Is marriage an ultimate thing?

April 24, 2011 1:43pm CST
A lot of people believes that marriage is very necessary thing in the life of human being but, in an holy book(Bible),it stated that we should marry because of fornication i.e we will not be going about fornicating,it doesn't say that it is necessary.Come to think of it,a lot of married couple are regretting ever marrying to each other because out of hundred marriages,hardly can you see 10% survive.Now,can we say that marriage is good for everybody or is it an altimate thing?
13 responses
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
17 Sep 11
You are right about what the bible says,but there is another part in the bible that says that those who don't feel like to be married, stay single like Pablo (Saulo) did. So it means that not everybody was born to get marry.
@allknowing (141602)
• India
26 Apr 11
The existence of the marriage institution lasting well over 2000 years says a lot. If it was a weak institution it would not have lasted this long. Breaking of marriages is simply because there is less of interdependence these days, selfishness, lack of control and this has nothing to do with marriage per se.
• United States
25 Apr 11
Marriage is NOT a necessity. No one HAS to get married, ever. I think that's a pretty stupid idea. Marriage is not for everyone. But I don't think they're some kind of scourge, either. I have no idea where you get the idea that only 10% of marriages last. The fundamental mistake people make is thinking that marriage is somehow special Marriage does not manifest nor validate commitment. Commitment comes from the people in the relationship. Marriage is just a title, a label. It doesn't change or create anything. Nor is it any kind of guard against the relationship falling apart or anything like that. The most common reason for divorce is when people either get married thinking it will change the relationship, make them more committed and protected and make problems disappear, which it of course will not. Or the relationship is perfect, but they feel they need to change to fit "married life" which does nothing but take away what made the relationship work to begin with.
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
25 Apr 11
It's not the ultimate thing for me. I don't follow any holy book to tell me what to do.
• Philippines
25 Apr 11
hey...what a thing to ask?? :) i'm married and am happy. :) for ultimate thing to prove that what you feel is true love, well i guess yes it's marriage. when the love you felt speed up to another level and that both of you really really feel that way that no one no body can ever ever separate the two of you well i do believe then marrying is the ultimate thing. and for me, marrying with my husband and us marrying with GOD is the BEST ultimate thing ever. for all we know, GOD is the ultimate thing...not just thing, but the ultimate one. to make it short, marriage is the ultimate thing to show and to prove to everyone, everybody that the love you feel is real. true. lasting not just lusting. it's the best ultimate thing to prove to the one you love that your love is infinite and definitely, ultimately lasting.
@rsnsgh (3)
• India
25 Apr 11
Well, I think marriage is our tradition since from ancient time and we are also a part of this. So i don't think it is not necessary
• United States
24 Apr 11
Well I have been married twice and I have to say I am still in my 2nd marriage and sure we have our ups and downs but Life is good It is a good thing for some people and some people just don;t want to go there, But I think of this do I want to spend the rest of my life with this person? Yes and sometimes no only when I am mad but I have been with my husband almost 9 years and he asked me the other day do you think you can spend 10 more years with me? My answer was I love you and Yes, No matter what. Then I asked him the same question and he smiled and said yes, so yes to some marriage is the ultimate thing and to others no.
@roxxtime (299)
• United States
24 Apr 11
It seems to be something people are so pressured into. I always felt kind of pressured into marriage by my family. I don't think it's an ultimate thing but I do think that society and probably most of our friends or family kind of pressure you into feeling that it's something you should do, but I am on my second marriage now and it is definitely not for everybody because it's not for me. I apparently have bad taste in men or something but after doing it twice I don't see the advantage of it anymore. I wanted to be married, I always felt it would be right for me, but I didn't rush in to anything. I was with my first husband for a year and my second at least twice that before we got married, and unfortunately it's not good. So I don't think it's good for everybody. I give props to the awesome couples who both work to work at it, and I still think there is way too much pressure for people to get married. It should be way harder to get married then to get divorced.
@franne32 (694)
• Philippines
24 Apr 11
It's not an ultimate thing because it's just papers and formalities. What is important is that in your hearts, you are one.
• United States
25 Apr 11
I am married for 14 years now, but I don't think you have to be married to be happy. In fact, there are many times that adding that certificate to the relationship has put more stress and caused issues. You don't have to marry somebody to prove you love them. It isn't the ultimate thing, it's a matter of choice. Some are brought up thinking it's the thing you have to do as an adult. I think you can be with somebody and not marry and still be happy.
25 Apr 11
I don't think only 10% survive, I still believe that there are many many people who marry and live happy lives together. But there are also many who don't marry and are still happy, so no I don't think marriage is the ultimate thing. Nowadays with a high divorce rate and single parent households, a lot of children may grow up disillusioned with marriage. Whilst this is sad (if it's due to a single parent household), it doesn't mean they cannot be happy with their chosen partner for a very long time without becoming their husband/wife.
@rokudaime (339)
• Australia
25 Apr 11
I get your point. It will only become the ultimate thing for an individual if he/she is really for married life. The problem of some people is that, they are venturing into this vocation as if they are playing a game or eating a hot soup that once the tongue is burnt, one can easily spit it out. Marriage is no game, WHAT GOD HAS UNITED, LET NO MAN PUT ASUNDER. Marriages nowadays fail because of communication gap. Furthermore, their marriages fail because they do not put God as the center of their married life. Marriage is a lifelong adjustment, one must see to it that before he/she marries a person, he/she must already know who this person is inside and out. Otherwise, problems will arise later on and one day you'll realised that you do not like the attitude of this person and as an ending - divorce or annulment follows.
• United States
25 Apr 11
I am in the process of a divorce, but I have not given up on the idea of marriage. I regret marrying my husband because he was not the man I thought he was. I admit that I should have gotten to know him better before rushing in, but marriage itself can be a beautiful thing when two people truly love one another unconditionally. Also, it's necessary in a marriage to be friends as well as lovers. As far as marriage being an ultimate thing, biblically it is preferred, but some couples are more happy just being together than most married couples.