To slap someone on the face. Had you slapped anyone?
@SHAMRACK (8576)
April 25, 2011 12:35am CST
In real life I had seen few times once in the bus stop when a lady slapped a man who was trying to snatch her bag. He escaped without the bag. The next one was when I was in college when a senior student slapped on the face of the canteen man who caught her around while she was washing her hands. The other few slaps where seen while I was a school student one of our Sanskrit teacher mostly slaps on the faces of students. Other slaps many seen in movies. Luckily I had not yet got any chance to slap anyone nor got any.
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17 responses
@sashakiddo (1102)
• United States
25 Apr 11
I have to slap my boyfriend from time to time because he is very arrogant. He speaks without thinking, very selfishly. He will never learn when I tell him things are wrong. So what else is there to do?
@sashakiddo (1102)
• United States
26 Apr 11
Maybe that is true! But he also is guilty of slapping me too! I know a man should never hit a girl, but I don't really care because I'm not really afraid of it, and he doesn't really hurt me. So yes, maybe if I stop, he will stop too, and we can learn to be more mature.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
25 Apr 11
I have never slapped anyone in the face and when I come to think about this I don't think I ever could! I'm too much of a nice chap you see and I don't like seeing others get hurt. I will admit that the bag snatcher obviously deserved it, he shouldn't have done what he did. I think that unless there is good reason it's a cruel thing to do.
Without doubt someone really deserve a good slap whether it be because of their attitude towards others or for whatever reason. I'm sure the face goes crimson red after a good slapping! I've been fortunate enough never to be slapped around the face! Andrew
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
26 Apr 11
I would only be lying,when i say i never slapped anyone until this moment ... quiet a handful of people that i have slapped and punched!Its like they would never dare to mess with me again ... such a big hand i have.Damn thing is i feel bad for them ... i never raised my hand without a valid reason though.Great day.
btw Woman slapping guys reminds me of some movie lol
@obe212003 (2299)
• Philippines
25 Apr 11
i have slapped my wife several times during the 7-year "itch" due to her outburst of uncontrollable anger, and to wake her up from being hysterical and unreasonable. it is the last option that i have to control her uncontrollable outburst. we've been together for more than 20 years now and have comfortably adjusted to married life and there are no more 'slappings'.
@obe212003 (2299)
• Philippines
25 Apr 11
i have slapped my wife many times during our first 7-year-itch stage, out of burst of anger as i thought she was being irrational and no sense and out of her controllable anger, i thought the only option was to slap her, and then only realizing i have done her wrong physically.
@ScarletAlston (2693)
• United States
26 Apr 11
quick best friend and her doofus of a boyfriend were standing with me on my porch. I had my music on so I didnt have to hear his voice..or at least he thought it was on..he said so I guess your fat friend here is mad nobody wants her..i looked at him in time to see my own hand go across his face..hit him so hard, his head put a hole in the wall..
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Apr 11
Naturally I am not quarrelsome. There are a lot of incidents where I was forced to slap.
Some two years back my son, my wife and me had gone to Cherapunjee, Shilong, Meghalaya, After the first day sight seeing the second day we though of looking around for some thing to buy. as we proceeding a Khasi woman suddenly snatched the hand bag my wife and was about to scamper them my wife told me that she took away her bag. I just ran after her and finally caught hold her and without any word first slapped on her face and asked back the bag.
On looker gathered around and she finally handed over the bag.
Second incident/s with my college student. During examination a section of people try to cheat by copying answer from outside source.
If I detect first I slap him on the face and if see him with lots of back ups I expel without any question.
So this is my story in a nut shell.
@Hedwig (283)
• China
25 Apr 11
I have done this twice in my life.
The first time was in primary school when a boy played a joke on me. I was so angry and I snapped him on the face. I do regret it now. He meaned no bad at that young age.
The second time was 1 year ago, near my graduation from university. A boy, whom I was not interested at, wanted to kiss me without permission. I snapped him, which he deserves.
Anyway, I think snapping at one's face is a bit humiliating. Better not to do that unless the person is really really rude.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
25 Apr 11
Well like you I have also seen many acts of people slapping others in the face. Where I come from we call it "box", don't know if it is the same thing for you. I have seen as an incident where a boy tried to touch a girl on her butt, the girl just looking fierced jsut turn around and slapped him right across his face. I have also seen fights where you see alot of slapping in the face occuring. i have also seen an incident where a parent slapped her child in the face after misbehaving. Yes I have seen a number of situation where that is concern. So now the question is have I ever done it.
Well when I was a bit younger like about 2 to 3 years ago we used to hae this game we called B WORD. The aim of the game was to box (slap in the face) anyone who said a word starting with "b". If you accidentally say a word starting with "b", the only way to stop the person from boxing you was to rub your hand on your chin. The game would usually last weeks upon weeks. SO that mean sometimes you might even forget that you are in the game or you might just not realize that you have actually said a B word.
No lie though the game was usually interesting but painful. Because sometimes that b word would have just slipped out and if someone else in the game hear, they would slap you so hard right across your jaw. What I can clearly remember is how persons face usually swell up after the game as ended. Some people you could still see the finger prints in the persons faces. Up to this day though I dont really know why I use to play that game.
But i guess most boys use to plat that game because other boys used to play it. What I mean is that. If you have been offered to play, denying that position will only make you look weak. I guess also that while playing the game you actually get stronger in a sense that you exercise your arm muscle by slapping other people across the face as well as the reciever of the slap gets a much stronger face in the end. So growing up and getting bigger after all those painful games in high school really put experience and bravery in ones self. Which can be helpful in certain situations such as a fight.
Do you think you would actually take part in such games?
@cebumd (65)
• Philippines
25 Apr 11
I have not slapped anyone and I will never slap anyone.But I was on the receiving end of a slap when I was younger and I would not rather tell by whom but it was because of something really minor and believe me, it is not really the slap that hurt but the feeling that you are being slapped upon is much more painful. I do not like that feeling that is why I do not intend to slap anyone much more a child because I know how it feels.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
26 Apr 11
i slapped my ex boyfriend hard and good when I learned that she had another woman and they met while I was at work. It has hurt me so bad that i chose to shout at him for cheating and lying to me. We broke up after that and now I am happy that he is out of my life because he gave me nothing but problems.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Apr 11
When I was at school in Kuwait, our Arabic teachers were very rude...esp. with students who didn't pick up the language. Most of us who were in the Gulf since we were born didn't find it too much of a also helped that most of the girls in my class were Muslims. But there was this girl who was generally a weak student and she found it hard to pick the language up and one day the Arabic teacher slapped her in class for a wrong answer :( We all felt sorry for her. We were teenage girls (around 15 at the time) and we generally were very protective of this girl...but what could we do when a teacher slaps her? :(
A few weeks of our neighbours had a scuffle with a lame boy in our building. He verbally abused the boy and slapped him (with a chappal too) many times right in front of our apartment door!! At the time, we were too shocked and didn't know what to do...we were just trying to separate the two people involved. But later we got to know it was the lame boy's fault...but I still feel our neighbour should not have hit him for what he did. My 10 year old son also witnessed the whole thing and was upset.
I've been witness to 2-3 incidents on the road but we were just I don't know why the person was slapped.
A little more than a year ago, we were travelling by car to Trivandrum....and we were on the highway ...going fast (but within the speed limit)...and a bus driver decided to cross at a crossing....very slowly. We were too close and even though my husband put the brakes as soon as he saw what was happening, he couldn't stop the car without it crashing behind the bus. In the middle of the road, the driver had even stopped contemplating whether he should go or not. If he had not done that, we would have just missed crashing...or else he should have waited for us to pass before he crossed. All this happened in a fraction of a minute. Since the kids were with husband was too worried and he jumped out of the car and the first thing he did was slap the driver. I didn't really see it because my first instinct was to make sure that the kids were okay...and by then the passengers of the bus had crowded around the car and the bus. The bonnet of the car was totally smashed and we were exactly halfway.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
25 Apr 11
Hi Dear Shamrack! Today the scenario of the children and their childhood is entirely different than what what we had then! Today I am more than 50 years old and during my childhood I am one of those naughty boys in the bunch! So naturally for me slapping others and getting slapped by others was a common phenomenon!
Since almost all the members of our group were getting slaps on regular basis there was no big issue about it! Slapping was common in schools too, teachers used to punish us either by slapping or with the help of cane and we used to take the punishment as part and parcel of school life and no parents used to take any objection for such punishments.
Today the picture is different and the scene is different! Thanks for the discussion!