Why we all human shouldn't be vegeterian for the sake of animal kinds...?
By vishurckr
@vishurckr (62)
April 23, 2011 11:57am CST
I was wondering that there are a lot's of people to are non-veg however I'm a vegetarian. But there are a lots of people around me who buy live animal and the tore them into pieces and then eat them. they don't even think of blood beautiful eyes and other things of animal kinds. Like of you have a pet then you can imagine that when a person cut any animal then it really cruel. Now whether you guys are agree or not. I want to know your valuable opinion.
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16 responses
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Apr 11
There are many arguements about meat eaters and vegetarians. Our bodies are set up to eat both meat and vegatables, this is how we evolved. I eat eggs, and cheese as my meat and all types of grain, seeds, nuts and vegetables. I have read statements that show more animals are destroyed in the raising of vegetables then in the eating of meat. I find this hard to believe, but having been raised where grass crops are grown I know that mass poisoning and hunts go into elimating the so called pests that eat these crops. These include rabbits and squirels. The bottom line is humans eat and to do that other things die.

@CptBuckaroo (12)
23 Apr 11
actually that arguement DOES work, and its not an arguement, its a known fact, animals entire eco-systems are destroyed to make way for large crop fields, also i live in a massive farming community, and i've never *especially in my days of working on farms* seen farmers feed any crops to livestock, and if you dont think making fields for crops kills animals, you are sadly mistaken, for example, in asia the panda bears current natural habitat is endanger of being destroyed to make rice fields, and rabbits, badgers, birds and many other animals are shot or trapped, to stop them from eating and digging up crops, farmers in england only a couple of years ago were in a constant battle against badgers, and when someone caught tuborculosis the farmers went out and killed thousands of badgers, claiming that badgers were the cause, and then scientists claimed it wasn't a badger, and the farmers only killed these badgers because of them eating their crops, the end of the sad fact is humans are cruel and there will not be an end to animals being killed for food its human nature, but the other problem is if we stopped killing certain animals, then they would over run, and cause more damage, in norway for example, (i'm not sure of the exact number) but something like 50,000 elk must be killed every year, i know it seems cruel but if they became to populated they would destroy their own natural habitat and possibly starve, die or relocate, which would cause worse effects to the natural eco system, in other words, they would become like humans so to speak, over populated and destroy their own eco system
@CptBuckaroo (12)
23 Apr 11
that is true, many animals are killed to protect farmers crops, through hunting, if you want to protect animals then you should grow your own vegetables in your own back garden

@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
6 May 11
Welcome to My Lot.
Congratulations on your noble, compassionate decision to not want to contribute to the torture & slaughter of our animal companions for sensual gratification.
You have raised a good point regarding the fact that we choose some animals for pets & others to carve up as we please. Who are we to decide their fate? Why should an animal with a soul who only wants us to befriend them be subject to such malicious treatment at the hands of those who were put on this earth to be their caretakers & guardians?
I'll respond in a very limited fashion to some of the issues others have raised thus far in the rough order that they appear in. Some of these very old arguments never fail to amaze me how people try to justify their backward, barbaric, uneducated behavior & bad, filthy habits.
The "fear of overcrowding by animals if we don't eat them" issue. Humans officially slaughter over eight times their own global population in animal lives each & every year. In 2005, according to the United Nations FAO, we managed to slaughter officially 424 billion animals for their flesh. Many more were killed in the process of killing who did not make it to our plates. Animals in the wild have their numbers naturally maintained by the presence of predators, available food supply, etc & do not destroy eco-systems in the process. They will not breed up uncontrollably unless we alter the natural system in some way. They only get to such artificial & unsustainably large numbers because breeders keep them from predators & forcefully inseminate them. We should not breed them in such a fashion if we do not want them to overrun us. If we do not eat them, breeders will not continue to breed them. Supply & demand.
The "we raise animals so we have a right to eat them" issue. Really??? Parents raise their children - do they have a right to kill & eat them. Kings, Queens & governments rule over their citizens - do they kill & eat them? What do you think would happen? The fact is, you can't re-create the animal with its own individual soul in the same likeness that you just ate in the same time you took to kill it, so you do not have the right to take its life in the first place. This is a dangerous argument because it allows some to justify a behavior that is otherwise universally condemned. Such an argument could be used to defend a group of slave holders - "but they're bred to be our workers"! No one gave us such a right & even if they did, we have the power & the wisdom & compassion to refuse to use it.
The "people have a right to do as they please" issue. Wow! Then why do we have laws - even those that protect dogs & cats, but none at all for farmed animals? It is amazing in this day & age, at this point in our evolution or level of God realization how we can legally support the breeding, torture, killing, etc of a certain type of animal, but condemn with harsh penalties the comparatively light & fleeting abuse of another type of animal.
Growing feed to raise animals to be made into food is the single most inefficient industry on the face of this earth! It operates at a 0.1% efficiency! Any other industry operating with such ridiculous losses would be promptly shut down, if not by the governing authorities, then by market forces.
Raising animals for meat has its consequences. It leads to rain forest destruction, global heat rising, water pollution, water scarcity, desertification, misuse of energy resources and world hunger. The use of land, water, energy and human effort to produce meat is not an efficient way to use the Earth’s resources. Since 1960, some 25% of Central America’s rain forests have been burned and cleared to create pasture for beef cattle. It has been estimated that every four ounce hamburger made from rain forest beef destroys 55 square feet of tropical rain forest. It is the livestock industry, not the timber industry, which drives deforestation. Eighty percent of cleared Amazon forest is designated as a cattle grazing area to prepare the animals for slaughter, and the remainder is planted as soy crops used for animal feed. In addition, raising cattle contributes significantly to the production of three gases which cause global warming; is a leading cause of water pollution and requires a staggering 2464 gallons of water for the production of each pound of beef. It only takes 29 gallons of water to produce a pound of tomatoes and 139 gallons to produce a one pound loaf of whole wheat bread. Nearly half of the water consumed in the United States goes to the growing of feed for cattle and other livestock. Many more people could be fed if the resources used to raise cattle were used to produce grain to feed the world’s population. An acre of land growing oats produces 8 times the protein and 25 times the calories, if the oats are fed to humans rather than to cattle. An acre of land used for broccoli produces 10 times the protein, calories and niacin as an acre of land producing beef. Statistics like these are numerous & I have many, many more. The world’s resources would be more efficiently utilized if the land used for livestock production was converted to raising crops to feed people.
Statements that more animals are destroyed in growing vegetables than eating meat are issued by meat & livestock corporations & other groups with vested interests. Scientists in every field, including the medical profession as a whole, both veg & non-veg, have published countless studies strongly supporting the vegan diet as the healthiest diet for ourselves, others (humans & animals), the planet & our hip pockets. The only plant-based foods I ever eat & support are either organically or biodynamically certified & definitely do not conform to such statements. Raising animals for food & the accompanying feed crops has been responsible for massive eco-system destruction in recent times. Leading ecologists say that the decline of wildlife due to species extinction is so rapid that there is no modern comparison. Scientists also now predicted that the Earth’s 16,000 endangered species may become extinct 100 times faster than previously thought.
We are not omnivores - our entire make up from our teeth, through to our stomachs, through to our intestines, etc are all very similar to herbivores & humans have bastardized this. We were designed to only take plants as food, as you may see from the earliest points of any scriptures in any of the world's major religions. Nor are we animals, we are humans of the human standard & are here to accompany & teach the animals so they too may evolve to the human standard & beyond. We should not learn from them nor imitate them & their behavior - which is ultimately a reflection of our own messed up behavior.
Pre-historic people did not all eat meat. Most of the evidence we have found suggests that hunting only took place in climate-adverse regions & that hunters were nomadic people & not very well developed. Recorded history shows us that since earliest times, man was purely vegan & many remained so down through the ages. These were truly great people as has been frequently noted.
Finally, the "plants have feelings" issue. In addition, if you were to prune a fruit tree or harvest certain vegetables in the proper manner, they will become even more prolific & give you an even bigger yield next season. If you were to cut a rump steak out of an animal, well, you know what happens then! There's the argument that omnivores put forward about plants feeling pain too. I've explained all this before. An animal's consciousness is equivalent to humans whereas a plant's is only a few percent. Also as plants cannot locomote, the sensation of experiencing pain would be superfluous. Plants differ completely physiologically from animals & it's like comparing chalk & cheese. In addition, if you were to prune a fruit tree or harvest certain vegetables in the proper manner, they will become even more prolific & give you an even bigger yield next season. If you were to cut a rump steak out of an animal, well, you know what happens then! Plants don't have a central nervous system (CNS) to process pain. Without a brain we wouldn't feel pain, it's as simple as that. And there are humans that feel no pain because the part processing that 'information' lacks in their brain/ nervous system. The disease is called 'Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis'.

@vishurckr (62)
• India
6 May 11
Very Very good... Briefing is awesome.Very well explained every single point of this topic. And well Nice use of words. You are a great thinker and writer.
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
7 May 11
Thank you for the opportunity. You have a good choice of topic here - I'll rate it "+".
My response is still incomplete, also due to time & space constraints, but you get the idea.
Thank you for your compliments, but I don't consider myself as either a good writer nor a great thinker. If it helps you, I'm happy. 

@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
24 Apr 11
I understand your sentiments, but from the perspective of a debate, this notion is flawed. One could argue that even vegetarians are equally to blame because science has proved that even plants can sense pain and what's more they indeed even cry, albeit not apparent to the human eye.

@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
24 Apr 11
You can't justify killing plants by growing new ones. If a murderer kills someone he dislikes and saves someone else he likes from being slain, will the court declare it "a draw" and let him off the hook?
Can an army man open fire on innocent hordes just because he claims to have saved millions of his countrymen from terrorist invasions?
Murder is indefensible, whatsoever.
Humans can't give birth to an animal, but animals can give birth to their own kind - so as long as we are not killing more animals than are being born, what's the harm? I don't see chickens or muttons becoming extinct anytime soon.
@vishurckr (62)
• India
24 Apr 11
No, here is the answer of your doubts, We can eaisly give life to plants like we do farming and planting of vegetables. But can you give birth to an animal kind. Not at all.

@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
23 Apr 11
I am a meat eater. I believe we won't eat meat,certain animils would over crowd us! Like cattle,sheep,pigs and chickens. We all can't and don't want to be vegetarians or vegans! It just not in very one's nature! Same way with deer! If they were not hunted for meat,they would over run us too! Man has been a canivore since the beging! We raise animals to eat. I grew up on a farm. We ate some of the animals we raised! So I have a different point of view then some people! I have a neice who is a vegetarian. So is an aunt on her mom's side. She hope to become a vegan. I have no problem with that! Do what you feel is right!
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
24 Apr 11
I don think eating animals is cruetly, If your see the other animals like tiger crododile pirahna eagle and such eat other animals to survive too,Human being other animals too eat other animals and vegetable fruits to survive, human started as fruit eater and later vegetable and then to animal meat eater.Therefore i don think humans should be pure vegetarian.It is only by choise.

@inedible (768)
• Singapore
25 Apr 11
@vishurckr: I think he was referring to eating farmed animals, like cows or chickens or deer. Not tigers. Eating tigers is illegal because they're considered endangered.
@vishurckr (62)
• India
24 Apr 11
hahaha! how funny was that. Do you think that a human need to kill animal for survival. How funny. Don't you know there are only 1413 tigers left in india. And if you count human population in india then it is 1230000000. Now when you finish counting of zeros in that value then response me.

@investor211 (474)
• Mexico
24 Apr 11
first of all i im a cannibal, im a meet lover, to become a vegan its just an option that people can choose to be, im sure going vegan is healthier,
but we are the kings of this land, why not enjoy what this land has to offer?
i will not worry so much about health, at the end we die anyway, and i really dont understand people who love animals that much and feel so much compassion about them when they are so delicious, and vegetables are ouug have no flavor hehhe i eat also vegetables just to keep me balance but i will never stop eating meet, and the only way i will eat vegetables only is if they assure me to live 200 hundred years, which is never gonna happen.

@investor211 (474)
• Mexico
25 Apr 11
that is hard to answer, lets see i dont have a healthy habits but i go to gym most of the time, im not a fat person and enjoy most of the food i eat
this life is tooo short to be worry about healthy or unhealthy , i just stand for live one day at the time, maybe i die tomorrow,,, but before that happens i will eat my second snykers chocolate mmmmmmmmmmm
and is there anyway to live 200 hundred years?
@vishurckr (62)
• India
24 Apr 11
Hi investor211, See suppose a vagan food can give you you all age illness free and healthy and the no-vagan give you the same age or may be a little small age of unhealth. then what you will prefer. Now here is the question. do you want to live with unhealthy body or healthy body...???

@MuneebUrRahman (11)
• India
24 Apr 11
I differ in my thoughts. Plants do have life and so do animals. Vegetables are cultivated so are animals breeded. Agreed that plants do not show any pain nor do they bleed. But then there surely is some suffering involved. If killing animals were cruel, then killing plants is equally cruel. Now if killing plants was not curel then for instance just coz a person in coma does not express pain or speak out can be chopped into pieces and it still is not cruel. Now one might argue that plucking fruits etc is not hurting the plant and would anyways fall down in some time. Thats true. So is milking a few animals.The bottomline is be it plants or animals, killing is killing. If humans think too hard about that, then we have to die of hunger. Its up to the people to decide what he or she has to eat. When you think so much for animals then why not for plants?
@inedible (768)
• Singapore
25 Apr 11
I eat meat because I think meat is delicious. You have the right to think cows are cute, but other people also have the right to think cows are delicious. Saying that people should stop eating animals because "beautiful eyes" or "cruelty" implies that you think everyone shares the same set of beliefs, ideals, or preferences, which isn't the case. Some people value roasted burgers more than squishy eyes, and that's the sort of beautiful diversity of the human race that makes the world so colourful and fun.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
24 Apr 11
I think that way of thinking is kind of hypocrite. When you adopt a cat and your cat feeds on other animal's meat, like fish, for example, do you think that your cat is doing wrong and should feed only in veggies?
Humans are omnivores, and like so are supposed to get their necessary nutrients from veggies and meat as well, and that is the same for every single omnivore animal in nature.
Plants are living beings too, but I don't see vegetarians feeling bad for taking a vegetal form of life and eating it.
@sweetme329 (500)
• Australia
24 Apr 11
Hi Vishurckr, I became a vegetarian two years back. It wasn't really into it because all of a sudden i started pitying on animal rather it was because my hubby was vegetarian and i became one for him. But now that i look back, i am confirmed that i did right by being a vegetarian. I feel sad for the animals who cannot defend themselves. They have equal rights as us to be the part of this world and live accordingly. But there is another argument that says if everyone turns to be vegetarian then the environmental food chain will be imbalanced and broken.
So, i am not sure if every one of us should be vegetarian but myself i am proud to be a vegetarian!
@vishurckr (62)
• India
24 Apr 11
Hi Sweetme! as much as i know the environment chain is already imbalanced by human kinds. For example the cut trees and kill animals so a lots of animal kinds are lost there existance in earth. And in future I'm sure there are a few animals about i know will be no more like lion, Tigers and many other.
@vader88 (33)
• United States
23 Apr 11
Humans are naturally omnivores. Which means we eat both meat and plants. Being vegetarian is a choice. I eat both. When it comes to the question of killing animals for food, its the circle of life in my opinion. What do you think animals do? Do you think they will jeopardize their own survival because they feel sorry? No. Humans have evolved and made it this far by eating meat and plants. It shouldnt a question of killing the animal rather than your personal health or diet preference. Some people cant have too much red meat etc. But if your vegetarian thats fine with me. My only probably is how vegetarians rationalize their being so.
@tink91879 (742)
• United States
24 Apr 11
I am all for animal rights. I have a huge compassion for animals and believe we shld treat them with respect. I tried to go vegetarian. I am anemic and my anemia became worst after taking out the iron I needed form the meat I would consume. I craved red meat and spinach and found myself more tired than I had before. My doc adviced me to start eating meat again. I felt horrible. I had seen some horrible videos posted by peta of animal cruelty for animals slaughtered for meat,eggs and milk. You can buy locally. This way you see where your food is coming from and know the animals are well cared for. No I do not this. I would like to some day though. For now Im for animal rights and support treating them with respect for food or not.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 11
I became vegetarian when I was four years old because I love animals. Now I am grown up I understand that being vegetarian is healthy as well as ethical. In my teenage years I cut down on drinking cows milk and gradually became a vegan by the time I reached my late twenties. I now eat a vegan diet and buy shoes that are made from lorica. I think that animals have feelings and shouldn't be killed then eaten. Everyone has the diet of his or her own choice. For me the only choice is vegan but am glad that I used to be vegetarian. Vegan is a diet which does have any animal produce at all for those that don't know what it is. It is more strict than being a vegetarian.
@CptBuckaroo (12)
23 Apr 11
well in my opinion, people have the right to eat what they want, i personally do eat meat, but i eat a lot fruit, vegetables, and nuts too. After all you kill an animal and it rots, but an acorn explodes into an oak tree, but theres no real way, to change the opinions of peoples minds, everyone is entitled to eat what they like, meat has been one of humans most vital sources of survival for millenia, and families couldn't feed their children with leaves and nuts all the time, and animals like cows, sheep and other livestock that we eat have more uses than you would think, so farmed animals are also detrimental to our survival, animals aren't killed just for meat. But the only thing i don't agree on is, the massive amounts of land all over the world being torn apart to build farms... that is what a real wildlife lover should be more concerned with, because it destroys animals natural habitat, if you are really concerned of animal welfare, you should grow your own vegetable patch in your own backyard, because livestock dont take up half as much room as the space needed to grow large plots of vegetables, that farmers in places like madagascar or asia or even the amazon cut down forests to grow their plants, but i do believe that yes it may be cruel to kill animals for food, it is also necessary for human survival