Random Question No.8: if you could have 5 minutes of fame what would it be for?

@Bryanx54 (644)
April 25, 2011 7:20pm CST
if you had only 5 minutes of fame what would you like it to be for? heroics? world record? what would it be?
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6 responses
@vivamir (671)
25 Jul 11
I like to consider I have 5 minutes of fame..for when I won 1st place in a kickboxing competition years ago.. My picture was in the newspaper LoL..made me feel quite special but I wouldnt want it that way all the time..itd drive me mad!
• Philippines
26 Apr 11
i would like to appear in national television and getting an award, with famous people beside me.
• United States
26 Apr 11
they would extend my five minutes simply to hear what I gotta say. I would speak to the females of the world who live to cater to jerks by demeaning themselves. I have male friends and learned a lot from them over the years..i would go edicate these clueless females and then hold seminars on planning revenge on the men..lol
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
26 Apr 11
I would want my few minnute os fame to stand for something worthy, if my fane could improve the quality of of life anywhere in the world, i would be satisifies=d with the quickness of fame. I would try to appreicate it for all that i could.
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
26 Apr 11
hello, Only 5 minutes? am I too demanding. ha ha. Well I want to break the world record. The most intelligent person in the world. ha ha. I want to experience being adore by other people.
@locakai (166)
• United States
26 Apr 11
I did have this, when I was in middle school. I played volleyball and I scored twice, and won the game.