Do you tell your spouse what you do and don't like in YOUR relationship? Well...
By keshia2007r
@keshia2007r (2880)
United States
April 20, 2011 10:09am CST
Well I did, and I'm not to sure of his reaction. I tell him what I do and don't like about our relationship so things could get fixed. For instance I recently told him, that I don't like this certain thing that he does. Which is smothering me. He likes to lay his entire body one me to the point where I am smothered. I hold my peace on this for awhile now, and I finally told him that I rather he not do this. He never text me back, so I plan on calling him about it later on today. What do you think? I don't see anything wrong in me telling him how I feel. Opinions and experiences please.
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18 responses
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
20 Apr 11
Yes I think these things should be discussed but no I do not think it should be done via text. Relationship issues should always be done in person and in a calm manner or nothing will come of it but hurt feelings and arguments. Start with I know you love me and I love you but this is something that makes me physically uncomfortable. Explain that it hurts or makes it hard to breath. Do not start out with accusations of him smothering you or it will go down hill quick. I have been married only 13 years but we have had our issues and made it through them. Good luck!
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
20 Apr 11
You made good points. Looking at it I might have laid it down hard on him. To mention I also tried to talk to him about something else that bothers me what he does which is tickling me. In all honesty not girl want to be constantly ticked, am I right? I told him face to face that I didn't like this and it still went down hill from there. Its frustrating to tell him what I don't like because he takes it really personal, and he says he don't mean any harm. Whats your opinion?
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
21 Apr 11
Well you need to make it known that it has nothing to do with him or him harming you it's just not something you really like done all the time. Then and this will be hard but make him laugh. I know that sounds silly but breaking the seriousness of the mood without losing the point of the discussion is not always easy but it really does help.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
22 Apr 11
That makes sense, it would be better to lighten a serious mood with saying something funny. I will definitely keep this is mind!
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
22 Apr 11
Yes I have done and still do tell my partner everything. I cannot see how you can have a good relationship without being able to talk about everything. I would object to being smothered as well. In my case I would be inclined to fight for air to breathe if someone did that to me.
There is nothing wrong with telling him. You need to. If he cannot deal with you telling him then he has a problem. I would not call him. It is he who should make the first move.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Agree, I do feel I should be able to talk to him when needed. After all he is my boyfriend and he should be the one I can turn to, to tell him how I feel. I did see how texting him was going about it in the wrong way. Maybe face to face would have been better, lesson learned. thanks for sharing!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Apr 11
I have no problem with telling him . I think the problem is that you took so long. With my guy somehow I have felt comfortable enough to tell him what I like and don't like From the Beginning. I think one Must tell a partner what you like and don't like . They are not mind readers! I hope you and he have talked it out. Take Care.

@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Yes we have talked this out, and everything is much better now. Communication is key and in order to makes things work, we would have to talk things out for the better.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Hi. keshia2007r. I think that it is good to be honest with each other. I think that if you just told your husband that you needed some space, them he may would have taken what you have told him more comfortably. I think that he just got offended and his feelings were hurt. My husband loves playing around with me, and sometimes I take it for granted, but I do appreciate him wanting to be around me. It does make me feel really good. If your husband is smothering you, then you have a right to tell him how this is making you feel. Just make sure to tell him in a nice way. You should also explain yourself more just in case he feels bad about your concern. If he is mad, maybe you should talk to him and clear up any misunderstandings that he may feel right now.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Thank for sharing, and to mention his is my boyfriend not husband. I'm to young to be married lol, but i do understand where you are coming from. My boyfriend also like playing around with me, but some things I just could live w/o, which is why I told him how I felt.
@for3verfamous (2190)
• Canada
20 Apr 11
I have the same problem with my boyfriend. He's bigger than me so of course if he lays on me I can barely breathe.. I keep telling him but he ignores it and just gets offended. In a relationship people need to be understanding of eachother, and I think that's something we're trying to work on.. 

@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
20 Apr 11
Exactly in the same situation. I don't know what is it with these guys. We try to tell them how we feel but it all back fires. My boyfriend also gets offended and takes it really personal. But he also like to play "the victim card" and try to make me seem like the bad person. When I'm only trying to tell him that I don't like when he does this or that. He also say he don't mean any harm by it, I understand that, just don't do it anymore. In reality no girls wants to be smothered.
@for3verfamous (2190)
• Canada
21 Apr 11
I think it's just that when a guy cares he is very sensitive. 

@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
22 Apr 11
Definitely, I don't think any guy could take it lighty that he is doing something wrong, and he doesn't see it that way. I have a bull of a boyfriend, he is so stubborn but i can definitely get through to him. Even it I have to lay it down hard, and I think I did that. But at least he now understands how I feel.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
21 Apr 11
It's not something you 'text' about (and you probably shouldn't even 'wait `til after' to talk about it). That's something more you 'indicate while occurring' ("Don't cover me so much!" etc.)
In general, only praise what you DO like and don't even talk about what you DON'T like (except to maybe stop it when it looks like the bad thing is about to happen).
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I think its important to talk about what you do and don't like in a relationship. If I didn't say anything about the issue I was having with him. How would it ever gotten resolved? And you're right, I will no longer text him how I feel. Thanks!
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@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Correct, I rather not have to issue which is why I decided to talk to him about it.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Apr 11
Wouldn't you rather not have the issue at all? If he does that again, tell him what you want to do instead that his weight on you is keeping you from doing.

@ladygator (3465)
• United States
22 Apr 11
I think being open and honest is very important in any successful marriage. But I agree with previous posters, over text? thats a very bland way to put it so it might be very difficult for him to gage what you emotions are that are attached to this thing that you didnt like. When most likely he is thinking of it as cuddling.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I honestly didn't think sending a text would be that bad of an option in communicating. After thinking about it i can see that it was a bad choice, and face to face could have been better. Thanks for sharing!
@jorhemkris (36)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
Definitely, it is a must for a healthy and progressive relationship. if you keep things to yourself, you'd be miserable. The purpose of marriage after all is sharing your life with someone. How can you have a healthy marriage if you don't talk about each others feelings, both positive and negative. It would be a great practice to have a sort of a sharing session with you and your husband or with your children once a month, to be able to be open about each other. Share each others ideas, feelings, reactions, solve problems together, things that matters to your family. A good communication is always the best what to a healthy and successful marriage.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Agree, but not only in marriages, communication is key in any relationship. Being mother, daughter, son bf/gf. I'm not married, and I still know its important to communicate successfully with other including my boyfriend. Thanks for sharing!
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
20 Apr 11
Open communication between spouses is good. It is better to be honest about each others feelings so that if there is something to fix it can be fixed right away.This is better than harboring ill feelings and then just burst out one time and separate.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
21 Apr 11
I completely agree with this, but in my case telling my boyfriend something he doesn't want to hear can only harm the relationship, but later helps it. He feels as if he can't play with me or that i complain to much. I just asking for a very simple thing that he does and that i rather live without. Its not the end of the world, and he tends to over react in situations like this. As he did earlier. Thanks for your advice.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
20 Apr 11
I do sometimes when I feel like it is too much but a lot of the times even though I tell him, he either doesn't care of he forgets very quickly so I don't think he likes listening to me, he thinks I whine all the time which makes me upset.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
21 Apr 11
We are the same in this way! I'll tell my boyfriend to stop this or that. He doesn't listen and end up doing it anyway. This is where frustration comes in at. I'm really starting to think the phrase "men are from mars" is true. Its not the women its the men in the relationship that makes things so difficult. My boyfriend also says I whine to much as well. What can you do? Can't live with or without them.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Apr 11
Well... texting is a very very bad way to inform someone that you don't like what they are doing.
I would recommend that you talk in person face to face, and alone.
There is nothing fun about getting a text message at work, around your co-workers, saying your wife is unhappy about something. It's uncomfortable, embarrassing, and disrespectful.
It's better to discuss such things, together, in a safe place, where you and talk about it comfortably. If you can't do this, perhaps because he, or you, get angry or have a hard time communicating, then you need counseling on how to communicate better.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Apr 11
We're only boyfriend and girlfriend and thanks for the advice but we don't do counseling. I do see your points in how texting is the wrong way to go about certain things. I really didn't think texting him that was something that would have gone far as it is. Now I know better with the advice of my fellow mylotters thanks!
@kwylima (451)
• United States
21 Apr 11
we have to talk about everything in a relationship...I think men are more unhappy about it hahha...they don't want to hear what is wrong maybe because they don't want to change!
I always say what I don't like to my boyfriend and he does the same thing to me. I don't see any problem with that we always get better after those kind of conversation..because both of us have to change to keep this relationship healthy!!!
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
21 Apr 11
Exactly how I feel. Telling your spouse what you do and don't like can only help the relationship and not hurt it. In my case, it hurts the relationship but later helps. My boyfriend feels like I tell him not to do this and that so much, that he can't do anything else. All I ask for him is not to smother me by laying on top of me. He just doesn't get that. He also says he doesn't mean any harm by doing it, but i just could rather live w/o it. Thanks for sharing!
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
21 Apr 11
I agree, and I did just that. I do think its important to let out relief in communications. As we all know, communication is key. Thanks for sharing!
@sukravani (12)
23 Apr 11
i think every one facing problem with their partners,but when situation is not in our control we will wait for that and make him to realize.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I agree, I do think its important to talk all issues out for the better. Thanks!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
20 Apr 11

@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
20 Apr 11
I agree, being open an honest is the best way to go. Either way it could might or might not help. In my case, it just back fired, and he claims he got his feelings hurt by taking things to personal.
@swissheart (6482)
• Romania
20 Apr 11
you're right there's nothing wrong with telling him what you don't would be wrong if you didn't. the key to a good realtionship it's communication...this is one of the most important things. and if he cares for you he'll have to understand and accept it
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
21 Apr 11
I feel the same way! Communication is key, and he should be able to understand. I did speak to him earlier today and the issues is now resolved, but according to him, his feelings go in the way. My intentions was not to hurt his feelings, but simply tell him how I feel.
@darkridersoumya (199)
• India
20 Apr 11
This is really a very important aspect of any relationship,being open to your spouse will most of the times solve a lot of misunderstanding that are bound to happen if you keep your thoughts to yourself.So yes I do talk about my likes and dislikes to my spouse however I do not impose anything her,just for her information sake she has to know.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
20 Apr 11
I agree it is best to be open and honest. But in my case it could hurt the relationship when I only want to help it. If he continues to smother me by laying on top of me I'm only going to hate it all the more, which would lead to me getting an attitude then his feelings getting hurt. Smh, thanks for sharing!
@sashakiddo (1102)
• United States
22 Apr 11
I think you mean physical smothering but I'm not sure.. If this is the case, I think it's interesting that you texted him about it. Maybe if he doesn't text back, you could bring it up the next time he tries to do it.
As long as you aren't always nagging him about what you don't like, then it's fine. I made a mistake of always asking my partner, why do you do this? why do you do that? I thought it was fine because he did the same to me for a while until I told him I'm not going to change everything for him. The worst thing he told me was that I should lose weight, this was the first week of going out, so I was ready to leave him but for some reason I didn't. Anyway, after a while, he couldn't handle my criticism and he had a breakdown. I didn't realize I was making him feel so stressed out.
It doesn't seem like you are at this point, so I think it's okay to tell the guy what bothers you.