Do you feel safe when going out? Do you bring any weapons with you?

United States
April 24, 2011 9:32pm CST
Now a days, there are crazy people.. so do you equip yourself with any weapons? For me, I carry a mace on my key chain as a precaution. I never used it before because I never needed to but do you carry any weapons as a precaution?
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34 responses
• United States
25 Apr 11
I feel pretty safe in my neighborhood. While I am walking around my neighborhood, I don't carry any weapons. When I go else where, I always have a knife with me. I also have a built in weapon I carry with me at all times. I know self defense. If you don't know any self defense moves, I highly recommend taking some classes.
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@Bryanx54 (644)
25 Apr 11
i take lessions in korean tae kwon do on self defence moves and when the time is right to use such force, but yes i recommend taking lessons to those who are inexperienced, i suggest shaolin chinese boxing of which my father learnt growing up of which he teached me some of the moves there are very good at evading stab attempts and murder attempts with a blunt object. hope you all a safe life.
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• United States
26 Apr 11
@ stephisme, Thanks good that you feel safe in your neighborhood! Very good thing & that's nice that you have a knife with your for protection too. And, learning self defense lessons is a good thing too, I agree!! @bryan54x, that's awesome! =D
• Philippines
25 Apr 11
I am a brave little girl even when I was small. Yes, I bring my weapon all the time wherever I go as what my grandma told me before. I am always equipped with a powerful weapon. This is very handy. No one can ever take this except God and this is my faith.
• United States
29 Apr 11
that is good =] thanks for sharing
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
25 Apr 11
my daughter has a spray against attackers she could use when needed. indeed the times have been going crazy. more and more seem to become lawless. scary indeed.
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• United States
29 Apr 11
i have a spray too! it is scary now a days =( i hope you and your daughter/family is safe!!
@orang13 (723)
• Philippines
25 Apr 11
Girls! Ofcourse we have to be very careful these times because dangers are everywhere, but I am not really into planting that into my mind all the time. If I am going somewhere where I have to end up late at night and without someone else I always bring a spray with me and a ballpen, for safety precautions :)
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Apr 11
same here =]
@sheetalnr (586)
• India
25 Apr 11
I do understand that it is safe to carry some sort of weapon as a precaution. However, i do not carry any.
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Apr 11
i see, you might want to start if your area isnt safe =]
@Srbinja (12)
25 Apr 11
I do not carry any weapons cause i dont live in danegrous part of city, this is peacfull and no ''crazy people''.
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Apr 11
good to hear =]
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
25 Apr 11
There's a lot of people on here who don't understand how crime works. A predator doesn't hunt in it's own den. How much could you expect to get by robbing or ransoming someone in the slums? They hunt out in the nicer neighborhoods then drag their prey back to the slums. I usually have a knife or boxcutter on me which I use for work also. When my work used to put me in higher risk situations I was armed to the teeth with a pistol, shortsword, tanto, wrist blades, flack jacket, handcuffs, etc. On a few occasions they had to be put to use. I no longer have to be so heavily armed but would still be more than a handfull for anyone foolish enough to attack me.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
25 Apr 11
P.S. phones are useless. By the time you dial 911 your attacker is already on you. With police taking a few minutes to reach the scene the damage is already done. In fact lots of criminals look for people who are focused on their phones. They're likely to be oblivious to stuff around them & not notice the attacker approaching until it's too late.
• United States
29 Apr 11
Thanks for sharing. And yeah, by the time you call 911, attacker is on you I agree. I have a mace and I am always aware of my surroundings.
@Bryanx54 (644)
25 Apr 11
I know what you mean, nowadays its quite a dangerous world, people now have to lock doors, shut windows etc. But anyway back to the topic, It feels safe in the day, but when i go out with my friends until early hours i tend to bring with me a small taser like gadget on my set of keys aswell as alittle mini alarm gadget, you can get these basically at any crimestopper charity stores but in some countries its doubtful they have such stores but its good for precaution to have your little mace i hope you all the best and hope you have a safe life on your travels. :)
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Apr 11
Yeah it is pretty dangerous now a days, there are crazy people, people do crazy stuff so we all should be prepared if anything. I have never heard of a crimestopper store before where I live but maybe I should invest in some money in a gadget maybe but I feel safe with my mace right now :) Thanks for sharing & I hope you all the best as well and be safe!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
I don't carry any weapon if I go out. I know how to depend myself and I don't used any weapons to depend myself in any bad person out side...
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
30 Apr 11
It's okay, my friend. I appreciate your response hope your safe always and do some precaution if going outside. Because many bad guys around the corner dangerous place...
• United States
30 Apr 11
thanks for sharing =]
@anil02 (24688)
• India
25 Apr 11
I am living in India. And in India where is residence is a peaceful are. I never feel need of any weapons. I suggest if you have any fear from some one than keep weapon with you only for your safety not to hurt some one.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
29 Apr 11
Is your country have problem of law and order.
• United States
29 Apr 11
thats nice to hear you live in a safe country =]
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
29 Apr 11
@anil I dont know any country that doesnt have a problem with law and order.if you know one plz share i would like to see this utopia :D
@watergirl (567)
• Philippines
5 May 11
I always carry an umbrella. it can protect me from sun and rain and I can use it as a weapon just in case. I know it's a puny weapon but at least I have something to fling at the attacker.
• United States
6 May 11
Lol good to hear.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
5 May 11
hi, oh my,of course not i dont bring any weapon with me because i am afraid when policeman or security guard or anyone knows that i bring a weapon,i dint want to be in jail just because of this.
@harck721 (372)
• Philippines
25 Apr 11
I don't carry anything when I go out alone (probably because I've lived in my city since I was born, and I know where not to go), but I do always carry a pen around. A high school teacher taught us how to use everyday things against maniacs who try to take advantage of you. Plus, well... you have a pen whenever you need it. It's always best to simply walk around in a group.
• United States
26 Apr 11
Pen can be a weapon :D
@harck721 (372)
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
Yeah. Our teacher told us you can use it to stab someone on the eyes (or at least disorient them by hitting them with it in sensitive areas). Then, while your attacker is distracted, you can take the opportunity to run and call for help. Then again, it might be a problem if there were more than one person harassing you.
@casualkT (140)
• Canada
25 Apr 11
I feel safe when there is no people , crazy people even if they aren't close it's uncomfortable , but I did not ever thought of bringing anything in a danger scenario ... it's amazing, mace on a key chain , sounds a little twisted , if there is something to be afraid in the night one of it would be people attacking you ..
• United States
26 Apr 11
It's actually common, all my friends have maces & I wear my keys around my neck with a lanyard.
@casualkT (140)
• Canada
26 Apr 11
• United States
26 Apr 11
I ever since I was assaulted nearly three years ago, I never felt safe when going out as usual. I had always carried pepper spray with me wherever I go, but I did not have it with me because it happened while I was alone in my apartment. My apartment complex is now using an entrance security camera to locate trespassers who are prohibited. There is also a raised cost on monthly rent which makes it difficult for me to afford, even though they are making the apartment complex a safer place.
• United States
29 Apr 11
sorry to hear that you were nearly assaulted. i fear that will happen so i bring mace (pepperspray too)
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
28 Apr 11
I don't carry any kind of weapons when I go out. I think if you walk with confidence that most of the time you will be safe. The only time that I ever had a problem was one night that I saw something out of the corner of my eye and I started worrying about it. I ran a short distance and the guy did not follow me so I started walking again. Since that time, I didn't have a problem because I just don't worry about it. Not that I am overly religious, but I trust that I will be ok and I am. Whether I am protected by God or just by my confidence, I am safe.
• United States
29 Apr 11
thanks for sharing [=
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
26 Apr 11
I agree, we can never be too careful these days- especially since we are girls. I used to have a cutter in my bag, just a really small one..And my umbrella can be used as a weapon too.
• United States
29 Apr 11
i see thanks for sharing, be safe!!
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
27 Apr 11
At my place, we are not allowed to carry weapon along no matter where we go. Once we are stopped and checked, we will be arrested for bring weapon along. I am puzzled by the word weapon. Other than knives, many other objects can be weapons for us. For instance, umbrella, sharp keys, bags and so on. How are they going to define if we are bringing weapon along? As long as an object which is used to attack other person can be considered as weapon. But when a policeman find out I am bring a knife along, I shall still be detained and charged too even though I have not made any assaults with this knife. ha! ha! ha! I don't think I can bring anything for self-defend at all.
• United States
29 Apr 11
i see, thanks for sharing =] be safe eitherway =)
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
29 Apr 11
Well it depends where I am my own neighborhood i feel pretty safe.but if I am going somewhere I dont know i often have a blade in my pocket. I also sometimes carry around this white pipe that I can just stuff in my bookbag or tote bag. I like to always have something on me.the world is unpredictable and i have been followed quite a few times in the past so yea
• United States
30 Apr 11
yeah i agree!!
@Austee (131)
26 Apr 11
I am not bringing any weapons with me. Its inappropriate, for me, to bring any. Just think positive that nothing bad could happen. If anything happens, I could use things on my bag like ballpens,perfume, etc.
• United States
29 Apr 11
yeah good pt. thanks for sharing