White House Releases Copy of Long Form of Obama's Birth Certificate From Hawaii

United States
April 27, 2011 11:45am CST
After years of ignoring demands that he release his full birth certificate, and steadfast goading from Donald Trump and others, President Barack Obama has finally presented the official document, saying he has “better stuff to do” than deal with the controversy. The White House posted the birth certificate on the Internet before Obama spoke to reporters on Wednesday morning. “We provided additional information today about the site of my birth,” Obama said. “This issue has been going on now for two, two and a half years now, and I have to say that over the past two and a half years I have watched with amusement, I have been puzzled by the degree to which this thing kept on going. http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/APNewsAlert/2011/04/27/id/394225 How dare this arrogant, elitist joke of a president make a simple request by many of the American people to furnish a legal birth certificate as a source of amusement for two and a half years. If he meant by "better stuff to do" taking care of our economic woes then I agree...however instead HE PERPETRATED THIS SOURCE OF AMUSEMENT using the American people as the butt of his amusement instead of just showing the damned birth certificate.. I did not think Obama could ever sink any lower in my estimation but now I have absolutely no respect for this person. I could not stomach the speech he gave as once again he showed just how little he thinks of the American people. WE are nothing but a joke to this elitist, narcissistic, egoistic pseudo president. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/obama-releases-birth-certificate-trump-proud-hawii-president-donald-original-13468697 Thank you Mr. Trump for getting something done that no one else could do. We need Americans like you who get things done! That is my rant for the day! Your opinions please!
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13 responses
• United States
27 Apr 11
Here's a hypothsis making the rounds. In return for some promise secured from 0bama, Trump is making this noise about running for President. This is to weaken whoever might become the Retardican nominee. 0bama is weakening in popularity and can only win like Clinton won in 1996. That would be to have someone siphon votes away from the Retardican. (Think Ross Perot) Trump not only could do this, 0bama seems to be helping Trump gain strength so that Trump can confuse and weaken the Retardicans. Is not the release of this birth certificate info now, somewhat suspicious? Additionally, this so called birth certificate is already being questioned as to authenticity. Why release a fake? In order to help Trump, split the Retardican vote, and get the Dumbocrat 0bama relected. If later on Trump runs as an independent, he will have shown his hand as a Ross Perot wannabe spoiler candidate and verify the above hypothesis. Remember, the above is only a hypothesis. However, it fits the known facts.
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• United States
27 Apr 11
Here's some Trump political history. Friendly to the Clintons, favored 0bamaCare, supported 0bama in the election, and has donated money to famous liberal Dumbocrats. So, could Trump be a political turncoat? Yep!
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• United States
27 Apr 11
Hi there, Redyellowblackdog! Where have you been? Hope all is well with you. It shall be well! Thank you!
2 people like this
• United States
27 Apr 11
OMG I hope not!!! Scary but it could be possible. I was suspicious at this sudden change of heart on Obama's part. I also think if Obama can afford to spend so much money covering up his birth certificate what is to stop him spending millions on the best fake birth certificate ever. I am not too sure about Trump being in cohorts with Obama as Trump has always appeared to me to be a very honest big mouth and not a drop of tact or diplomacy in his body. What on earth could be a big enough promise to get Trump (a billionaire) to be in Obama's pocket? If the Retardicans (haha) have no one to beat Obama could the Dumcrats not find some-one..ANYONE...to beat Obummer?
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
27 Apr 11
Are you just waking up to the reality of Hussein O...? He just release the info to divert folks from other stuff that he is hiding that would really cause him problems...I hope Trump digs some more.
• United States
28 Apr 11
So do I!!!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Apr 11
I didnt hear his speach I try not to even look at him. ANd I have seent his so called certificate that looks brand new no creases now wear and tear on it like mine and most people I know . Even if it was just put in a file you would think there might be one wrinkle on it. Obama so full of BS its sicking
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 May 11
evne photo copys have some marks on them my stuff does
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 May 11
Of course it looks brand new, it's a photo copy! They were certainly not going to give him the original document. Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Apr 11
Gee, I don't know where to begin, whiteheather! Let me start by saying what I'm about to write has absolutely nothing to do with my personal views of our President or his policies but simply on this issue and this issue alone. In my opinion, it's been the birthers like Donald Trump, Orly Taitz and others who have used the American people as the butt of their amusement. I couldn't agree more that we all have "better stuff to do" than listen to the garbage spewed by an arrogant egomaniac who thinks because he's a wealthy and famous business man he's somehow better than the rest of us. The overwhelming majority of Americans wasn't playing a bit of attention to the birthers until Trump, with the help of the media who gave him much more credibility than he ever deserved, started showing up on every single network every hour of every day repeating the same lies over and over again. The fact of the matter is the President had already presented all that is necessary legally according to the laws of the state in which he was born. I can understand perfectly why he took so long to show his "long form" birth certificate, even if he could have easily gotten it without sending his personal attorney to Hawaii and requesting a special waiver so he could go around the state's regular policy and be allowed to have photo copies made; why would ANYONE want to dignify the accusations made by people who had such a strong hatred towards him they wouldn't accept that he was "one of us"? Let's hope two things were put to rest today - the idiotic birther issue and the fake Presidential candidacy of Donald Trump, the biggest fraud in the world! There, that was MY rant for the day...be careful what you ask for...lol! Annie
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• United States
28 Apr 11
Feel better now?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Apr 11
Yep, it felt good to get that off my chest...lol! Now I'm going to watch original birther Orly on Lawrence O'Donnell's show; I can't wait to hear what she has to say. Annie
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Apr 11
@annie, you are priceless, and I mean that in the best of ways! You go girl! I'm sick of dealing with hateful responses today. You at least are making me smile. Thank you.
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
27 Apr 11
This is not the first time that Obama has allowed others to see his birth certificate and it has been confirmed by Hawaiian officials before, it is just the first time that the long form has been released. I respect Obama for finally getting in front of us and telling us that he is tired of all of the questioning of his birth certificate. Are the American people stupid enough that we believe that these things are not checked out before a person is allowed to be voted into office? Get serious about the real issues- high gas, low job rate, etc. I really wouldn't care if he was born in the US or not as long as he would handle the problems that we have in this country? Yes, I believe that a President should be American born, but at this time, I just want to see changes in the future of this country.
• United States
27 Apr 11
debra I too ask why spend so much money (millions) hiding a simple document. Trump was pretty astute when he insinuated that now we need to make sure it is not a fake. I find it really strange that the following statement was issued With billionaire and possible GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump ratcheting interest in Barack Obama's Hawaiian birth documentation to its highest level ever, the State of Hawaii is suddenly enforcing a policy that no one – not even the president of the United States – can obtain a copy of his own birth certificate from the state's Department of Health. Read more: Hawaii slams door on birth certificates http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=292053#ixzz1KkMmCfjD Yet that seems to seems that something fishy is going on when the following is issued from the White House: Just Tuesday, White House press secretary Jay Carney said of the president’s birth certificate, “This is a settled issue.” But just hours later the president’s legal counsel arrived at the White House from Hawaii with two certified copies of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Apr 11
There is no law on the books for vetting a candidate for president. Not that there doesn't need to be, but there aren't. You all keep ignoring the fact that Obama has spent millions keeping this thing hidden for two years. And that to just accept that is stupid. An intelligent thing to do would be to ask WHY? I am glad he released it, finally. But I still have to wonder WHY NOW, and not when Hillary first asked? And why spend all that money in legal fees, letting it get to the highest court in the land...and then when Trump enters the picture, finally releasing it. That does not make sense.
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• United States
27 Apr 11
Hola, I have seen many people write that he has spent so much hiding this document. Where is this information? Where is there proof that he has spent millions "hiding" this document? I am seriously asking this question, I am not asking it to prove any point, I just want to know where that info has come from. Can someone please point me in the direction to read about that particularly? Thanks!
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
27 Apr 11
Assuming Obama did this because of Trump, and I will definitely be one to assume that, this is the best possible thing that could have ever happened for a Donald Trump presidential run. Now what's there to make Trump look like a loon? (Other than his hair and need for building golf courses and all that... but anyway.) Bad move on Obama's part. He intentionally kept this away from the public like an Area 51 deal. By neither confirming or denying, the folks did what the folks do. But now that he's put it out there, Trump will most likely--after spinning it as fraud or too convenient for a while--be forced to speak only of issues. My guess is that Obama assumes (more like Obama's uberprogressive, borderline commie advisors) Trump can win because everyone on the right is a birther. I see the FAILboat on the horizon, and Obama's the puppet captain. When it comes to how The Donald would handle the country compared to The Messiah, the folks are going to side with Donald, I think, because he doesn't spit the pipe dream nonsense. The hardcore folks who bought into the I-have-a-dream redux will still be feeding Obama grapes and clipping his toenails in their mind's eye. But individuals sick of hearing his brand of BS will definitely rush to Donald. Of course, Trump probably won't make it out of the Republican primaries, but this is bad for Obama in case Trump does. Donald will tear Obama limb from limb in any debate because, as we all know, debates aren't about issues. Politics isn't about issues. Issues aren't even about issues. Everything's about the booyah moment and how you come across to uninformed voters. Donald will hand out beatdowns head to head without the "he wasn't even born here" stuff spewing out.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Apr 11
Which makes me wonder if they're not in this together? A good way to win the election, huh? (for the Democrats) On MSNBC, Trump says he'll not 'announce' anything concerning his run for president until his show is over for the season. He said it would be a surprising anouncement. I can't wait.
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• United States
28 Apr 11
matersfish Your response and comment is really great Very thought provoking. Thank you!
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• United States
27 Apr 11
"They're" being Trump and Obama? Ah, I don't know anything about that. I just think Obama caught some bad advice. When someone like Clinton asks for it, Obama knows--more to the point, Hillary knows--there are other buttons to push to change the topic. He can't paint her as a loon per se, with all the Bill stuff and the Whitewater stuff - the Obama folks knew no one on that side would push very hard. I think the same goes for most Republicans. Obama and his dream team know that they might bring it up from time to time, but the Republicans cannot afford to have 80% of all American media painting them as any more loonier than they already paint them. So until Trump came along, Obama was safe in the game he was playing. But Trump doesn't care what folks think. He wouldn't back down from it. And since you just know that every Mao-loving Obama advisor honestly believes that every single right winger (remember: they classify EVERYONE not on their side as an enemy, so independents are righties to them) in America is a racist, bible-thumping loon concerned with the birth certificate over every other issue, they thought now was the time to release it - kill Trump's credibility, give them zero ammo to fire going forward, get back to preaching the hope 'n' change nonsense to rally the folks. I think the combination of Trump, various polls out there and just the fact that the birther thing was getting big-time air play, they just wanted to cool The Donald's jets. I don't think it's some conspiracy under there. They're just screwing the pooch here, painting Trump as the only guy to get the truth from Obama and forcing Trump to now remind people just how shtty our economy still is.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
27 Apr 11
Now lets see his budget and detailed plans for the country?
• United States
27 Apr 11
Good idea! I just hope he (Obama) does not find an new source of amusement to keep him from doing the job of a president.
• United States
27 Apr 11
scottcoleson That is exactly what really sent me into my rant. He is the one who has kept the "silliness" going (and spending big bucks to do it)
• Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
27 Apr 11
I'm with both of you! The thing that ticked me off about Obama's speech today was that he dismissed all the "birthers" requests for his certified birth certificate as "silliness" and said he finally gave in and released the birth certificate so we can get on to more important things. If he was so concerned about those more important things to begin with, why didn't he release the information much sooner? Sounds like he's playing politics which he does so well.
@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
28 Apr 11
I feel like this has been a huge waste of our time and energy and thoughts. It would have been so simple and would have kept our focus where it needed to be. He should not be beyond the rules that everyone else has to follow. It is, as you say, disrespectful of us as American citizens.
@rebelann (113544)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Oct 19
I still can't figure out how he was elected, I've never met anyone who admitted they voted for him.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
28 Apr 11
It is this narcissistic attitude that the liberals seem to love. If I tell you I am great, you should just believe it. If you gave a fig for the country he would have produced this two and half years ago. We as Americans have EVERY right to question his eligibility.
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@rebelann (113544)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Oct 19
I agree. But to be fair, all politicians are narcissistic, they have to be to compete for such a high office.
• United States
28 Apr 11
At least we know President Obama shelled out some two million dollars to play his game with the American people like a child plays with his toys.President Obama has the nerve to call the people silly that was lead by the President himself to think he was hiding something.As the commander in chief Obama sent young men and women off to two bloody wars,many will never be coming home again.I can only wonder what our brave troops are thinking of President Obama's admission to playing head games for his personal amusement,shameful.I know President Obama's supporters are gloating because Col:Lt Terry Lakin was sent to prison for six months and stripped of all he had eared his twenty years of devoted service to our county for daring to question President Obama over his citizenship.I think Terry Lakin should be reinstated everything he was stripped of as he learning today all along the commander in chief was playing a childish game.Donald Trump may have only begun the citizenship controversy for President Obama.I wonder being President Obama was adopted by his own admission why is it his Hawaii Birth certificate has his name as Barack Obama Jr? Donald Trump knowingly or not knowing may have just opened a bigger can of worms.
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• United States
28 Apr 11
What a great response! Thank You!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 11
You know, I wonder how much of it is true. Being a president, he has a lot of strings he could pull to make up his birth certificate to show that he was born in the USA when in truth, he really wasn't. For anybody to lie or hide such important information for so damned long really gets under my skin! It shows, what is he hiding and why?!
@marguicha (225685)
• Chile
3 Apr 12
Maybe I have never understood anything as I´m not an american citizen. But this could not have happened in my country. In my country, if anyone wants to run for President, he/she must be chilean, born in Chile. Birth certificate is mandatory to prove that.
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@rebelann (113544)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Oct 19
Exactly. And I find it amusing that it was Donald Trump who accomplished it.
@taski24 (214)
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
I wonder why he was voted into the position without a clear information on his personality. Here in our country, the only qualification for one to be elected president is that he is a Filipino citizen and that he can read and write. I am sure it is somewhat the same in the US because our constitution was derived from Uncle Sam's. What if it was discovered (hypothetically) that Obama was not an American citizen based on his birth certificate? How would America take that?