Do you say bad language when you are really mad?

April 20, 2011 7:17pm CST
Hey, friends here. Have you ever said any bad language when you are really mad at someone or something? Recently, I was really angry about someone and that thing so I spoke some bad language to abreact. Actually, my bad language is not that dirty but a little black humorous. But I was blamed for saying that only because a girl should not say any bad language. I am depressed. Why cannot a girl to say something to express her anger when it necessary?? What do you think ? Any suggestions? Looking forward to hearing your voice here and help me out! Thank you so much!!
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22 responses
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
I am not one who uses foul language. Or, when I do, I say it in my mind but rarely aloud. Unfortunately, my latest job has gotten to me that the last time my boss had screamed at me over the phone (and because that was the last straw - he is such a baaaad boss), I swore and swore after I put the phone down. After that, I felt sorry to have said those words out loud because some people were listening and were quite taken aback at what I just said.
• United States
21 Apr 11
I feel your pain. Bosses are one of the main reasons behind job dissatisfaction. You did nothing wrong. My boyfriend tells me about his bad supervisor every night. In between, he curses also. It is just the frustration. You know as an employee one is somewhat powerless in front of a bad boss.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
@divineathena: Thank you for your understanding. I have had it, and I really couldn't help my self. The least that I did was to say those words after I had hung up the phone. I don't know what would have happened if I'd said them while the boss was screaming at me. I couldn't believe that guy, though. I think blowing his top over something that's not my fault was not very professional.
• China
21 Apr 11
I understand that too.I believe you did nothing wrong. We don't need to bear all of others' bad behaviors and it is all right we say something bad to express when we really need to express ourselves. I don't feel sorry for what I said that day.I just said what I wanna say. Sometimes, some people are really disgusting and they deserve some bad comments. Thanks anyway for sharing your experience with us/ Take care!
@Bryanx54 (644)
21 Apr 11
All the time ha, but i guess i have a unselfish soul so i apologise for my actions afterwards. i normally swear when im in a 'spurr of the moment' kind of situation but im normally a sincere person.
• China
21 Apr 11
I believe that so. Thank you so much for your reply. Still, I am not happy about what has happened and I don't regret for saying that because I meant what I said. I am really angry about that guy and his deeds. Hope you can understand me . Thank you so much and take care!
@Bryanx54 (644)
21 Apr 11
oh yes i do understand sometimes people can be soo cruel which can lead people to saying such langauge and well and truely mean it.
• China
21 Apr 11
Thank you so much for your understanding and I do appreciate it.
@tarachand (3895)
• India
21 Apr 11
We have multiple standards - something is okay for a girl to say, something is not - but, hon, that's the way we are - humans - we are social animals and we have built boundaries - its quite normal if we ourselves transcend these boundaries - we are only human after all-but if someone else does that-well we human are quick to pass judgment! Do what you think is good - if you feel relief using an expletive, go ahead and do it and damn the world!
• China
24 Apr 11
Thank you so much for sharing !!!I do agree with you. That day I said bad words only because some "big" one deliberately to do something bad to us in order to gain his fortune. So we were very angry and couldn't help saying something hurtful. But I believe we should try not to say them again. After all, thank you for understanding me and have a nice day!! Good luck and take care!!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
21 Apr 11
I know what you mean. I try not to speak bad language also. When I am really mad though, it just comes out because I want to make sure the other person knows just how mad they have made me.
• China
24 Apr 11
Thank you so much for understanding that. I don't like bad language either but that day I just too angry. Now, everything has back to normal and I am in a good mood. Thank you so much for sharing. Take care and good luck!!
• United States
21 Apr 11
Not using the bad language is something I took as a motto when I was a child. I believe in arguing by using logic. I always believed that bad language is used by those who are weak at debating and strangely, it has come true in many situations. Even when I am not mad or anything I choose to not use the F-word. In fact, I don't know how to us it. Also putting it in between sentences is something that I find irrelevant.
@Bryanx54 (644)
21 Apr 11
Yes, i totally agree the best way to win an arguement is to agree to what they say and turn that against them. In a way it is counter arguement you will see government bodies use this techinique in debates. Say you had a arguement over who ate the last slice of cake i know its silly but it happens you could say something like "If i had eaten the last slice, who was the one that brought the cake?"
@polaris77 (2039)
• Bacau, Romania
21 Apr 11
It happens to alomost,if not everyone to say a few bad words at anger or in extremely stressful situations,and I think that's understandable and excusable as long as it doesn't become a habit,which unfortunately some people have,and I think those people enjoy talking like that in front of others,which says it all about how 'clever' they are.As for the idea that only a girl should not say bad language,I disagree:no one should say bad words,but I said before it happens sometimes because of ciorcumstances,we don't have to punish anyone for that.
• China
24 Apr 11
Thank you for understanding and sharing your ideas with me . I do appreciate what you said.Especailly what your last words are so strong and I am impressed. Thank you, friend!!! Take care! Keep in touch!!
@piya84 (2580)
• India
21 Apr 11
yes it happens sometime even though i had no intentions of doing so.I try to avoid such things as far as possible.Its not good esp all those F words coming out from female mouth.
• India
21 Apr 11
Yes u are right my friend, In this society, they have certain regulations, one of it is that a girl should not use bad words. But u are right, a girl has every right to express her anger. You can express your anger in any other way other than using bad words. Not only girls, this society also sees to that even a man should not use bad words. THANKS
• India
21 Apr 11
No, i might use bitter words, but not bad words when i am mad at someone, it is probably because i was never around someone who ever used such bad words and its also a family thing, no one ever utter a bad word while argument. Thats ok, you can refrain yourself from doing so, if you try controlling it gradually.
@ctabirao (70)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
we were trained not to do so.. because in doing that. that's make our reason not valid automatic.. so we get use to it.
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
Sometimes but not always. I have tried and learned to control my emotions. This is the best thing to do especially when you are surrounded by many people and suddenly you get upset. You cannot please everybody, just be yourself.
@nsawork (28)
• India
21 Apr 11
bad language is t he most hurting when it comes from a firend or a person that we know personally and t hat is not good at all. i would like to say that it is not at all advisable to have any bad words with your friends. We also do not accept any bad language from the girl especially ok
• India
21 Apr 11
it is a common thing indeed but we must loose that behaviour slowly as early as possible,due to that behaviour we will go bad and more over mind will go so tense hence at first relax when ur mad and then be cool.
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
Hmmm.. Girls should act more refined than men, or at least that's what most societies believe. That's why it's not that good to hear when a girl or a woman says bad words. For me, I find it more unpleasant to hear a woman speak bad words compared to men. However, you have your freedom. If you are really really mad, you become irrational and you say things that you wouldn't normally say.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
I admit that i have been so angry once and i was unable to. Control myself and yes, i was saying some bad words too. I think after that,i told myself i will never allow myself to be that angry again!
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
Yes, I say bad language when angered which is not very often. I get really angry only occasionally but when I do I really let go and burst like a volcano. LOL
@cmang83 (285)
• Malaysia
21 Apr 11
Hahaha, interesting topic friend. I use to say foul language previously especially i really mad on something. I will said likes non stop but i am not doing that nowadays. It is because it will distroy our image when we say bad language. However, if i really really mad with something, then i will ask for permission to say bad language. For example, if i am with my girlfriend, then i will ask my girlfriend permission. If i am with my friend then i will ask their permission.
@elaidha (95)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
When You're a girl, people expect you to be more cautious about your language; although I've seen girl teeners nowadays cursing like wind-beaten sailors. Of course, when you're angry, you might not have the time to think about refinements in your language. One thing why I like The Three Musketeers and other French classics: the French courtiers are able to say the nastiest things with elegance and grace. But I also have observed that in time, people become inured to "strong language" (read: 4-letter words), and it's likely there'd come a time nobody would take you seriously, no matter what you say or how you say it. I remember a sitcom where a mother threatened to punish her daughter severely. "What do you mean severely," asks her friend. She answers: "I will never, never speak to you again." To which her friend retorts with sarcasm, "What a cruel punishment."
21 Apr 11
I sometimes speack bad language when I'm greatly annoyed by someone. Bad language is not a good thing to use. However, sometimes, it is inevitable. Bad language helps to make someone knows that we are "really" angry about something he is doing, and want him to stop.
• United States
21 Apr 11
I say use bad language to get the point across when your angry. Don't be depressed. Some things cannot be conveyed without a few bombs. Sometimes it can be a little freeing. Don't beat yourself up.