USA TODAY POLL: Majority of Americans are not sure OBAMA born in US
By AnjaP
@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
April 26, 2011 8:54am CST
While those doubting Obama's origins are portrayed by the MSM as a lunatic fringe, USA TODAY conducted a poll that seems to belie that notion.
Still, in the USA TODAY poll, only 38% of Americans say Obama definitely was born in the USA, and 18% say he probably was. Fifteen percent say he probably was born in another country, and 9% say he definitely was born elsewhere.
Of course, they don't do the math for you, but I will. Simply put, if only 38% of Americans are sure that Obama was born in the USA, that means 62% ARE NOT SURE.
Naturally, USA TODAY doesn't put that number in the article because, let's face it, it's hard to label 62% of Americans as a "fringe" group.
Personally, I think the biggest problem with Obama is that people are unsure of his 'Americanism' and it expresses itself in a suspicion that he wasn't really born here. It's more of a reaction to his attitudes and policies which do not seem to reflect traditional American values or even the best interests of the American people. His agenda definitely takes a higher place than those values and interests, and his agenda is viewed by many as being very anti-American.
Do you think Obama presents himself as a pro-America president? Why do you believe the rumors about his birth persist?
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16 responses
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
26 Apr 11
I truly believe that the majority of people who didn't vote for him want to believe he was not born in the United States. This is all in my opinion because he is an African Black man. This would not be an issue if he was white man. I truly believe that President Obama has his best interest in his heart and soul for the US but to many people in Government are trying to break him down. He is definitely pro-America in my opinion. If he wasn't he wouldn't have ran for President to begin with.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Apr 11
"This is all in my opinion because he is an African Black man."
If he were an African Black man, he would not be eligible to be president. He has to be an American Black man to hold that high office.
The race card is growing old and even the people who pull it out cannot possibly believe that anymore. His color has nothing to do with opposition to his destructive policies.
You may find this unbelievable, but many people who run for positions of power are seeking the power, not some higher ideal.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
26 Apr 11
Sorry but you know what I meant. It is african American Black man or African American. The black people of american don't like to be referred to has black people. The correct way to refer to a black man or women is African American.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Apr 11
Take a look at who the Tea Party is endorsing Lelin. Allen West, Herman Cain- BOTH of whom are black Americans.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Apr 11
I am not so sure he was born in America. But like you said, the issue is his loyalty. And the LACK of loyalty to America is VERY WELL DOCUMENTED.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Apr 11
I don't know where he was born. No one does. It may be other info on his birth certificate he doesn't want anyone to see. But this issue would not exist if he didn't make everyone feel his antipathy towards everything traditionally American and his promise to transform it into something none of us will recognize.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Apr 11
And I want to know how a congressman has the millions to spend on hiding it all? Does Illinois pay their congressmen that well?
Soooo many questions!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
26 Apr 11
I think Obama is the most anti America president ever. If he in fact was born in the US then he is covering up some very big secret in his background. The man has spend a fortune covering up his past. We do not know anything about him only what his PR people would have us believe. In his campaign speech he constantly promised transparency in his president...what a joke there is nothing but a black cloud of suspicion surrounding this man and his agenda for the downfall of our country.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Apr 11
The transparency issue... ah, that's a whole other discussion. But perhaps the lack of transparency is what leads to such major distrust of this president? Yes, I think most people feel he has something to hide and that is not how people want to feel about someone in a position of power.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Apr 11
I think that it is because he is trying to turn America into a socialist country, especially who he considers rich. That would also destroy the economy and make it so that people would be afraid to work hard for fear they would make too much money.
Of course, there would be exceptions like it used to be in Communist countries.
I am sure that had he not tried to make America into a third rate nation and also if he were not considered the media darling because if you are African American you are given exceptions that no one else could, this suspicion would not arrive.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Apr 11
What makes me suspicious is that he is acting like a king, not the figureheads of the present European monarchy, but that of when Kings believe they had divine rule and they were answerable to nothing. He speaks as though no one dare question him, and regards Americans, those who are conservative, as little stupid children and he, the demigod, knows what is best.
The trouble also with his minions calling those who oppose him a racist, that probably that would be increasing racism, not decreasing it.
We, those of us who do not live in the States, and you all down there, have to not let this man who is increasing the government on the backs of Americans, cause your voices to be silent.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Apr 11
I think being black is supposed to insulate him from probing questions. As evidenced above, if you ask any question about him or criticize him in any way, his supporters will call you a racist. In this way, they think to destroy all criticism and marginalize anyone who opposes his policies.
There is already a class of citizens who will be like the ruling class in communist countries - they are the uber-elite liberals who wish to remake the world to their liking by restricting the rights of the 'Homer Simpsons' of the world ( as regulatory czar Cass Sunstein called regular Americans).
What they have in mind is nothing like the democracy we have celebrated for over 200 years.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
26 Apr 11
Right now where he was born is the very least of our worries. This man is the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States. He needs to be in Prison not in the white house. Any president that feels that it is appropriate to sent out assassination orders for American Citizens without any charges or Judicial proceedings is a felon himself. This is just TOO MUCH....
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Apr 11
I think a lot of people don't want to overlook the possibility that he purposely lied in order to become president, knowing he was ineligible. But that lie might be the foundation for all the other lies and crimes to follow.
The biggest crime is allowing, nay engineering, the downfall of America. It certainly seems to be his goal.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 Apr 11
I do not think he is pro-American but I do believe he was born in Hawaii. I think he is allowing this issue to fester in order to divide the nation--a divided nation is easier to manipulate and conquer.
I believe he was born in Hawaii but he spent part of his childhood abroad then back to Hawaii, a definitely foreign culture back then with different values. He is not "American" in his culture or his heart and might as well be from a foreign country. But I do believe he was born in America--he was just never taught to appreciate America and to love it. That shows in his actions and his policies.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Apr 11
I agree that his upbringing did not expose him to American culture much. I also believe that his Marxist father, although not a part of his life, affected his political outlook.
His mother wasn't exactly a conservative, either.
Not only do I think he doesn't reflect the same values as most Americans, I believe he stands firmly opposed to the values of most Americans.
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• United States
27 Apr 11
I normally don't get into political discussions but this is all a bunch of b/s thast people like donald trump & people like him that just likes to keep stirring the pot. I am sick of hearing about this. Of course he was born in the u.s.a. He's too smart to try to pull something over like that. I have never seen such negativity toward a president before & i think it's awful. They want to blame him for things he had nothing to do with. I f they had wanted to be so negative about someone it should have been bUSH. hE;S THE ONE THAT GOT US IN SUCH A MESS TO START WITH.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
27 Apr 11
It wouldn't be a real political discussion if we didn't have at least one "Bush Did IT" response.
There's a lot of negativity because he's a very bad president, that's why people criticize him and he's done a lot since he got into office, none of which can be blamed on Bush.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
28 Apr 11
Putting the word racist in capital letters doesn't make it true. There are a lot of things to criticize Obama for but there's no point in enumerating them, you have only one answer. I know how it will go:
"The unemployment rate skyrocketed since Obama took office"
"That's Bush's fault, you racist!"
No point in trying to have any discussion at all.
• United States
27 Apr 11
He produced the bith certofaicate according to the news today, WHAT SAY U NOW?? Bush was a jerk & people thought obama could come in & clean up the messes it took him 8 years to make. Are people really that stupid to think that?He is not a bad president & people have not given him a chance on things, they just want to be negative about him. RACISTS IS WHAT THEY ARE.

@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
27 Apr 11
The rumors persist because he wants them to and for no other reason. He spent an inordinate amount of money (last I heard, it was $2 million)to keep his and Michelle's records private.
Mostly people wonder because we no longer have Christian holidays at the White House, but celebrate rather well for Ramadan and other Muslim holidays. He does things like forgetting to give a speech for Easter, one of our most important holidays, while giving several paragraphs to an Iranian holiday. In that speech he spoke gently to the people and told them that although things are hard there, maybe things will be better soon. He never thought to tell that to his own countrymen and women.
He pulls in more radical people as 'czars' who are not accountable to anyone but him,which takes away enormous power from our Legislative and Judicial branches.
When he visits Muslim countries, Michelle does not go. The rumor mills have speculated that she doesn't go there because women are thought of as second-class creatures and she might feel compelled to take a backseat. Of course, others say she doesn't go because our President is, indeed, a Muslim himself.
But then, it only takes a word spoken or unspoken at the right (or wrong) time to make little doubts into big suspicions, which is why I can see no reason for any president to hesitate even a little to produce papers necessary to burn the rumors so the country can get on with real problems.
@jb78000 (15139)
26 Apr 11
hey i did a fast poll to find out how many brits think cameron is REALLY a british citizen. well i didn't. i just made some figures up. but i think a real poll would probably get something quite close to this:
definitely a british citizen - 20%
probably a british citizen - 50%
don't know and don't care - 20 %
definitely not a british citizen - 10%
and i know have a shocking new headline for the award winning daily drivel:
Vast Majority of Brits Not Convinced that David Cameron is a British Citizen
80% of people are not sure whether blah blah blah to fill up as many column inches as we need on a very slow news day
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Apr 11
That's not such a very subtle way of calling my discussion 'drivel', but thanks for your pretend response and it's a great attempt to destroy the credibility of the post. Unfortunately for you, the publication in question is not a tabloid nor is it a right-wing organization. It's just a newspaper and a poll.
Now, I would like to mention that bunnies that are blue already have a distinct disadvantage when it comes to camouflage. Therefore, some work on subtlety might be in order. Perhaps find some real poll about something to detract from the post.
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@jb78000 (15139)
26 Apr 11
the daily drivel is a quality publication that has been around for a long time. well about a year. it is a combination of tabloids and online blogs. i refer to it frequently but i am sorry you've missed it. we cover some brilliant stories. the only thing i am commenting here is on polls and interpretation of said polls. if you want a personal remark i'll happily supply one though.
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@jb78000 (15139)
26 Apr 11
and i just looked at the link. all kudo to whatever the publication was. all it did was mention the results, no carefully chosen headlines. anyway you do know that using the results in the exact same way you did could result in this headline?
91 Percent of Americans are Not Sure Obama Was Born Outside the US?
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@inedible (768)
• Singapore
26 Apr 11
If the majority of Americans don't believe Obama is an American citizen and still voted him in... Y'all American voters are weird and make weird choices. Just sayin'. Or maybe...
"For what it’s worth, not everyone is convinced Trump was born in the USA either: 43% say he definitely was born here, and 20% say he probably was; 7% say he definitely or probably was born in another country. Nearly three in 10 say they don’t know enough to say."
Or maybe the people being polled are just giving joke responses to the pollers. Either that, or some people just believe everyone else is born elsewhere.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Apr 11
This shows that there is a 'legal' and a not to be used for legal purposes form of birth certificate.
And that Trump first produced the one, and then the other. This being a liberal source does not imply it was on purpose. That was on a conservative blog, and I'm not finding it again. Nonetheless...The left did get upset and demand a LEGAL one from Trump and isn't demanding one from OBAMA.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Apr 11
People may have voted for him (not me) and yet after they see his policies and track record, change their mind.
The Trump thing went like this. He purposfully posted the same type of birth certificate as Obama...and guess what, people jumped up and said WAIT its not a LEGAL birth certificate. THEN he pulled out his LEGAL one and said I can show my legal one, why can't Obama?
I found it amusing. People say...OBAMA POSTED HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE. but when Trump posts the same certificate of live birth and not a legal birth certificate, as Obama, he's called out on it?
So tell me, why is Obama spending millions to keep his LEGAL birth certificate hidden? And why, if people know Trump's first one wasn't a legal birth certificate, do they accept that the same type of document from Obama is acceptable and legal?
@inedible (768)
• Singapore
27 Apr 11
Even if it's not the type of certificate you're looking for, it is technically legal. It even says so right on the paper. Blah blah serves as prima facie evidence blah blah. Whether or not it's acceptable to doubters, but it is technically legal.
About the Trump thing, I haven't been paying much attention to his antics. Link please? I'm mildly interested in seeing who thinks Trump could be anything other than an American.

@sender621 (14890)
• United States
27 Apr 11

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@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
30 Apr 11
Does it make something true if a lot of people say they believe it? Absolutely not. the whole "birther" foolishness has nothing to do with the place Obama was born. it is a common Republican reaction to a lost election: find some way to overturn it. Obama's mother was American, which makes him a citizen no matter where he was born. If 62% of Americans are not sure the moon landings were real, that is a sad reflection on the intellectual capacity of the population, not grounds for claiming the landings were fake.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
30 Apr 11
You actually miss the whole point.
The issue was not a Republican reaction to a lost election. The birth certificate issue was first raised by Hillary Clinton during the primaries, nothing to do with Republicans.
The point is that this man is so little trusted that such a widespread doubt can occur. When two-thirds of voters don't know for sure if you're an American, it's going to make re-election very difficult.
That doubt in his truthfulness is why he released the birth certificate.
That doubt is his fault, not the fault of anyone else.

@Marv1016 (9)
• United States
26 Apr 11
The reason why President Obama is still being asked this is because he has not given us, the American people (his boss), proof of his birth. when Sen McCain was questioned about his birth, his party was quick to put a copy of his birth certificate on his website. stating that he was born on a military base. The question shouldn't be why is he still being asked, it should be why doesn't he answer. Why doesn't he give us a copy of his birth certificate. If he has nothing to hide then why doesn't he just show it. I respect President Obama because he is my President, however this is a question that I would like to be answered.

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
27 Apr 11
Marv, I agree, he could end the whole thing by just producing a birth certificate.
inedible, you should not rely on Snopes. For one thing, they reported his birth hospital as Queen's Medical Center and then later, when Kapi'olani hospital was mentioned in a letter from the WH, Snopes scrubbed their page and changed the name of the hospital in their article. If we are to believe they know the truth, then we have to believe that the truth changes. I don't find them trustworthy.
A Certification of Live Birth is not a birth certificate and as you know from looking at the one on the net, it was obtained in 2007. However, Obama states on page 26 of 'Dreams From my Father' that he had his original birth certificate back in his grandmother's apartment in the 70s. Obama has his birth certificate but chose to show us a newer, more streamlined document with less information. Why?
There's no harm in asking 'why'?
@inedible (768)
• Singapore
27 Apr 11
Sorry, but I can't find anything to confirm your statements. And even if they have changed the page before, it's also entirely possible that they just initially made a mistake and subsequently fixed it. You appear to be implying that errors are always intentional.
I'm not trying to say that you're wrong (since it's true that I do not have the resources to personally confirm or disprove anything), I'm just saying that I cannot currently see any reason to put my trust in your words over that of Snopes.
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@inedible (768)
• Singapore
26 Apr 11
He has. On the internet. In 2008.
"As things turned out, when the Obama campaign made a copy of his Certification of Live Birth from the State of Hawaii available on the Internet in June 2008, it validated none of those rumors: The certificate shows his full name to be "Barack Hussein Obama II," it lists his father's race as "African" and his mother's as "Caucasian," it contains no information about religion, and it reports his birthplace as being Honolulu, Hawaii."
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@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
27 Apr 11
It does make people doubt whether he is an American citizen or not, because he fought so hard to hide his birth certificate. If he would've from the beginning had his birth certificate available there would be no question. I think that Obama is trying very hard to make this a communist country, that he is the one and only ruler over the people. He campaigned that he wanted to help those who were struggling, and all he is done is drive them further into the ground. The more he "helps" the worse things become. Obama's announcement over the gas crisis is what has urked me the most, about simply dealing with gas prices because they are going to continue to rise, and to go and purchase a fuel efficient vehicle. Yeah, easier said then done. With this economy, there are very few who are able to go out and purchase a brand new vehicle. And there it is the rich are getting the richer, and the poor are getting poorer. Right now we have a president who doesn't really care about those who are struggling, he is simply concerned with his own agenda. Simply put, sorry to all us americans, when he was put into office, we got screwed.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
27 Apr 11
For me why you doubt then you vote for him as the one of you president list.