Why some people takes more time for bathing

April 17, 2011 1:32am CST
I know bathroom is calm place and many people think about full day activity in bathroom. What can do? How can do? all these questions are in their mind. I also think about my full day activity in bathroom. Where will go? How can teach today to my student? etc. But inspite of this I have not takes more time than 15 minutes. But my husband takes more time at least half an hour for bathing and they takes more water lot of buckets, at least 2 to 3 buckets water. When I said ohhhhhh how time spend in bathroom and how water takes they said ohhhhh don't worry in our boring more water is there. In our country more people faces water problems then stay on que even a single bucket water. So I think water saving is necessary. So friend you faced this problem from any family members or in your house no problems of water and what you think water saving is necessary or not. Share your valuable thoughts to say my hubby.
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21 responses
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
oooh, I'm one of those people who takes an hour or so to finish a shower, and longer if its in a bathtub...I'm lucky enough that I live in a place where there is no water shortage...
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
15 May 11
Yes marapplestiffy, there is no water shortage over here either. This is what I am so grateful of, because I love taking showers.
• India
16 Sep 12
Ohhh God mara you also take more time for bathing like my hubby. No water shortage means good thing but 1 hour is more in bathroom aha...
• China
17 Apr 11
every time before i go to shower, i do not want to spend much time in the bathroom because i am lazy and i think it is a waste of timing and water as you said. but when i am in the shower, it is so comfortable and makes me forget the time. so i always spend much time in bathroom than i expected.
• India
17 Apr 11
Thanks to put your response friend ohhhh really nice habit not waste time in bathroom and dont worry my friend your number will increase your discussion and responses is less so your number is less with in one month you can reach near 500 then you cannot face this problem of submission.
• China
17 Apr 11
hey,dear friend. you read about my discussion,hehe . it is so nice of you. yes, i do not want to waste too much time and water in the bathroom. it is not a good habit. and besids that, i think i am lazy ,hehe. but you know sometimes it is very comfortable when taking a shower.
• India
18 Apr 11
Ohhhhh friend sorry hahaha your write you spend more time in bathroom and you feel more comfortable in shower so forget the time hmmmmmmm this is not good habit.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
17 Apr 11
How many time some one want to live in bathroom is depend on the habit of individual one and it is a personal thing. It is matter between you and your husband so handle mutually but I under stand why you write it. You are aware about the problem of water. It is duty of every one to save water as much as possible. I am from rajathan so I know the value and importance of water.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
18 Apr 11
I am not annoyed on your discussion. I know your aim is fair to right it. Every one should be understand the importance water. I am from area where asitation for water is common thing. I want you start a compaion to save water.
• India
17 Apr 11
Ohhhhhh friend why you are annoyed on my discussion this is not personal I am telling only example of my husband and I want to know the water problem is everywhere or only in India or only in some small town so I am write this discussion. Thanks for sharing your view.
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• India
17 Apr 11
Dear Surekha Toilet is the best place as you say for thinking, planning etc, provided no body is there to disturb by knocking the door. My home has four toilets, it is needed when all are there, now we are just four here, so one member can use one, no disturbance at all, ha ha, one can sing too. Thanks for sharing Cheers. God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. .
• India
17 Apr 11
I said it is needed if ALL are here, all means my son, his wife, grandkids, some times my daughter, her hubby her kids are here, it has 3 bed rooms, one guest room, all with attached toilets About water i have a very big over head tank on roof or 3rd floor, i have 3 connections from PHD water supply, i pay around 500 PM for water only Professor ‘Bhuwan’. .
• India
17 Apr 11
Thanks sir to put your view really my husband was also saying me the toilet is a good place to thinking and no disturbing but four toilets in one house really I am laughing. But please tell me sir this discussion is not good and anyone can rebuse it. I submit this discussion only wants to know water saving is necessary or not and water problem is only in India or other country also. I am asking you this because one mylotter friend saying in her response that this is a personal question.
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• United States
17 Apr 11
I do take an awful long time in the bathroom, because I like to shower, shave my arms and legs often. But I don't have the water running constantly, I don't like to waste, although here we do not have a shortage of water, that I am aware of. When I use to own a home my water bill was a flat rate of $21 per month, and with it being the three of us I don't believe we wasted, although it was not a true concern. My daughter is a quick bather, but my son is like me where he spends a long time in the bathroom as well.
• United States
17 Apr 11
I will have to hard wood board cover all my windows here on in. lol
• United States
17 Apr 11
Peeper, lol
17 Apr 11
Taking more time for bathing is someone's hobby.but I don't agree to waste so much water.Saving water is necessary,everyone should think of it.If one of my family often wastes ,I will ask her or him stop doing it.
• India
17 Apr 11
Yes friend I am also tell my husband everytime dont waste lot of water only for bathing but they not heard. and thanks to say water saving is necessary and putting your response.
17 Apr 11
If he doesn't listen to you.You must limit his bathing time.
@youless (112898)
• Guangzhou, China
18 Apr 11
I think you are right. But sometimes having the bath is not only to clean the body, but also relax yourself. In fact I also have a bath for half an hour. When the warm water falls in my body, I feel comfortable. Especially if it is in winter, I may have the bath for a longer time. I love China
• India
18 Apr 11
Yes friend this is true some time we feel relax so we want to take more and more water. Specially not in winter but in summer. Ohh you feel in winter because warm water is there okkkk thanks for response.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
15 May 11
Hi. surekharathi. Some people enjoy relaxing while bathing. It gives them time to relax and just let all of their worries go away too. Many people other personal things that I may never know. I know that I take up to 25 minutes in the bathroom. This includes washing my face, brushing my teeth and taking a shower. I like to make sure that I am very clean before I put on all of my clothes.
• India
16 Sep 12
Hmmm relaxing body is good but more time relaxing is not good 15 to 20 minutes is sufficient one hour or more is not good.
• India
17 Apr 11
hai frnd:) it depends on different people and their wish so it's personal about to them about that
• India
17 Apr 11
Yes friend this is depend upon people but water saving is good idea or not and time saving also good or not. share your view Thanks for sharing your response.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
hello friend, My youngest son took a bath 5x in a day now that is summer and weather is quiet hot. My water bill would surely soar high this month until the next. I spend taking a bath at least 15 mins..but if rushing,can took it for 5 mins hahahaa. Yes,we have to save water...
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
don't worry about my photo dear... i keep changing a lot... this photo is taken in my hometown...a very nice place to visit
• India
17 Apr 11
ohhh friend your water bill is increased this month so sad. You changed your profile photo the previous photo was good. Thanks for sharing your view.
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• Mexico
17 Apr 11
Hi sure kharathi: You are so right. Water is so important and at the same time there are so many people that don't have the priviledge to use it. It's a blessing and it's important for life. I think people takes so many time bathing because they find a place to feel relaxed, they are in total privacy so they just lose the notion of time but there are so many other relaxing activities to do. I just take like 10-15 minutes for bathing. ALVARO
@umabharti (3972)
• India
17 Apr 11
hi, this is a personal question.what anyone would do in the bathroom.Some use more water some use less ,its the requirement we cant put a hold on to it.Two three buckets is ok to use for bath not more than that.Its hygeine all that matters .Many women for washing and other household use lot of water..., now we cant find men to be the persons only who waste water .We are all responsible for saving water.Definetly we should all be carefull and think of the future if not we should learn how to change sea water to drinking water like Saudi people do ..
• India
17 Apr 11
Ohhh friend sorry this is a personal questions but I am putting this discussion only wants to know the water problem is everywhere or only in India or wants to water saving is necessary to all over country or only in India then you will rebused my this discussion okkkk no problem.
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
Maybe your husband is scrubbing all over his body that's why he is taking it so long to bath. My husband is also like that especially in this season of summer here in our country. But I make sure that he will only consume 2 pails of water or else he will have to fetch water from the faucet outside our home. I can only last around 10 to 20 minutes inside the bathroom using only a pail of water. Water price here in our place is quite costly so we have to limit bathing time.
• India
17 Apr 11
Hmmmmmmm then our husband habit is same hahaha but my husband takes more time not only in summer season but also in winter season and our habit is same because I am also spending only 10 to 20 minutes for bathing. Thanks for response
@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
17 Apr 11
I always take a quick shower and I don't like to spend to much time in there. We shouldn't be wasting too much water. The weather is very humid here these days, so we tend to take lots of shower but just a quick one.
• India
17 Apr 11
Nice habit it means you save time and water both. Thanks to put your response.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
17 Apr 11
I don't take too long to take my bath. Within 10 minutes I am already out of the bathroom. I don't understand why people spend so long taking their shower. Maybe some people just like to soak themselves in the bathtub and start building castle in the air.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Apr 11
hi surekharathi I take a half hour but we have an over abundance of water and we have running water so do not measure by buckets,you must be in India. I do take care not to waste water but like I say we do have hot and cold running water. Whats with the bucket thing? do yo not have indoor plumbing? I take a shower to relax and to get clean and often sing in the shower too. I live in the US and in the state of Sou thern California.We are so lucky to have plenty of water and power too. GodBloess America.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
17 Apr 11
Well, you are right. I sued to read the morning newspaper there. I have to confess I spend too much time taking a bath too. Now that I'm back in Manila Philippines, the weather here is hot, not warm today but hot. I plan to take a longer shower before I go to bed. For me its not really to clean my body anymore because I take a bath every day. I enjoy soaking myself in soap and water and then staying longer in the water. I know we will have higher bill rates but this summer of my goodness, need to take longer baths. Another reason is that its dusty too. I commute going around town or sometimes walk so definitely I am dirty. hehehe. Its better to be clean and refreshed that being irritated because you feel hot or uneasy. Smelling fresh and feeling cool is so comforting. &(^._.^)&
• United States
17 Apr 11
Hi there, In America I will admit we definitely take the usage of water for granted, When There are countries who dont even have clean water to DRINK, Let alone bathe In. I usually take pretty quick showers, In The Shower I brush my teeth, Use Dental Floss and Mouth Wash, Shave and Shampoo my Hair and use Soap... Wash Myself Off and I am Done. Figure 10, Sometimes 15 minutes. I know your thinking wow thats a really long time, But Theres loads of people who take 45-1 Hour Showers and Baths. Take It Easy Surekharathi and Be Safe... Your Friend, Larry
@arunadas (111)
• India
17 Apr 11
AH i can relate to this a lot :) Summer times are so bad that we literally have to 'buy' water. That is from a private supplier who brings it in a tanker and fills our water tanks. So for everyone at home it is a quick shower and save water as much as possible but my sisters used to spend a lot of time in the bathroom and when we were all staying in the same place and had school/College at the same time my mum used to tear her hair in frustration because of the constant fights we had but now both my sisters are married and one of them still gets to spend more time in the bathroom and peacefully at that because its only she and her husband :) at home it is sooooooo boring without all the fights and screaming!! But my brother and me manage to create as much hungama as we can and our cat too joins us most times! the moment brother and me get into a fight my cat will start meowing at the top of his voice and mum will keep threatening to walk out of the house!!
17 Apr 11
Hello it takes me an hour to get out of the bathroom but I don't take a lot of water because I sing a lot of times than pouring water over my body haha! bdw, we do need to conserve water whether your rich or most esp. poor this is not a call for help to those who are in need of water but this is a call of help from nature.