What is the terms & conditions for affiliate marketer to setup a website?

@ajp387 (60)
April 17, 2011 10:49pm CST
What is the primary requirement to setup a website by affiliate marketer. And also let me know the good hosting company? I am not a tech savvy, is setting up website need any technical knowledge. Also for affiliate marketer mentioning the T&C on the website is very vital, which are the basic point which must be mentioned in T&C. Please advise, if possible give some examples as well.
1 response
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
18 Apr 11
You mean you are an affiliate of some website and now you want to set up a site promoting is it? I don't know these kind of hosting company but can you search on the net? There maybe an answer for you. And by the way, will you be earning a lot from this?
@ajp387 (60)
• India
18 Apr 11
well I am beginner, but realized promoting two many site through different marketing tool will be time consuming where as having a website full of products which I wish to promote will be easy work. Thanks for the post. Any more idea