The Mystery in the Sky.

ufo - Unidentified flying object
@tash01 (2030)
April 19, 2011 8:42am CST
Just a minute ago i saw someone post a video showing some of the UFO that people have seen in the sky. I have been hearing about unidentified flying object from i was small ,but i never seen it with my naked eyes. An from what i have read i realize people start to see these light and other images in the sky from way back as world war ll. Now my son just ask me a question because he was watching the video as well a minute ago too. He said mummy is that video true? Mummy where aliens live? is this UFO really true,have any of you guys every seen it with your naked eyes?
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20 responses
• India
19 Apr 11
there are no thing like unidentified flying objects they all are identified but are not seen clearly in sky and many idiots feel it as a spaceship of aliens and ufo is nthing but a fake story for publicity or something else
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• India
19 Apr 11
I think you need to study what happened in history, you need to change your way of thinking and then comment. You can't say anyone as am idiot so quickly.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
3 Jul 11
it will only fall into the category of "Close Encounters of the 1st Kind" you see it, with the blink of an eye, now you don't... it's gone.... for what we see everything, we can prove nothing.....
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
I still don't believed about UFO, friend. Those things is only seen on TV which is created by fictions...
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
5 Nov 11
Their is more to more, that we would not be expecting.And yes it will happen in the last days. This world is full of mysteries,many more things to happen that have written in the great book.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Well, you right this world has filled with mystery now. But this is due to the prophecy of God which is happening in these last days... There are many wonderful things will be happen to this world and more will be come till the end...
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
13 Nov 11
As state in revelation where the day of the Lord will be the day of sorrow and tears... Did you find the right way to be save on judgement day, friend?
@whateva (786)
• India
20 Apr 11
I've seen alot of videos related to aliens. Also heard they are extra-dimensional beings, so i read whats 4d and found it fascinating and all. But you know its sometimes scary as for what i saw in a video someone said they'll triangulate us and they are not what they claim to be. and ya some videos show 3 alien crafts hovering in the forming triangle in different countries. What i'm really curious about is area 51.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
31 Oct 11
The universe is a very big place,maybe they are other living things on other maybe they are real? their are other planet among use,and i would really want to know if their is other life form on the other planet too. what is area 51?
@whateva (786)
• India
20 Apr 11
hovering in the sky ** and the universe is so big, we can't be alone. There are so many galaxies, that we can't just say our galaxies the only one with life.
• India
19 Apr 11
I highly beleive there are aliens spread in whole universe. Their structure, their source of energy, their way of living may be totally different. May be they are billion times intelligent than others. Its true we can't flight with velocity greater than light, but that was albert eainstains theory, and it is a theory, so it may be disproved in the future. Science has also lots of limitations. You can't assure that theory will last forever without any controversy. And recently i have heard scientists have found some particles having velocity greater than speed of light. So i think aliens exists, they may have came to us. And i beleive aliens have reached to us through unidentified flying objects. But i don't know why government is trying to hide them. Two days ago i saw news where america's government has reveled some proofs of existance of aliens.
• India
19 Apr 11
Do you know, it is beleived that aliens have killed thousands of cows?
• India
19 Apr 11
Sorry there is 'us' instead of 'others' in my first comment. I am dozing. I am going to sleep now!
@m2heart (80)
• Philippines
20 Apr 11
I know many won't believe this but my mom saw a UFO when i was still a little. She said it looks like a flying saucer with bulbs around different colors. She is liked being hypnotized by looking at it,following the movement of the UFO in circles until it vanished so fast. She came to questioned herself what kind of object was that? till she found out in television that many people also seen a UFO. I think it's true because many people can testify that they've seen such object with proofs but until now there's no exact explanation why things just showed up.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
30 Oct 11
A lot of people have claim to see UFO,people around the world have seen it.but me personally i never saw it with my won eyes. nut i just hope that us they do exist,they are friendly an quite.Some times i wonder why they just show up and then disappear in the blink of an eye.
• Philippines
20 Apr 11
To be exact she saw it in the roof of the school which is only beside our house. My mom is in the terrace that time with her friend they both saw the UFO. The school is not a four story building like others. It's just a public school and rooms are all in the ground. If my mom is in the roof top of the school she maybe could reach the UFO because it is just very near as she pointed it. I hope I could see a UFO too. I wonder why things showed up.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
20 Apr 11
I have seen things in the sky also and could not identify what it was. I assumed it was just an airplane or a helicopter but I do not know for sure.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
26 Apr 11
I have never seen it with my own eyes.But people have seen as come objects in the sky.I was wondering if was just some stars are something. An i was reading that the government even start to do some research on the UFO because they have some evidences,that they left behind. I don't know truth it is. but am i don't science that much, i will have to read some more.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
20 Apr 11
Dear friend, As this world is full of mysteries, some things we see with doubt and anxiety. New new things are seen in this nature every day, changes come up. Unidentified Flying Objects come up. Aliens may or may not come up. But in our minds due to many mysteries that is going in this world I feel those seen in the sky too remain as mystery until it is proved with solid proof.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
31 Oct 11
yes this big world that we live in is full of mysteries,some of yet to discover.they are a mysteries till they have strong proof to say yes that they exist. Because a lot of people like my self, would want to know the truth behind this UFO. And to know if they really do exist. All we need is a more proof.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
20 Apr 11
i've actually seen a really good clear video of a ufo flying. its the only one i can recall. all the others i've seen looked like they could have been rigged. i personally do believe in ufos as well as aliens although i can't say their real for sure.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
19 Apr 11
Hi. tash01. I have never seen an UFO from my naked eye before. I have seen the shows that were related to people seeing an UFO before. I never doubt what they have seen, I just have not seen it for my own self. I think that it is very scary and strange to know that we have aliens that are on another planet. I hope that they are not real and UFO's are unreal too.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
The Moon - Does the sky hold some mystery?
Nope! I have always been a sky-gazer but not of that kind of sight so far have I seen. I love to look at the sky during broad daylight and all I could see are the beautiful cloud formation out the blue heaven. At night neither could I see unidentified flying object at all. All I could see are millions of glowing stars of various sizes and the round and ever so lovely sight of the moon.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
20 Apr 11
I saw when I was 11. It was great cause I wasn't young enough to now think "what did I know about? I was just a child" and not old enough that I would look and discart that out of ignorance, like "nah, I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing". It was triangular shaped, black, it moved slightly to the left and then with all speed to the right and vanished! For the moment I saw it I knew it was a ufo but the way it vanished made me sure it was.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
31 Oct 11
wow you were young,when i read a few story's on the internet.By the way you explained,it similar to it. A lot of people have claim to see them,an then after a while they just disappear.but if they are real i would want them to be friendly,so that no one will get hurt.
• Australia
20 Apr 11
hey Tash, I won't say it is fake because i have no clue about alien science but i won't say it's fact either because i have not seen such things with my eyes. People share their stories of seen something in the sky and the first guess is that its UFO... This universe is so vast and there are so many creature out here, you just cannot guess what is flying around. I hope people who claim to have seen UFO or believe UFOs exist come out with stronger proof than just stories.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
31 Oct 11
yes i would want to see some strong proof that they exist.some people say that the american government have some thing that get from a UFO,an they are working on not sure just sharing what i hear.Some people say that it is on area 51. so i would want to see some more proof too. I agree with you.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
3 Jul 11
it will only fall into the category of "Close Encounters of the 1st Kind" you see it, with the blink of an eye, now you don't... it's gone.... for what we see everything, we can prove nothing.....
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
31 Oct 11
If their were more prove ,we could say yes they exist.Has they say this world is a mystery,an their is so many planet.I don't think life only exist on earth,but at this point we don'y have any proof.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
19 Apr 11
No I have never seen one and I could go my whole life without ever experiencing that!
@savypat (20216)
• United States
19 Apr 11
UFO stands for unidentified flying objects and humans have been seeing these every since they looked into the sky. Maybe as long as a million years ago, we keep finding evidence that mankind has been here much longer then we thought. Yes I have seen one and no one can tell me that what i saw was a weather baloon or some other natural thing. I know it was a made object, just not who made it.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
19 Apr 11
Hi tash... well the universe is a big vast we can't even imagine...or can we? just imagine a few years back we could not even think about talking to some one on the other side of the world but we can do it now. So when technology get more advanced maybe the universe is not so vast after all! We only know what we are touch to believe but is that the truth?. To me there has to be life in the universe not just on earth but every were else as well. And not UFO date way back before world war second! if you read The Chariots of Ezequiel you will see that we had extraterrestrials visitors quite often in the past!
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
20 Apr 11
I agree with you ,am still reading up on this UFO because i want to know the true my self. The universe is a big place,with a lot of planet and remember while going to school they teach about the different planet an earth is a planet.An you have human being living on earth,so just imagine who are what live on the other planet. But am definitely going to read up on Chariots of Ezequiel and see what i can learn .thank you for your respond,have a wonderful day.
• India
20 Apr 11
I have never seen such objects in my life. And as compared to UFO This aren't true cause after the scene of UFO during the II world war there were no signs of UFO in the air. And also now living in the 21st century NASA has been researching for life around the universe but have not got a proper evidence.. So i think you should just conclude to your child that its just a story and nothing much serious about it.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
19 Apr 11
Tell `im Uncle J said not to worry, that the aliens are driving by to visit some of their friends in America (New Mexico, probably ... someplace far away from your house)
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
30 Oct 11
....I will sure do that,
19 Apr 11
There's lots of theories revolving around UFO. However, no matter how much reasons you come up, there's no way you can deny the existence of UFO. The existen of UFO is by itself, a Devil's proof. In order to deny the existence of UFO, the only way you can do that is by flipping up everyone rock in every planet in the universe. However, you can easily prove that aliens by just saying "I saw a space ship and met some alien!" and that's that. I have never seen it but I have already heard about it alot. There's even news in Thailand about sparkling marbles dropping from the sky and that it belongs to the aliens. For now, the only thing we can really do is just hope that the aliens that are visiting us are friendly.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
20 Jun 11
Well i hope they are friendly ,too .People keeping seeing them,and wondering they came from.But none of us know who really made them,their is so many question. They are so many planet,but human form lives on earth.But what else live on the other planets? I just hope when they are visiting they are friendly,and stay for a while