreams and possibly causing themselves physical harm. They can't move or even speak, which is exactly what you describe. Maybe in your case, or others that this happens to, there is a delay in the "waking up" of the part of the brain that does this. You physically wake up but the safety mechanism in your brain hasn't released your muscles yet. That's what it sounds like anyway. Maybe talk to your doctor and see if there is any record of it in the medical journals.
• South Korea
24 Apr 11
hey thanks. it's something called sleep paralysis which is exactly what you've described here. i came to know about it from some helpful users here. anywya thanks.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
17 Apr 11
It is noting it may be effect a dream which was you see when you sleeping. Don't take so serious. Forget it.
• South Korea
19 Apr 11
Thanks for the reponse. Have a agood day.
17 Apr 11
it could be a ghost or entity or something like that. if it happened to me i would go and see someone that has some experience with things like this.
• South Korea
19 Apr 11
Thanks but I've come to know it's nothing as such. Something called sleep paralysis which is absolutely normal. Thanks anyway.