More Harry Potter?

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@zeloguy (4911)
United States
April 17, 2011 11:56am CST
There is talk that there may be more Harry Potter books coming out although JK Rowling first said she was finished and the last book was the hardest to write she now is saying she is "Open to Writing New HARRY POTTER Books". Even as an adult I got hooked on Harry Potter and would love to see the saga continue. Thanks... Zelo
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19 responses
@la_chique (1498)
17 Apr 11
Nooooo, please no!!!! Ok, I'm not a fan, but still there's writing a successful series and then theres milking it for the sake of it and ruining what you've created. She should just leave HP and concentrate on something else. Its not like she needs any more money anyway!
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
17 Apr 11
The reason she gave for it being so hard to write the 7th book was that she had to deal with adolescence and still make the book readable by children... my thoughts are that she didn't need the $$$ and there was no desire for her to write it to begin with in the first place. Zelo
• United States
17 Apr 11
Personally, I was never a Harry Potter fan. If there are no more Harry Potter books then I'd be totally fine with that. In fact, I find it preferable. I read the seven, and I don't hate them... but I'm not particularly fond of them either. But even when I do love a series, there's a point at which I think all series must come to an end. I don't like stories that feel like they're just going to go on forever, no matter how much I love the characters, the conflicts, or the worlds created. If Harry Potter continues then it's going to become one of those long-winded and seemingly never-ending stories. I would like it even less, but of course my opinion really doesn't matter. It's a mega-bestseller, and I'm certain lots of its fans would want to see it go on.
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I agree with you and I don't agree with you. My first real book read in my life was the Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks so I am very familiar with his work and to my surprise he keeps writing and writing. I dropped off after the first trilogy. So in the respect that things just get old. That one series cheapens another I can't agree with. I can't say that Frasier is less of a TV show because it was a spin-off of Cheers. Two insanely popular shows and two shows that had nothing to do with one another. The first show about a former baseball pitcher who can't drink but owns a bar and the other about a psychiatrist and his incredible quirks. Robert Jordan is another writer who keeps writing and writing from his Wheel of Time series and again I dropped off after the 5th or 6th book. I doubt that Rowling really has the desire to write another book (or set of books) and from what I can remember it was left tied up in a pretty tight knot... off to find more books to read! Thanks for a great opinion! Zelo
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I believe this SERIES is done. However... there were scenarios that were left wide open. First... Harry could become headmaster at Hogwarts (Ron & Hermione teachers, etc...) and there could be a new lead character that emerges or it could just be a continuation series. Second... what about the school from a foreign land that came by boat to visit Hogwarts? What was that? Where were they from? That is a whole series that could be independent of the Harry Potter series but more of a spin-off. Kinda how TV spin-offs work... the ones that come to mind are Laverne & Shirley (from Happy Days) The Jefferson's (from All in the Family) Frasier (from Cheers) Zelo
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• United States
18 Apr 11
I know very well what a spin-off is. I've read many spin-off book series myself. I wasn't doubting that there were ideas she could go with. I was doubting that the series (as a mega-series, which is what I call a series that has spin-offs and sequel series) would continue to be good if it just kept going, regardless of how she did it. There comes a point where saving the world gets old, where the next epic quest cheapens the first one, and the rules of magic start stepping on one another. I like some mega-series, like Shannara by Terry Brooks, The Circle by Ted Dekker, and Dragons in our Midst and Oracles of Fire by Bryan Davis... but all three are guilty of all of the above and it really cheapens them the longer they go on. I'm not into the Harry Potter franchise anyway. So if she writes more books I just don't know if I'd even read them, much less enjoy them.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
18 Apr 11
She would have to invent new enemies, but I think she's up to it. I would like to see if Harry became a member of the Wizarding "police" force.
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
18 Apr 11
What if he became the new headmaster of Hogwarts... that would be something that would start a new storyline. Thanks Zelo
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I don't see him becoming a teacher, or headmaster, he's more of an action type guy
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
18 Apr 11
I think more important than what H.P's future job is more important that they manage to keep the same stars if new books are turned into movies. There is nothing worse than Harry Potter being played by a completely different actor.
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@Bellapop (1279)
22 Apr 11
I really loved Harry Potter from the first book, but I noticed that gradually the quality of the content was becoming more washed out and diluted. I think perhaps with the time of many books that need to be released, the author had to make up something and put something on the page!
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
22 Apr 11
The seventh book was like that. She was pretty much forced to write the book and get it out on deadline. Her excuse is that she had problems writing for both adults/teens/children because Harry was getting older and how to you write about love and kissing and all that and have it still be a children's story. I figure she had so much money she didn't have the heart in it like she did with the others. The last book was the only one I was not satisfied with. Thanks. Zelo
@moirai (2853)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
Hmm... well, I'm not sure. Haha. =P I am a fan, yes. But maybe if there will be more books written, it shouldn't be centered on Harry anymore. Maybe something about the children/next generation, or some of the other characters in the books...
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
17 Apr 11
Can't agree more... read my above post and the one above that and I think you will see that you and I have the same ideas. Thanks... Zelo
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
3 May 11
I agree too--it would be too difficult to write about Harry, Ron & Hermione as adults and still keep the books suitable for kids, so she should focus on the next generation. From what I understand, she changed the ending of the series at the last minute (making it less "dark") and so left the door open for more books.
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
Yeah, i love harry potter series. I owned the first 4 books and have finished reading the last. Well, i hope its not the last. I wish that ms. Rowling will still write more series. I would like to read what will happen to ron and harry's kids versus draco's.
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
22 Apr 11
OH! That is a GREAT Idea that nobody has thought of until you thought of it. Does Harry marry a muggle and if so does his kids have powers? And if Ron marries a muggle (Hermione) then will they have powers and of course Draco's will be of pure-blood so they will have the most power... or so they think! Great great great Zelo
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I never got into the Harry Potter craze, although I will probably read them now that it is not the only thing going. I can see where a person writes a series and the characters become a part of her. It would be like having a child, they do not go away. The other thing is it was wildly successful and who does not like to have success? I say good for her if she has another book to write.
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I would expect it would not be another book but another spin-off series of another trilogy that can be read completely independent from the Harry Potter series now and geared for a narrower (and older) age range. Thanks! Zelo
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I always enjoyed the Harry Potter books and think that it would be great if she continued them. They were one book that as soon as I got them I couldnt put it down and stop reading. I am now an adult and don't read that much but I would defiantly find the time to enjoy a new harry potter.
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I think we all would. The characters from the books that were parts of the school of Hogwarts were getting old... who is to say that Ron, Hermione, and Harry don't become teachers (Harry the headmaster)? Additionally, there was a book where a group of students came from some foreign land... that is a complete spin-off that can be written there. And where was the oldest Weasley boy? There are multiple ways this could go. It could even be another writer if Rowling is not up for it. Zelo
• India
18 Apr 11
Even i would love to see the saga to continue. I have been a fan of harry potter and i broke my arm for trying to fly on a broomstick when i was little. I want to see more and i love that action. Maybe Harry potter's kids will have another story to do. I do want to see more wizardry and the Hogwarts school of witchcraft too. I love Quidditch matches and potions lessons and much more. I wonder how long would it continue... Cheers!
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
18 Apr 11
Oh I think there is SO much there (stories about muggles, stories about the mysteries of the other wizardry school that came to visit, the area that Ron's brother went to... a LOT of stuff). I doubt that it WILL continue but if it were to continue there's plenty of material to write about for sure. Thanks Zelo
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
17 Apr 11
I have read and seen the harry Potter series and it will be a shame for t to end but better to end it and leave it in everyones memories than go for over kill. The secret with all good things is to leave the public wanting more. As soon as more comes it is hard to live up to the originals. But, if it has to be done better that it is continued by JK Rowling than someone else take over and ry and cash in on it.
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
18 Apr 11
True that is... what makes some things great is that are the memories that they leave. Zelo
@misterMR (796)
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
I am really an avid reader of Harry Potter books, I remembered the times when I do not go to sleep in order to finish the last series, Deathly Hollows. But I guess the ending should be the ending. I hope there is no more sequel in Harry Potter. But if she wants to publish it, go ahead. I'd love to read it.
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I am of the same mindset. If it happens it happens and I'll read it. If it doesn't I'm not sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for the next rendition of Harry Potter to come out (like I was when the series was being written). Thanks Zelo
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
The Harry Potter story is one of the best I've ever read and watched. How about a prequel to Harry Potter like The Hobbit which is the prequel to the Lord of the Rings?
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
18 Apr 11
If there was a prequel it would have to focus on Hogwarts and not on Harry (remember he is told he is a wizard in the first book). There are flashbacks to the time of Tom Marvolo Riddle so I don't know if you could go there. Maybe somewhere in between there. Maybe back to the time when the teachers were students themselves. There were hints of that in books but not details. Thanks Zelo
• United States
18 Apr 11
If she does continue the franchise, I hope she's doing it for the love of the characters, and just not milking it for money. If she does continue, then great, but she needs to do this with the right intentions, that's all!
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I HIGHLY doubt it would be milking it for the money. She didn't even have the heart to write the last book and I presume it's because she didn't have the heart for it. She said the last one was the last one and then all of a sudden she comes out and says she's open for another. Not sure what that is all about but do agree it has to be done for the right reasons! Thanks Zelo
@Dunner17 (76)
• Canada
18 Apr 11
I dont't think she can write more Harry Potter books, the series is over. She would be stiring up a whole new plot line, and those books never turn out good.
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I think that is a very general statement and it depends if she actually WANTS to write or if she is writing for the joy of it. It would definitely not be for the money. Zelo
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I like the Harry Potter movies too and would like to see some more of them come out. I would eventually watch it as I am not much into watching a whole lot of shows these days.
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
18 Apr 11
From what I hear about the movies is they did #6 and #7 at the same time because the kids were getting too old to fill the parts in the book. The first of the two-part ending is out on Blu-Ray and the second is out like in December or something. Some of the Harry Potter movies have been fantastic and others I really could have passed on. Thanks Zelo
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I think it would be great to see the Harry Potter series continue. Harry Potter was the series of books that helped my son explore a new world of reading that might have otherwise been ignored.
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I am absolutely positive it got a lot more kids to sit down and read than would otherwise have done so... hands down. Zelo
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
18 Apr 11
I have personally not read any Harry Potter books. For me it is either way of there will be new Harry Potter books. But for those who loves to read them it can be good.
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
19 Apr 11
Yes I don't think the world will end either way. If there are more books than great if there are not then that is fine as well. Thanks Zelo
@ivane07 (76)
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
I am avid fan of Harry Potter. I started reading J.K.'s book since elementary and I never missed watching the movies in the big screen. I am already a college graduate but reading Harry Potter makes me me feel young again. I would really love to read the continuation of Harry's adventure.. :D
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
17 Apr 11
I believe there is a lot more to write and even make it kinda a spin-off series... he grows up and becomes headmaster or something like that but it's not part of the Harry Potter series per-se. A lot of science fiction writers have done that. Thanks, Zelo
• United States
22 Jun 11
I think that with the new announcement coming up this is a possible outcome. I also believe that if JKR were going to write more novels in the Harry Potter universe, they would most likely be an independent series that could be read alone and still make sense. Also, Harry as a protagonist is not really a viable option because of the Epilogue JKR has already written. Jo would need to come up with a whole new set of characters or maybe add details on some existing ones: ie write about Harry's parents' generation or Harry's kids' generation in another plot sequence. I don't really hold out hope for either of these outcomes though. JKR is most likely going to be another Harper Lee, who will most likely never write another novel.