Is Computer is necessary for child?

April 27, 2011 12:48pm CST
I know the use of a computer is important for developing minds, so the family should find a way to finance the purchase of this. In schools, a lot of emphasis is now placed on computer skills and lessons directly on the PC. If a child is not familiar with the use of a computer, they can quickly fall behind in their class. This is true that a Computer is a great tool for young minds, but can also be a dangerous thing if not closely supervised. Today’s child needs the use of a computer to assist in their learning and enrichment. But at the same time, parents need to be sure that their child does not spend too much time with their computer. Because I observed now today world most of child are spend their time for playing computer game and using internet. Which is affecting on their studies. What do you think about this. Share your opinion. Thanks in advance for your valuable views.
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31 responses
• India
30 Apr 11
yes today the computer is necessary for all but it has disadvantages too. advantages are child gets school project,which he/she can get from internet easily information can also he/she get but today most of the time they play games and surf social network sites and spend lots of time to internet so there is use for child but it is not necessary because it can be get from cyber cafes also
• India
30 Apr 11
Yes friend now modern world is cyber world and in spite of lot of advantages some disadvanges are also there and I observed most of the child wastage their time on net. Thanks for response.
• India
1 May 11
yes and if your child work on computer you should also see what he/she is doing and if it is worth then make limit to work on computer it will decrease your tension thanks
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
28 Apr 11
Every kid needs a computer. There are some schools that require every kid to have a new laptop every single year. It's part of the new world we live in. If a kid doesn't have at least one computer at home he will fall behind the other kids. As far as surfing inappropriate content. There are net nannies and programs that limit where the kid can go and also inform the parents what sites the kids use. Of course a smart kid can bypass all that.
• Israel
29 Apr 11
In that town it is. It is a school rule that every kid must have a lap top. The school also buys a new computer for every kid every year. Of course people pay very high school taxes to support it. It's a very rich town.
• India
29 Apr 11
Hmmmm laptop to kid no friend this is not required. Yes friend now in new generation all kids are smart and intelligent. But sometime they misused of this so parents attention is necessary. Thanks for response.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
29 Apr 11
I think it all depends on how old is the child. I feel computers are necessary when the child starts school. This is because schools start using computers as mode of communications and homework. I tend to observe that children as young as two years old are more hooked on to iphones more than computers. Is it healthy for the child? I think so as it helps to train the motor skills.
• India
29 Apr 11
Ohhhhhh friend this is true computer is used for communication. But no two years old child no required computer.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
29 Apr 11
I agree that having a computer is great for educational purposes, as long as there is not too much time spent on "dumb-dumb" games. My brother lets his kids have 30 minutes a day for this purpose and any other time has to be used for intelligent purposes. If the computer is being used for research or to practice skills that they are learning in school, it is a good tool. But if it is only used to play games that have no educational goal it does stand in the way of education. Since computer skills are going to be necessary by the time they grow up, it is important that they get some of these skills early but the time spent on other things should be limited.
• India
29 Apr 11
Yes friend if the computer is using only for game purpose then it may be problem on study. Time limit is necessary for every child for using the computer. Thanks for response.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
30 Apr 11
Hi surekharathi! It is sad but my children would not be able to complete their assignments if they did not have a computer. My youngest daughter who is 12 was required in her English class to write and print a book with a certain page requirement..then have it bound and turned in. That required a computer for sure. My oldest who is 17 now was required to have power point presentations for some of her classes. They can get carried away on the computer if they are not monitored. I think that it can very well affect their studies. They are like us...they get "involved" and lose track of time. I think it is sad for children that live in families who can not afford computers. They can go to the local libraries here but they have to be reserved and there is a time limit. It can be tough if they don't have the access they need but it should be monitored so they don't get off task
• India
30 Apr 11
Hmmmmmmmm your child required Computer only in age 12 this is good if they are using for study purpose but they are using only for gaming is not good. Yes friend powerpoint presentation is a good way to explain anything in class. Thanks to put your response.
@jukky77 (63)
• Romania
30 Apr 11
Is important for kids to learn to use it because the technology is going forward. The computer knowledge is more and more important because increasingly more jobs are based on computers. You should find some educational ways to use it. There are also a lot of games for brain training, educational games, etc. You just need to control the time spent on computer for eyes health and what is doing on it.
• India
30 Apr 11
Hmmmmmm this is necessary like mobile but the most of the students use these technology only for time pass. So parents watching is necessary on their child thanks for response friend.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
27 Apr 11
i think it expands a child's knowledge if they use it for homework. ie: learning about other countries, animals, etc.
• India
27 Apr 11
But now the children not know the value of this they spend their most of the time for playing game. Thanks for response.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Apr 11
It is true that the computer plays a main role today. And we all shall learn it. However, I don't agree that little children use the computer so early. As no matter what, it is easy to be addicted to play the computer and it is harmful for the eyesight. The best for the children is to read the real books and play, rather than sitting in front of the computer to learn. Children need some activities. I love China
• India
29 Apr 11
I agree with you my friend I also don't agree that child use the computer on early age. Ya this is harmful for eye also. Nice response friend I like it. Really I appreciate from your response so you will give reward by me.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
27 Apr 11
Hello friend. Social networks are dangerous for small children because you never know who is behind a computer and what his intentions are. Foul language is often encountered in MMORPG (online) games so this isn't a good option for kids either. No one can expect to fully protect a child from bad language forever, but avoiding some of it, by taking proper measures for online activity will be of help.
• India
28 Apr 11
I agree with you my friend Social networks are dangerous for small children because you never know who is behind a computer and what his intentions are. I faced this problem when I was chatting with a person on rediffbol messanger. He demanding me again and again to put my photo and using hopeless word when I say I have no photo. Really some boys are badly talked. Thanks for your response.
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@kinjalk (192)
• United States
27 Apr 11
It is very important for the child to use computer, as everything is computer based nowadays. I know kids play games and waste time, but I think they will find a way to have fun one way or the other. Computer is definitely a necessisty in this day in life. I believe games are as good as school work as that will excel the kids in their social life. They can make friends by discussing other games and what not. Its not always a bad thing in my opinion.
• India
28 Apr 11
Ohhhh friend not always but some time its bad effect on child study. But yes if they find a new thing on net or in computer it is beneficial for them. But the parents duty is to pay attention on their child when they using Computer. Thanks to put your response.
• United States
27 Apr 11
I believe that computers are the future and the more kids know how to use them the better they will do. When my children are old enough to use one I will allow a certain amount of time they can use them, and for educational things, not just games. They can be dangerous if they aren't monitered, so just be careful.
@LeonHo (34)
• United States
27 Apr 11
The thing is that I'll have my children do things the hard way without the computer, then let them do it the easy way with a computer, that way, they'll learn more. As children are abusing the technology, it'll just influence them in a negative way. Yes, in a way, it is dangerous.
@petersum (4522)
• United States
27 Apr 11
It's a difficult choice for the parent. My strategy is to provide a second hand, rather slow computer (Pentium 3) to my child. It's good enough to surf the Internet, learn office type applications, and play the occasional movie. But, it isn't fast enough and there isn't enough disk space to run the latest games. Therefore most of the time wasting activities are impossible. Of course, it doesn't work one hundred per cent, but what can you do to prevent a child from playing?
• India
28 Apr 11
Learn office application is good because it is very usable. Thanks for response
• United States
27 Apr 11
Hi surekharathi Oh yes I find that computers are very necessary to day with the children's learning experiences and homework tasks. It is completely necessary for research also. What definitely needs to be done is not allow the child in closed quarters to venture out into the unknown. Personally one computer to be shared amonsgst the children in a visible room would definitely be beneficial. This way in plain sight he parents can see what the child is doing. I understand we cannnot shelter our children 24/7 but as parents we have to do all possible not to allow certain types of activities in our own home.
• India
28 Apr 11
Yes friend if we are giving permission to the child for using Computer then the parents duty is to check what the child is doing in Computer. Only playing games means wastage of time and effects on study also. Thanks to put your valuable response. You can put your childs photo in your profile if possible I want to see your child.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
27 Apr 11
Computers are a way of life today. I remember a time when there were no home computers. But now I cannot live without one. I do believe that computers are a necessary for the children. They are great for learning and also for the fact that the children can bring us into the future. Long live technology.
• United States
27 Apr 11
I completley agree. I remember when we first got one, and I didn't really know what to do with it and then my friends started emailing and chatting to each other and I had to learn from them as they all had them before me. Ang then in school we had a class called information technology, where we learned how to write letters and save and print and type on a computer.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
28 Apr 11
I beleive that a co,puter i becoming more and more neceary in all aectd of life. it i omeomething a chikd can ue to further educationa and kill. it really i helpful to all of our live. Making the computer a neceaary item eem to be omething e are jut going to have adapt to,
@anil02 (24688)
• India
28 Apr 11
Knowledge of computer and internet is essential for everyone. Child also aware with it. But it the duty of parents that child use it for right purpose not only for playing games. I feel if we have computer at home child like to spend maximum time with it. It is not good for their development. Out door games and reading of books etc. also necessary for proper development of child. Child use computer for limited purpose,limited time, it includes study as well as games.
@cmang83 (285)
• Malaysia
28 Apr 11
In my opinion, it good for them to know how to operate computer.Nowadays, most of the children know how to use computer. If our children don't know how to use, how they are going to compete with other childrens. But of course, i think we have to monitor their activity when they are using computer.
• United States
28 Apr 11
Now a days Computers are becoming more and more relevant, I just read the last type writer factory closed down. Even if you hate computers, and try to fight not ever using them.. They will always some how be inter-twinned in your life one way or another. My opinion is Yes a computer is necessary for a child especially for school, Not to mention the internet is a great place for the child to do research and I`m not talking about dirty things.
@Zer0Stats (1147)
• India
28 Apr 11
Technology is definitely an asset of learning because education is a process of learning,the inborn skills has to be identified by observing,creating,listening and narrating and I believe computers fit in well the arena of education and becomes a helpful tool if used appropriately.
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
Yes, computer is a necessity for every child. Children of today are fast learners according to my experiences talking to older people. However, supervision of the parents or guardian is very important not to abuse the usage of computer. Also, to avoid game addiction. Though focus on the learning side will be guided properly.