Really Wishing I Had Another Job

@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
April 22, 2011 5:53pm CST
There are days where I continue to think maybe I am crazy wanting to find another job this close to 5 yrs. and should really try and work something out. And then there are the days where I really dread going to work, and just wish somehow somewhere I have applied would call me in for an interview, and want to hire me as well. There are so many things going on anymore that really seems unfair, and then due to costs, etc. it is getting to the point to where how can I even get caught up let alone ahead anymore. When a job is costing you a lot is it really work it anymore? Problem all started when my neighbor stopped wanting to help get me to the Bus stop all of the time, and I had to start taking a Taxi to get there. It ended up where I was having to use all of this extra $$ for that instead of using it for Food and bills and such, to where now we are really struggling. (It has now gotten to the point where my husband comes home from his job, drives me to mine, which means I am over an hr. late, and then he has to come back home and then pick me up like 5-6 hrs later.) This plus the high Gas prices is one of the main reasons we traded in our 2006 Subaru Forrester for a New 2011 Toyota Prius. But then there is the constant issues with working where I do. The office environment is filthy. We are sure there is Black mold, and everyone is always coughing and sneezing, and the place is filthy. (I am sure this is a lot of the reason why the wound on my leg does not want to heal.) They have never cleaned the carpets besides vacum and they are BLACK since I started there. Also the other thing is now they have a Video camera and mic in the room to where they can now watch what everyone is doing, and listen to our conversations. Our main boss can even listen to us from his home, and watch us. To me this is really crazy and I wonder how legal this can be? We never gave our permission for him to do so, and would wonder if this is against the code of ethics as well. For me I would Love to report all of this, and have started collecting some of the numbers to do so. But I personally wonder if it would be worth it, or something that I would regret.. And if I did and got fired, it would be something I would definately fight but would it follow me around and have to be reported to the next job I go too? Personally I wish there was a better answer, but know for now there is nothing more I can do. I keep Praying and believing for something else to open up but for now life continues and I hope I can endure it once more. ~~TINA~~
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20 responses
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Apr 11
Oh Tina, how awful the boss spying on you all like that. I would be tempted to say, "Look, spy on us all you like but get the place cleaned up!" but you won't say that, and I can understand why. It's obvious to me you need the job, rather like my hubby needing his job. His working environment isn't ideal either and he has to travel in his car to get there, placing a strain on his already dwindling finances. Why does everything go up but wages stagnate? John has had a rise but he should've been earning this (in my opinion) long ago and it doesn't compensate for the fact that there were no rises previous to this. It's obscene how companies treat their workers and you have my full sympathy and support. Unfortunately, I don't have any answers for you and I wish I did my friend.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
26 Apr 11
Well, it has been interesting where I work for sure. They even got a notice to STOP the video, etc. but then removed the sign thinking it is no big deal while continuing to monitor etc. Personally I guess if this is to STOP someone from complaining about the Filth or take pictures this can still be reported as well. Just makes me wonder if this is LEGAL what the world will come to next.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
26 Apr 11
Are you in such a thing as a Union by any chance?
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
23 Apr 11
That all sounds very stressful, but I believe they would tell you that you have no reasonable expectation of privacy, as far as the video camera and mic go. You are at work in a shared office. I wonder if you need to report the mold situation to the Health Department.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
26 Apr 11
Well they did have the City of Seattle post a STOP notice on the door about the Cameras, and being able to hear us from home which was ignored, and taken down thinking it was a joke, and we are continued to be monitored from my Boss's home even when he is at home. He can hear and watch our every move still. As for the filth, that is being reported as well. It is grouse in there and no one even seems to think it should be an issue. We should not worry about it... At least we have jobs?
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
26 Apr 11
I wish things could be different for you. We need some good jobs all over the country.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
29 Apr 11
We do not need many reasons to get another job. We only need one - and that is if we feel are not no longer happy with the job. How to know if you are happy with the job? It is when you do not find excuses to quit. My motto is always - Quit when you feel you are taken for granted - Easy to say difficult to do. Achievers are always great endurers. LOL.
@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Apr 11
You could maybe walk part way to the bus stop and then catch a taxi from somewhere in between. Mold and filth is something to take seriously. And working in filth is discusting. I would check into the laws and what they say about such conditions. I can understand them using a mic and camera. I would check into the legality of it but I think you will find that it is within an employer's peraminders. I would be looking very seriously for other work opportunities. In my locality there are lawyers you can talk to for free. You call the main law(can't think of the name.)I would really try to check and see what your legal rights are. On a spiritual level I would wonder if this situation you are in isn't meant to teach you something.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
24 Apr 11
Hi Tina. Sounds to me like your company has some legal issues that needs to be reported. I am not sure what all is going on in your company. But I think I would be calling someone about all this. If this job is causing you health problems, and costing you more I think I would be looking for another job. This job don't sound like it is a good job. I don't think that they can release any information about an employee that doesn't have to do with how they did their job. You are a good worker and do what your job ask they should be respectful enough to the employees and keep it a clean place to work. I think something is wrong with a boss that would want to keep tabs of his employees at his home. Is there a boss above him? Is this company owned by some bigger firm? I think I would call a lawyer and see what they said! Good luck my friend and hope and pray God sends you a better job soon!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
6 Jan 13
Well, the main issue is even though I am sure this is why it is taking so long for my leg to heal like it should, is that since it is not a Restaurant the Health department says their hands are tied unless they take pictures and had at least 85-90% of the employees also wanting to back up this. So the place remains filthy and grouse, and you learn to just deal with it.
• United States
29 Apr 11
Wow that is a great deal of stress you are under and probably contributing to some of the migraines you are getting. I wonder if that mold is affecting you this way. An anonymous call to the health department may at least prompt a make sure kind of check. I will pray for you my dear this is too much for you to continue to endure.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
26 Apr 11
It is really getting bad. It is to the point that my husband is wondering if it is even worth him going to work. They have had their hours cut and sometimes sent home after 3 hours, that does not even pay for the gas to get there and home. We have no buses or taxi's to take. You cannot ride with anyone as they may be there 3 hour, up to 8. You never know day to day.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
24 Apr 11
It sounds like there are things that need to be taken care of by this company and yes, there are things that need to be reported. The mold should be reported to the health department as it is a health safety issue for all who work there. The cameras are probably legal as far as they are in the workplace and not a restroom. Many companies are doing things like this now so that they can be sure that their employees are working while on the clock. It is sad, but it is part of being an employee. I would ask the boss if there was someway that we could clean the carpet while you are working. Maybe he would allow some of the staff there to take care of it and that would help. If all else fails, find a new job. There must be something out there for you.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Apr 11
First, if you can't physically get to the bus stop--you are disabled and should be on disability. Can't you do that? People who are truly unable to get around without help, like you, deserve disability. Secondly, please call someone about your job. I don't think it's legal and it certainly isn't right to electronically spy on everyone and the Board of Health should know about the conditions you work in. Is it really worth your health to keep your mouth shut?
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
24 Apr 11
I am saddened by reading your post and also would like to say that it is very easy to give suggestions to others especially when one is not in that situation. But, just take this simple suggestion from me. First of all cheer up and don't be so sad. Remember there are people out there on the streets who are not as fortunate as you are. As for your job part, you must muster courage and face up to your boss about the filthy working conditions. I guess, it is a compulsion on organisations to provide clean and hygienic working conditions to workers denying which you can approach the local health department. Also, it a gross violation of human rights, for your company to make you work in filth where you are catching various infections. You can even reach out to the Human Rights activists. The camera part cannot be helped as it is legal to place cameras at work place to avoid theft and misuse of office amenities. But, I am not so sure about the microphone part as you may have to speak private stuff with your personal friends or relatives over the telephone. As for the extra expenditure on cab, you can look out for car pooling in your area wherein people take out their vehicles and go together in groups instead of each one taking out their vehicle. Don't take extra stress as it would effect you as well as your near ones negatively. And don't forget to keep us posted on the improvement in your office which I am certain will happen.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
24 Apr 11
You must face the fact that you could be let go and that your reputation would proceed you when you searched for another job. But maybe you could get the heath inspecter out for the mold. Or you could suggest that this may be a danger to others who might sue the boss, he might listen then. Try to figure out a way to handle each problem even if you just improve it in small ways. I know the boss wants to get the most for his money so if you can come up with ideas that cost little or no money you will have better luck. You know your boss so try to present these ideas as though they were his. Good luck.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Sounds like you are having a terrible time and it is a shame that your work environment has some to what it has..on top if the filth. If there is some way to prove your wound could be directly related to your work conditions...well...that's a door you might want or not want to open. I was very frustrated on my 5th year at the company I work for too. I stayed because of the senority I had accumulated and was worried about trying to start over somewhere else. Things worked out for me and I was able to make great changes in the company, but I guess you have to ask yourself if it's worth it or not. At this point...I hope something opens up for you too. Take care.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
26 Apr 11
I had the same feeling when I worked for a boss who didnt respect our rights as employees in the company. He was not the owner, just the manager whom we call the care taker cause he really doesnt know anything. I worked there for more than a year and during those times, i wished I had another job but it was so difficult to look for another job that's why i stayed there that long.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
27 Apr 11
Aww...I feel for you. I feel that way about my job, too, although I've been here for just two and a half years. I wish you could find an answer to what bugging you now. Maybe if not a better job, then, an improvement in your job conditions. Funny, because in our office, we suspect that there are microphones and videos secretly installed to monitor us employees. It's unhealthy because we're not really comfortable knowing that those things could also exist. Also, one of our airconditioning units is busted, and unfortunately, it's the one nearest my cubicle. And, we're having a really hot summer, so you could just imagine your brain getting fried because of all the heat. And we can't do anything about it, nor the boss doing anything about it, either.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I am very sorry to hear that you are having to go through all of this. It sure is rough for alot of people these days. My husband and I both work seven days a week, to make sure to pay the bills and put food on the table. We sure know how the struggle is. I hope it gets at least a little better for you all soon.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 Apr 11
have you looked for another job? Sounds like you need to....I would be worried with the mold situation! Hopefully soon things will take a turn least you got rid of the renter!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
23 Apr 11
You poor thing! I do relate to having to go to a job you no longer enjoy. I spent many years doing just that and it made me feel very depressed. I doubt you can do anything about the cameras but you can certainly complain about the dirt and its effects on your health along with everybody else who works there. Try praying not for a particular job but for the perfect job and salary for you, have faith and keep your ears and eyes open for opportunities in the meantime. Sometimes when we have to endure the knowledge that we are doing something about moving on to better things can help. I hope things improve for you. You certainly have my prayers!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
23 Apr 11
What a crazy situation this is for you! If I was in your situation I would stick with it. At my age,the way the ecomony is and don't want to ever have another job again,I'd stay! No matter how bad it would get! I have no confidence to go and look for another job if I had to! I also don't trust employees to hire me,either! Hopefully I can retire were I am working right now and have been for almost 10 years. I have like 18 years to go but I rather do that then not have the security elsewhere. I don't know how to help with your problem! I am sure you get better advice from other friends then me!
@misterMR (796)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
After reading it, I felt the pain in my neck. Not the usual one, but the one I know that I have to do something in order to stop it from the pain. I would also report that because it is like they are monitoring every step that you are doing! It is not fair for the workers and workers will only get pressured! It is like your life is at stake! I hope you'll get a new job soon if you want to change your job. It's just too much. Good luck!
• Indonesia
23 Apr 11
From all the problems, I think you'd better look for new job. I see that you're not comfort anymore and because of it, all thing you do won't be alright. By now, lets to relax, I know you're worthy to get another job! All you need to do is make a survey about another job that may suitable to you and not make a pressure. New job, new situation and new neighbourhood is all that you need. Dont left your self on pressure. Let make a brave right decision...!!