I will give a party if I win this lottery.

@SHAMRACK (8576)
April 20, 2011 3:40am CST
Today I had taken a lottery ticket after a long back, the prize amount is 1 million rupees. Hope if I get that one million I wished to put a task in mylot who ever participate in it would be given 1$. Moreover a party will be given to all my friends and relatives. The result will be known this Sunday. On January 2011 I just won ten thousand rupees. Now I am eagerly waiting for the Sunday newspaper. A big hope in my life……..
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4 responses
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
20 Apr 11
Hello Sham, I don't like to take lottery tickets and waste my money. To be very frank, I haven't seen anybody succeed and living happy life with that money (the lottery money). I know some people in my village who won large amount of money but suffered a lot on the other way. I am not disappointing you here, just shared some experiences who won lottery already. Good luck to you.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
20 Apr 11
My uncle also do not take lottery, Once I won Rs.10,000/-. Other times just small amounts. May be it depends upon how one handles money.
20 Apr 11
wow~1 million is a big number,I sincerely wish you will win that lottery. To put a task in my lot who ever participate in it would be given 1 dollor is a good idea,but i want to give you a sugestion that you could give the person who wishes you to win the lottery in this discussion 10 dollor.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
20 Apr 11
In that case I will put a random lottery only on those people who wishes me to win a lottery if that number is higher than 100 people. That too only for 10 dollar.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
22 Apr 11
Wow...I hope you win. We have a lottery here too but I never win anything..lol...I have had friends that have won small amounts from what we call scratch off tickets but when I play, the most I win is another ticket. Good luck!
@warriorx (99)
• Philippines
9 May 11
I hope you win. You deserve that :)