If You Really Love Your Country, Then Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is....

@Adoniah (7512)
United States
April 22, 2011 7:40pm CST
Boycott everything that is NOT American Made!!! If the American made, costs too much, then save up for it. Do not buy anything that is not made in the USA. I am doing it. I am also doing without certain things because I have made this commitment. I WILL however, stick to it for the rest of my life! Most American made products are actually only a little bit more than foreign products. When I walk into stores and the whole store sells NOTHING BUT MADE IN CHINA, I get so disgusted I could scream. Most, if not all of the items are absolute junk. No one needs any of it. They buy it because they want Nick knacks. They buy it because they just have to spend money on junk stuff. We will never be able to pay off the debts that our country has accrued. If everyone in the country was taxed 100% of their income for a year, it would not even pay the interest on the debt of our country for that year. This is insane. Of course, most Americans are in the same kind of debt themselves. And they still keep buying the damn chinese junk... Save your country...Buy American exclusively.
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18 responses
@ajk111 (2495)
23 Apr 11
i guess if every country adopted your attitude then all the world would be self suffient. but we are not...not even china...cos by your reckoning everything is made in china so they should be rolling in it. but they are not. what is the point of your discussion? surely your major manufacturers would go burst? Nike for example? I may be ill informed but i would like a better reason for not buying outside of the US.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 Apr 11
The US has outsourced too many things and we are going bankrupt. We need to keep our money at home for a change. We need to get rid of an idiot president who is doing his best to bankrupt us. We cannot seem to stop him, so until we can vote him out of office, we need to do everything we can to stabalize our economy. Buying American is one way. I take it you are not American and therefore do not care....
• United States
23 Apr 11
The thought is not to stop world trade but to give a boost to local economies. Areas with dwindling jobs such as where I am could use for the people to buy local produce, meats, crafts and clothing. If we can all just spend 25% more on local items we can bolster up our own local areas creating jobs and businesses which will in turn grow and help the national economy. Chain effect my friend. World trade is good for items we cannot get here but there are plenty we do not need to get else where.
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@ajk111 (2495)
23 Apr 11
i do care....but i am not american. i feel your point is not just US based but any country based. i agree you have a fake president....but we in the UK have a fake PM. personally i can think back to the mid 90's when either of us had a decent leader....but perhaps you may disagree so i will say no more! lol! politics and business go hand in hand and stink of corruption. i think nothing we do will alter that....but i would love to be proved wrong.
@youless (112870)
• Guangzhou, China
23 Apr 11
Long time ago I had a similar thought like yours. If there was a country which had a bad relationship with my country, I would try to boycott their products. Today I just think it is childish. It is not the solution. Besides, it is impossible to boycott a certain country's products. We live in a global world. Try to imagine, today the main digital camera brands are from Japan. Of course there is Kodak, Samsung digital cameras, too. But are they much more popular than Canon, Nikon etc.? I don't think so. And by the way, actually my country China has lent lots of money to your country. I love China
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
24 Apr 11
It is your country...I would expect nothing less. Of course you love your country. I hope that they are not selling the same products to their own people that they are selling to us. I hope that they have not killed your babies with poisons in the baby formula. I hope that they have not put fake Heparin in the medicine for your dialysis patients and killed your people too. This is what I hope for you.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
23 Apr 11
This is a good idea but by buying products from other countries we help improve their economy so they can buy our products and grow our economy. I buy what I can that is made in America but if it is not or if the quality is better I will buy from another country.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I am thinking specifically of China...If you have been keeping up with the news for the past few years it seem that they have been systematically trying to knock off first our children, then our pets and now our sick and elderly. They substitute cheap imitation products in food and medicines to save money that has killed or sickened infants, dialysis patients, the elderly, and our pets. They are still using lead base paints on toys and other products. When are we going to learn? Easter this year was brought to you christians totally by china...did anyone bother to check?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
25 Apr 11
This may come as a surprise to you, but the US is still (by far) the biggest manufacturing nation in the world.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
25 Apr 11
btw, does "buy American" mean buying a Toyota made in Tennessee, or a Chevy made in Mexico?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
26 Apr 11
Ok, so you are ok with money being taken out of the US economy, and being sent overseas, but you resent money coming from overseas to our economy? What do you think happens when US companies keep their corporate headquarters and operations here, but move the production jobs overseas? Yes, the production and lower management jobs go to people in those countries, but all but the operating costs come back to the US. Then the companies spend and invest the money here... investors make money from their stocks here. On the other hand, when foreign companies build factories and other facilities here, it does help the local economy because of the jobs. However, the bulk of the money goes back to whatever nation hosts the headquarters.. and it spent and invested there. Why stay and fight a costly (and mostly fruitless) battle? Both parties have made it pretty clear that they don't care. Even the rhetoric of the left has remained silent while Government and Union owned GM continues to keep jobs overseas.. and creates even more.. while creating few here. If the UAW isn't even interested in bringing jobs back to the US.. what chance is there?
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
25 Apr 11
Funny, Actually, foreign companies that set up factories here should be applauded. I feel very bad for Japan right now. They have been very good for the US by employing our people and now they cannot supply us with parts and it is upsetting them. It is when our companies move offshore that I get upset. It the corporate taxes are causing them problems, they should stay and fight against them!!!
@urbandekay (18278)
23 Apr 11
Sorry to say but that is a rather naive view of economics. all the best urban
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Sorry to say but you should stop using your computer right now then as you PC isn't American Made. It will have parts from mostly Taiwan and also by purchasing things made from around the world you are helping the overall global economy which is what the United States are dealing with is a Global level economic Recession. We are too interconnected to do this completely also a lot of the things made in China are what the United States doesn't have the work force to produce the number needed. And China has the numbers to produce at the level needed by Companies like Apple Inc. Ipod,Ipad,Iphone and the whole Apple line up is made in China. Dell is another one that has locations in China. So Does HP. Intel and AMD have chip manufacturing places outside the United States. The United States has to keep the industries we are good at which a lot of them are currently in Science and other Tech fields. But this could actually come to an end and well the only other choice is to out populate China with a work force so that would mean a breeding program of some form.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I"m a computer tech and I do a lot of system building. I honestly don't think it's possible to build a computer with all American parts. I do enjoy mocking Mac users who claim that their computers are American and made of "Mac parts". I politely inform them that Macs are made with Foxconn motherboards. Foxconn motherboards are built in sweatshops in China. Most PCs use motherboards made in Taiwan, as you said, or Korea. If you really do buy only American, you'll have to leave computers behind.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Adoniah if people around the world only bought from their own countries you would see a price increase across the board in the United States because American Companies could increase their prices as their would be less supply for Product X. So having Product X or Solution X be manufactured by many different companies is why we have prices lower than they would be other wise the market through companies trying to get your dollar have brought the price down. Also some food for thought even if it is Made in America like if you purchased lets say a Computer from a local computer shop you did just purchase parts that came from other parts of the world. Like I said Intel Chips and AMD Chips are made in other parts of the world. Also not all of our manufacturing Jobs are going away we still have some pretty big manufactures in the Semiconductor area. Also we have some Industries that are pretty much solely producing products in the United States.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 Apr 11
There is the problem in black and white...the reason our economy is going down the tubes it that we no longer produce anything anymore. We are a welfare society. All of our manufactures have moved offshore because the corporate taxes and fees have gotten so high that they cannot stay here. It is not really the salaries that are the problem as much as the Gov. restrictions. I do put my money where my mouth is...I have not eaten a hershey's product since they moved their corporate offices to mexico. I do turn over every item and check were it is made before I buy it and if it is from china, I do not buy it. If I absolutely need it, I will buy it if it is from Europe. There are stores where I live where they sell nothing but products made in china. These are not cheap stores. These are very expensive stores. The people who shop there could afford to buy American.
@venshida (4836)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I try very hard to buy all American products. It is difficult, but when I find an American made product I buy it.I am sick of all the stuff from China. I really love the made in America segment on ABC news with Dianne Sawyer because it is bringing an awareness of American companies that still make products.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Apr 11
I am Canadian and I buy American. I also buy English and German. The reason is that when it comes to buying things like shoes and clothes, the Chinese do not hae large feet so their shoes do not fit. I do think one should buy from your own country but it depends on your country. The United States has a climate from very cold to semi-tropical, and a large population. Therefore they can manufacture many things in it and grow a lot of produce. Whereas in other countires, like Canada (unless we take over some Islands in the Caribbean and have 14 provinces instead of 10, we cannot just buy Canadian exclusively. However, I do think that if the jobs remained in America that were sent out to China, the American made stuff would not be as expensive so people would not be forced to bjy cheaply made Chninese stuff. That is my take.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Apr 11
I think the government forgets that the corporations employ people and do not horde their profits into a big safe ala Scrooge Macduck. If the corporate tax would be lowered or eliminated, more would stay in America and I am also talking about Canada. We have the same problem and it is getting worse. I remember when I went into my favorite dress shop and bought a dress that I supposed to be washable and it ran. It was made in India and also having to soak material in salt water because not being made in Canada or the States, but in places like China where they were not careful of checking before they imported it, it would run. And do not let me tell you about the shoes.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
25 Apr 11
Our major problem is that the last two administrations have taxed corporations to the point that they are moving offshore in droves. I really cannot blame them except for the fact that they have not fought back at all. If they had fought the taxes, then maybe we would not be in the aweful shape that we are in now. It is not really the wages that cause the problem...it is the corporate taxes that is causeing our problems.
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• United States
23 Apr 11
While I get the concept, it is probably more usefull to continue to take advantage of the benefits of foreign made products, and focus more on being able to produce enough domestic products to other nations so that we don't run a trade deficite. i.e. maybe we buy a lot of plastic toys from China, but they eat a lot of McDonalds, so it balances out.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 Apr 11
It does not balance out because all of that money stays in their country. Check out the legal agreement with china and McDonalds...Check out all of the agreements with our companies and china. They all say the same thing...the money stays in china.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Then why are we borrowing money from THEM?
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
24 Apr 11
No. The way to really love your country is to find out who the jerks were that took the jobs overseas and refuse to buy their products. Waving the flag while you take your factory overseas and lay off Americans is passe. It's time for it to stop!
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
24 Apr 11
That is why I boycott Hershey and will never own a GM vehicle. I am in the process of searching out other companies. When I compile a big enough list I will post that too.
@sashakiddo (1102)
• United States
24 Apr 11
This is a very smart and noble idea. The way I see it though, if there are more products available from other nations, then chances are people are going to buy those. Maybe your way is the only real way we can do things as consumers, but a part of me is annoyed at companies liek Walmart for merely existing because they are the ones that exploit chinese workers. who keeps walmart in existence? maybe we could also boycott outside their doors, they do everything wrong! even american employees who work there don't get paid well.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
24 Apr 11
I no longer shop at Walmart, because they exploit children too.
@ritzz07 (788)
• India
23 Apr 11
hi i am not an american and not in america so cant say anything about it however i am agree with you and in india 60% people are using products which are made in india. i am one of them,and we have one organisation which is working for this called "swadeshi"(meaning-made in my country).and seeds of swadeshi are sowed in 1920.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
24 Apr 11
Good...I like that word "Swadeshi"!
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I certainly appreciate and respect your sentiments. I try to buy American whenever I can. Unfortubately it's difficult for many people to follow this. I see more of an effort being made and I hope it continues.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Good keep it up...If you cannot afford it you do not need it. Also do not use your credit cards...Every time you use your credit card it goes into a data bank and someone sells your info. That is how you get adds on your computer, in your mailbox and over the phone.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I admire your dedication to this!! Yikes..no credit cards?? I try to pay off my balances every month..but I do hear what you are saying.
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
I admire your patriotism, really I do. However, you can still be patriotic without cursing on other countries products. It would also be difficult to not buy anything that is made outside of your country.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I am not cursing them. I am stating facts. These are people that have tainted products to save a little money and have killed our people. We have proof of this and they do not care. They just find other ways to do it again.
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
Oh I see. Now I understand Adoniah. :)
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I would love to buy only American products but it is very difficult. I want to see Americans get back their jobs instead of seeing so many jobs going overseas.
@cet1987 (209)
• Malaysia
23 Apr 11
Hello Adoniah, It is a good idea. Buy local products to boost nation economy. I have to admit it that the China made product is cheap compared to America's product. But China manufacturer is trying to improve the quality of their products. Not all of it is junk. We take Lenovo for example, they are Chinese multinational computer manufacturer and the quality is good. They even bought America based IBM computer division and Japan based NEC computer maker. Even America are not allow Japanese Manufacturer to open factory in US except SONY because there are American share holder in SONY. There are other solution that can boost America economy which is by reducing the military budget. America spend a lot of money for military. Stop invading other countries, use the military spending money for domestic market. Happy lotting.
• United States
23 Apr 11
What gets me is when you see little flags on things then when you open it up find out that all the parts where made else where. How do you buy American when the American is made out of junk from else where. I will only buy local produce or at least American but that too is hard as so much of it co,es from South America.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
For me yes it is a good idea that we had for it.