This really gives me the creeps

@llsling (331)
April 19, 2011 1:17am CST
I may've brought up a serious topic ,I just can't keep myself from learning and knowing other culture I'm currently not familiar with .I saw in some area where dead people are just simply put in a coffin and get buried and in others they are cremated ,the ashes are kept in a small urn or even not taken care of and left where the body's burned . I bet you won't believe that in my area people do this in a very weird and somewhat terrifying way . They put the body in a wooden coffin and fill it with lime then move this up to the hill and build a small hut(I don't what exactly called) for it to keep from rain . The coffin would stay for a couple of years above the ground before it finally gets buried under the earth. Sounds weird ,right? But as for me ,I don't get it in the least ,that little house really gives me the creeps when i walk by.
1 response
@savypat (20216)
• United States
19 Apr 11
The one that gives me the creeps is where they cut the body up for the buzzards, I agree this is the most like Mother Nature would do but for some reason it really bothers me.
@llsling (331)
• China
20 Apr 11
Where'd you get this creepy thing ,is it that the cannibals do?
@savypat (20216)
• United States
20 Apr 11
According to the documentary I watched it's done some place in Tibet, in the high mountians.
• United States
20 Apr 11
That is gross for sure compared to civilized burial practices here. Dare I ask pat if they come back and check on the remains or watch the buzards do what mother nature intended to a degree? ICKY POO!