What would you do if you discover your kid is gay?
@lipstick2009 (1236)
April 17, 2011 5:35am CST
I think when you are a mother , you would accept it and just try to understand your kid and be happy with whatever makes your kid happy and comfortable.
But men, fathers, brothers, uncles, male friends seldom accepts this truth with an open mind right away.Some would eventually and some wouldn't at all, in which case just makes it more difficult for the gay child to adapt to his or her surroundings.
I think there is more awareness nowadays that being gay is not a disease.There is lesser resistance and more acceptance.
What is you stand on this?
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19 responses
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
As a mother,i will accept my child and even support him for what he is.
My kid needs me more this time,coz the society will surely despise him.
Thu gays are now accepted in the society,but still there are few moralists (so called) that condemned gays.
No one wants to be a gay,it's not their fault and the more criticism they received ,the more pain they have to bear.
So,in this case,i will always be there to support and fight for my kids right...gays are also human,normal humans.
For father's,uncles and brothers...if they count gays are a humiliation,they have to asks themselves first...are they perfect and never done anything wrong to judge their relatives/brother/sons who are gay/s?
It's easy to judge others,but,it's hard to accept when someone judge us.
So,don't judge so you will not be judge....those who think that gays are bad...judge themselves first.
Not all gays are bad,sometimes it is the society that turns a gay become a bad person.
My opinion...no offense meant

@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
19 Apr 11
Being gay is not a disease but surely living a gay life does not please God. So if I discover my son is a gay then I will do everything to help him change and be a real man as God created and wanted him to be. That is not impossible. I've seen many cases of that sort.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
19 Apr 11
Dreamer, it is better to make him unhappy while being reformed rather than for me let him just go to hell!
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
20 Apr 11
What God created homosexuals? He created them as men not homosexuals. Sad to note that you have a very wrong perception of Creation. Go and read the right version of the Bible not the Bible of the gay people please. In the Book of Genesis when God created human, He first created Adam, a man; and then a woman named Eve. He did not create a homosexual. Homosexuality is a product of the sinfulness of men and anything sinful God rejects and so I reject and neither support as well.
Now let me please remind you that you rather be the one to search and examine the version of the Bible you are using. It may be the version that deleted and added words from the Bible so that their own version will conform with the world. God hates conformity with the world for He said should not be conformed with the world. (Romans 12:2- And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Those who changed the Bible by adding and deleting will certainly earn punishment from God. I am not the one saying this but the Bible in Revelation 22:19-19:
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

@titchy1231 (732)
18 Apr 11
if my son/daughter told me they were gay i would be surprised at first but i wouldnt dissown them or anything. i would tell them i love them no matter what. being gay is getting more and more acceptable
@EstiiBabii (685)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I think if my child was gay I would be surprised and shock but I would deal with it and be supportive. As long as my child is happy then I'm all good. Thank God, we don't belong to back in those days when it was hard to be gay and so much discrimination to it, so I don't have to worry about my child.
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@xujiangpeng (8)
• China
17 Apr 11
I would like to say, it is very very hard to stop your child from being whatever he wants to be. At least you might try to change it only if this really concerns you, but as long as you find it is of no help and antipathy, it is the right time to give up and back him up.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 Apr 11
I think that male relations feel a bit threatened by a gay family member. As it is genetic, that means the family genes carry the traits of homosexuality. That must be a bit difficult for some men to take. Males in times past were very put off by gays.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
22 Apr 11
I should have added that if either of my two grown up daughter professed to be gay and took a lover I would be quite uncomfortable. If any of my grandchildren were gay Zi would be uncomfortable. I am not saying I would stop loving them or shun them in any way but I would not like it.
@Galena (9110)
18 Apr 11
I think that if you reject your own flesh and blood over something they can't help, then you're not fit to call yourself family.
if someone is gay, it doesn't change who they are. they are still the same person.
the only difference is that they will have to face up to ignorant people that much more in their life, and need more support and love to help them through it.
if you treat your child any differently if they turn out to be gay, then you need to ask yourself why, and get over it.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I don't believe that women are any more accepting of homosexuality than men are. I believe that it has to do with how you are raised, religious beliefs, and general knowledge on the matter. As you have said, people understand more about homosexuality than before.
@Galena (9110)
18 Apr 11
you're probably right about that.
but a lot of men are prone to taking it personally if the fruit of their oh so manly loins turns out to be gay. they think it reflects on their masculinity.
which is ridiculous. a gay man is no less of a man than a straight one, so why would that make his father less of a man to have raised one.
@Galena (9110)
18 Apr 11
oddly people in general don't seem AS bothered by lesbians. well, not so offended. which is strange.
I think most men would respond better to a gay daughter than a gay son. but women I think would be likely to respond the same if the gay child was male or female, whatever that reaction might be.
people are odd like that.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
18 Apr 11
But we aren't only talking about gay men are we or lesbians as well? So are men only less accepting if their gay child is a boy? If the child is a girl, are men still less likely to be accepting than women? If not, then why would a mother not be less likely to accept a gay daughter? Do they feel that that negatively reflects on their femininity? Oh wow, I just realized that that was all questions. :)

@mercedlegurpa (955)
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
I'm a mother and although my son is not gay, I think I'll try my best to support a gay person. I do not discriminate gays; in fact I have friends who are gays too. The best way for a mother to have a gay kid is to take him to a doctor and find out if his egg hormones are of greater level or of normal level. If the level is not normal, then we cannot do something about it. He's surely belongs to the female genre. What we can do is to support him. Tell him about moral values; making him a productive person.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
19 Apr 11
Well i doubt i will ever have kids when I am older but yea I would have a hard time accepting that.I mean if i was a mom i would kinda expect a lovely women to accompany my son. and a great guy to be with my daughter.
Anyhoo I have the perfect solution!
I would just tape my children to the ceiling they would be so dizzy they would forget about what they were gonna do.

@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
18 Apr 11
That's one thing I imagine was better 'back in the good ol` days'---life was just 'eat, work, eat, sleep.' Or--as Jerry Seinfeld says--'We're just walkin` around lookin` around!' 

@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
18 Apr 11
No, being gay is definitely not a disease. A kid just needs a role model to show him/her how he/she should be when they grow up. Children tend to spend more time with their mother than with their father. Given a boy, if he spends too much time with his mother, he will tend to follow the ways of his mother. If a boy were to spend more time with his father who is his role model, he definitely will be straight when he grows up.
@Galena (9110)
18 Apr 11
well that's not true at all.
it's nothing to do with which parent they spend more time with.
and there's not anything you can do to make sure of your child "definitely" being straight.
by that logic, every boy that loses their mother will turn out straight, and every boy that loses their father will turn out gay.
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@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
18 Apr 11
You should read the book called "Bringing Up Boys" by Dr James Dobson. He did mention about this in his book.
If a boy losses his father, and only has his mother by his side, he will tend to follow his mother's ways as he doesn't have a male model to show him what boys are suppose to do.
If the boy doesn't have a father, then it is best to get him involved in activities such as the Boys Brigade where he can interact with boys/men.
Even if it is in the gene (which I don't believe so), then prevention should be taken at an earlier stage, don't you think so? Check out this article: www.landoverbaptist.org/news0704/homoprevention.html
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@Galena (9110)
18 Apr 11
landover baptist is actually a spoof site. it's mocking those sort of views. that article is quite funny actually.
you didn't actually think anyone out there thinks that liking hot dogs is a warning sign of awakening homosexuality did you?
I don't think I need to read a book by someone that knows so little about human sexuality that he thinks a mother can turn her son gay. and what exactly does he mean by following her ways? if mum sleeps with men he'll want to sleep with men too? what rubbish.

@jadeflowerjan (140)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
i think it is really hard to find out the truth if your son is gay. good for me that at his age, 6, he doesn't show any signs of being gay. hopefully he won't turn out gay, since we always bring him to church and he does the stuff that a normal straight kid would do. if, just in case, God forbid...i found out that he's gay, i will accept it openly and try to just understand him. accpetance is the key...
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
I think i do not want to discover my kid is gay. I might. Even want him t consider it again just to make sure that if knows himself well to be able to say that he is indeed. A gay person. Anyway if it is confirmed i guess i will have To accept the fact of his preference. If if is gay on matter how i beat him up, if won't change anyway. So i guess i will just accept him for who he. Is.
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
I'd try to influence him to change as much as I could but if everything fails, I'll just have to let go. And still love him as my son. Of course I can never change him by force, but at least I could help him clarify some issues, because maybe it's not that he feels he's gay by birth, but he's becoming gay because of an outside influence... but in the end, it will still be him, all by himself, that will discover the truth. and I'll still be his mother and support him and continue to pray for him.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
17 Apr 11

@mylabn (38)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
I don't think I can accept 100% the moment i found out ... or maybe it will take time to accept it. But of course, there's nothing I can do about it. I will not show disapproval, because he will just keep it from me, which will make my child suffer, emotionally and will not have his freedom to express his true self in front of his family. I would love him whatever he is.
@mylabn (38)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
I don't think I can accept 100% the moment i found out ... or maybe it will take time to accept it. But of course, there's nothing I can do about it. I will not show disapproval, because he will just keep it from me, which will make my child suffer, emotionally and will not have his freedom to express his true self in front of his family. I would love him whatever he is.