Would you ever get a tattoo of your significant others name on your body?

United States
April 21, 2011 11:12pm CST
Or have you already done so? I have seen so many people getting tattoos of their significant other on them and then in the end they're separated and you have a pointless meaningless tattoo on your body permanently unless you get it laser-ed off or a tattoo on top of it. Would you get a tattoo of your significant others name on your body? Or have you? I wouldn't, even though I've been with my boyfriend for over 4 years and I truly love him. Even if I was married, I wouldn't. Love doesn't have to be expressed through a tattoo in my opinion.
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16 responses
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
22 Apr 11
No, I would never get a tattoo with my significant others name on my body. I think that is a big and sometime permanent decision to make. If the relationship doesn't work out, then I would have to go through many and agony or either, removing it, which is very expensive, or live with the it as a painful reminder of the relationship that didn't last. As young people, we don't think of the consequences of our young and sometimes foolish choices and when we get older, thinking more ration, it is too late to undo the previous decisions.
• United States
23 Apr 11
Even as young folk, it is important to weigh the future consequence of our actions, which sometimes can be positive, but then, again, can sometimes be regrettable.
• United States
23 Apr 11
I definitely agree with you =) Thanks for sharing!
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
I would never ever do that. No matter how long are relationship is or even we get married, I would never get a tattoo of him on my body. It's reserved for some other more important people in my life. Actually, I want a tattoo but it will never be about him. I would rather have God, my mother, my father, or my idol tattooed on my body but never a boyfriend. I was actually thinking to get a tattoo about a person who inspires me the most and it'll never be my boyfriend or a husband.
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
Omg, do you see that picture of a planner? I don't know how it's got there. Sorry.
• United States
23 Apr 11
I definitely agree with you =) And plus if I ever get a tattoo it has to be unique and significant to me not a trend that everyone gets. I see the planner, its okay =P No idea how it got there too lol. Thanks for sharing!
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
23 Apr 11
No, absolutely not. I would not get anyone's name tattooed on my body at all, not even my childrens' names. I think that getting the name of your significant other tattooed on your body is a really bad idea. As you stated yourself, what if you were to break up or divorce? Then what? It isn't exactly fun and easy to have a tattoo covered up or removed once it has been etched into the skin.
@sam2424 (110)
• United States
27 Jun 11
Just curious, I get the whole break up thing Believe me but you wrote not even your kids....Why not? ( its not likely your gonna sever all ties with them.) Anyway no biggy or offense.... just wondering.
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
I would not do that. If ever I will have others name tattooed on my skin, that would be my family, Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, or my Kids :)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Yeah, me too! Thanks for sharing (:
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
22 Apr 11
I can't at all understand people getting their significant others name tattooed permanently on their body. Maybe perhaps if they are married, but otherwise I don't get it. Of course I am not for tattoos anyway...I wish there were semi-permanent ones that could wear off. Maybe there are and I don't know about them?? I remember when my kids were little they had the wash off kind. That's all I'd go for, but everyone feels differently and that makes for a more interesting world!!!.
• United States
23 Apr 11
I don't get it too. Even if you're married, something bad can happen still.. but at least be married if they do get a tattoo *AT LEAST* even though I don't recommend it. I like the semi-permanent tattoos that'd be cool :D
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
23 Apr 11
You are correct about the married part, still it seems just a little bit 'better' if there is any good, lol I remember my girls loved wearing the wash off kind and I was grateful they were not permanent :)
• United States
22 Apr 11
I would never do it. My husband and I have been married 10 yrs. He asked me one time if I would do it and I told him no. I think it kind of hurt his feelings but I just don't see the point in it. I did think about getting star tattoos for the important people in my life (mom, dad, brothers, and kids) and making them everyone's favorite color that way if something were to happen I could just say they are random stars.
@sam2424 (110)
• United States
27 Jun 11
Ha, Good idea about the stars. Sounds meaningful yet simple and even comes with a back up plan.
@chiyosan (30183)
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
No i won't get a tattoo, and more so i won't get a tattoo to have a boyfriends name in my skin. I never have. Thought about it and i will not another it ever.
• United States
23 Apr 11
I agree! I thought about it too but nope! Regrets may happen :P
@swtpareek (650)
• United States
22 Apr 11
I wouldn't though I like tattoos but still I don't think I would go for one with the name of my partner on it.. It looks more of a show off to me.. And I second your opinion that Love doesn't need to be expressed in such a manner. Moreover that would be a disaster if the relationship breaks up for some reason.
• United States
23 Apr 11
I like tattoos just thoughtful ones :) Yeah, tattoos of a significant other isn't that smart in my opinion especially if not married @ least.
@sam2424 (110)
• United States
27 Jun 11
Heeell NO!!!! In my opinion that's a Huge tattoo mistake. One of the biggest in fact. It doesn't matter if the two people are the most "in love" two people on earth and you know in your heart you'll be together forever and that even if for some reason they parted ways form one another, at least that person will always have the tattoo to remember them by. That just isn't realistic.People change their feelings and minds everyday, People brake up everyday, people realize they Hate the person they used to love everyday....That's just how it goes ( Most of the time. ) The fact is nobody really knows how Life will end up. What kind of events will take place a week, a month, a year from now and the majority of the time things go sour between two people, in any type of relationship. A very many people are getting Tattooed these days ( personally I enjoy that fact, but that's a rant for another day. However there are not very many people who would accept and embrace there choice of tattooing a significant others name, once things have fallen apart between them. Most people regret the ever loving crap out of there decision. Some people might even think they are the type of person who would embrace it, Then be completely pissed when they realize that's not the case. For those reasons and plenty others....is why I think its just an all around bad idea. There I have said my peace, I shall go now.
@reco13 (605)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
Why not, if I really love him... We were both thinking about this before. We are sure of each other and I guess if we both agreed to have that done, we will both have the tattoo.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
22 Apr 11
Well I have thought about this already. First of all I would like to say that I actually hate tattoos on a whole. I dont know why people love tatoos. To me they are just like PERMANENT "LICENSE PLATE". Even though I hate tatoos I actually thought of would I get a tattoo for my lover and the answer is still no. I just cant seem to see the importance of showing love through a mark on the skin. And another thing, what if you and the person break up for any reason at all. Then what will left on the skin, just as what you said, a pointless meaningless tattoo. Like I said I dont ever think I will get a tattoo for no cause. But if I am going to get a tatoo for a loved one. That tattoo would have to represent my mother in some way, by name etc. That is the closest I would think to have someone name tattoo onto my hand. But still I dont feel that is any way to express love so I still dont think that I will be getting any tattoos at all. Good luck for those who already have it. To me I usually get turn away from people who do it. Reason being is thta I think they dont have any brains, i think they are dumb and some what still childish.
• United States
23 Apr 11
Tattoos are like a permanent license plate, I agree =P I like tattoos if they're well thought & unique & has a significance too, but not a trend that everyone follows though.. Thanks for sharing =)
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
4 May 11
hi, i also seen people who had tattoos in there body with there significant sometimes its a name and sometimes its a drawing,actually i hate to have tattoo in my body because its only a dirt for me,and its hard to remove totally.having tattoo of our significant is not needed to show your love but on how you show and hint.
@elaidha (95)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
Tattooing used to be a cultural thing of the savages. Time was when civilized people who wore tattoos were convicts. Now it's an in thing. But what if the fad wears off? If you want to have tattoos of your significant other's name, try the non-permanent ones.
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
27 Jun 11
I agree with you. I don't have to make a tatto to prove that I love someone, but, of course, I think everyone would be happy if someone else does one for you. At least, If my boyfriend/husband does one, I would be gladly. The main reason why I wouldn´t do a tatto is because I don't like tattos in geral. I thought in doing one when I was younger, but I didn't like the idea of being old and still have that tattoo, I think it's pretty weird when I see a old person with a big tattos in their arms/legs.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I agree, I've been with my bf for almost four years this October, and I would never do this. I've always heard to treat your body like a temple. I dont have any tats, doubt I would get any because its against my religion to put marks on your body. But I never understood people who would do such things and in the end its all pointless like you said.
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
never. it's a bad decision... what if you two broke up? then it's like you'll have this scar that would remind you of him or her. :*(