Have you ever loose your patience?

@Reneelao (223)
April 22, 2011 7:23am CST
This happened to me and I feel very bad of what I have said, didn't expect words has spoken untimely. Yet it was also unexpectedly good, it was accepted by people involved that they have to wake up and be serious and be committed to what they are doing.
4 responses
@grace24 (1050)
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
Yes, i have loose my patience sometimes especially when I am in an irritating situation. I am not a type of person who easily looses temper because I have a very long patient. I hold my emotions and think twice before making any moves. When I feel very bad, I just asked everybody to leave me alone because I will unleash all the emotions that I have inside.
@Reneelao (223)
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
Hi, nice attitude you have, me too. I usually keeps my patience as I could, like you, I try to hold it, reflect on it then make my moves. Happy mylotting.
@ajp387 (60)
• India
22 Apr 11
Yes I do loose patience but it all depends on the circumstances. But I have realized that patience is a valuable tool in life. We don't always get instant gratification , and some of the best things in life require years of hard work and waiting. Fortunately, patience is a virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured.
@Reneelao (223)
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
yes your very true to that.. I sometimes learn from loosing my patience. thanks and happy myloting
@misterMR (796)
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
I think everybody lost their patience before. It is true that whenever you get angry on a certain action of your friend, they would wake up and they would be more serious in their work. Tested and proven by me myself! I lose my patience every time when I am not respected by others. I really hate that feeling when they do not care about what you're doing. It's just wrong.
@albert911 (168)
• Thailand
22 Apr 11
No, I never lost my patience. Sometimes this hurts a lot, because I also want to shout out what I think. Don't wory too much, if you partner understands of what and how you are, te two of you should be fine. Many times people don't think and simply say their mind, a minute later the regret it already - becuase they mighthave hurt the feelings of others.