Microsoft vs. Apple

United States
April 17, 2011 1:43pm CST
As everybody knows, Microsoft as been the leading corporate business in technology for the past decades, but having Apple and Google as direct competitors may be going to end that soon enough. According to many sources, Microsoft is being abandoned in the technological market. I have come to show that that is a completely a figment of imagination. Let's start with the picture. The picture uploaded to this discussion represents Windows XP's steady decline, but does not in ANY WAY suggest that Microsoft is falling off in the technological market. It merely shows that the number of Windows XP users has rapidly dropped since Windows 7 was released. The people did NOT necessarily stop using Windows altogether, but 95% of them were shown to have switched to Windows 7, another one of Microsoft's developments. This is just one of the many ways people have been trying to discredit Microsoft through slander, libel, and absolute fraudulence. I for one am a Windows user, and will remain under this platform until the day I die. ~Jeff
3 responses
• Philippines
17 Apr 11
Microsoft(bills gates) and Apple(Steve Jobs) are best enemies every since the day of creation of the MICROSOFT and APPLE... uhmmm... Have you seen the movie Pirates of the Silicon??? that's how they met.. that's how they created MICROSOFT and APPLE.. so i think Microsoft should update they're software coz apple is behind their back.. and i think Microsoft will not lost anything in the market because every computer PC uses they're software...
• United States
17 Apr 11
I agree with you mostly and unfortunately I have not watched the film. One thing that you fail to see (and no disrespect intended) is that only Microsoft computers use Microsoft OS's software, meaning it won't matter because people will have changed their computers' OS.
18 Apr 11
I too am a Windows user, but this is not really by personal choice. I installed and tried Linux, i though this was a much better system compared to Microsoft Windows, but unfortunately many of smaller programs were not compatible with it. I have always wanted an Apple-Mac, I have used apple computers at work for years, and their operating systems are by far more stable and superior to Microsoft, and there is no real need for an anti-virus (although recommended) because viruses are rarely written/created to infect Mac machines as their prime target is the most popular Microsoft windows system. The only reason I don't use a Mac at home is because I simply cannot afford one, they are so expensive. But that's what you would expect to pay for good quality.
• United States
17 Apr 11
As the times have changed so has the technology and with the release of Win 7 also came the "Hype" which lured people to convert However,I myself enjoy the comfort of XP and until I have to I do not plan to "upgrade". Microsoft has proven it's ability to provide a dependable OS so no matter which one you decide works for you the one thing you can count on is the knowledge that with Microsoft comes Quality.