I think we need a new campaign rule

United States
April 22, 2011 12:26pm CST
Rule #1: No campaigning by a sitting president. In fact, I think that should extend to any and all politicians currently in office. But it should particularly apply to the president. It's not right that the President, who is supposed to represent us all, is using taxpayer dollars to jet around the country campaigning and bad mouthing anyone who doesn't agree with him. It's wrong to ridicule the part of the citizenry that doesn't agree with you. Whether you like it or not, you represent everyone when you're in office. Just the other day, Obama had a $35,800 per plate fund raiser for 85 people. That means the president raised over $3 million on that trip. I wonder how much it cost taxpayers for him to attend that fund raiser. Think about it. We paid his salary and we paid for Air Force One to take him to the event, as well as the Secret Service employees who had to tag along to protect him. Remember how we're broke? And yet we're paying for Obama to scoot here and there to raise money so that he can continue to spend and ruin the country. What a system. He has a job to do, one that we pay him to do. It's one thing for a candidate who is not in office to jet around the country raising money, taking bribes from businesses (we know they're often just that), bad mouthing the competition. It's another thing entirely when the person - President or Congressmen/women or local officials - are spending their time NOT doing their jobs and instead campaigning. So we're paying them to campaign and picking up the cost of transporting them hither and yon. If a person wants to run for re-election, that's fine. There are plenty of organizations that can help promote a candidate. Let those organizations do just that. Then, let the successes or failures of the office holder be the major deciding factor in whether or not someone gets re-elected. But if a person has a job to do, he/she should do that job. Taxpayers should never have to pay for anyone in office to spend time campaigning. Nor should we have to listen to the horrid things that come out of their mouths about us while we're paying the tab. Note: Supposedly a blogger was able to find out about some of the names at that $3 million fund raiser Obama just had. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/want-to-see-the-guest-list-from-obamas-35800plate-dinner/ Do yourself a favor. Google some of the names. You can bet that they will be people who will benefit if Obama manages to get re-elected. I realize that what Obama does best is getting a crowd riled up, giving speeches and campaigning. So maybe, instead of being president, someone should hire him to be a career campaigner. But we don't need a campaigner-in-chief in the White House. (Nor a golfer-in-chief nor a vacationer-in-chief.) So what are your thoughts? Shouldn't we limit campaigning and fund raising for existing politicians? Especially the president? Aren't they working for us all, not just the few? Can you think of any other new rules we need?
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2 responses
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
24 Apr 11
There is a lot of wisdom in not allowing someone to campaign while in office. I would think if they were doing a wonderful job they wouldn't need to campaign and let someone else put forth their qualifications for re-election.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Apr 11
Yeah, I kind of like that idea.
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
30 Apr 11
I think you are right on this one. A politician should not be able to use his position to campaign, I feel like someone in office needs to run on their record and make their duties their priority. On the other hand, others should be able to do their campaigning while they do their business. I also do not think the president should campaign for those running while he is in office.