What should I do....Comment back or not?

April 28, 2011 12:30am CST
hi there myLotters! I just wonder if all of you respond back to every response you get on your discussions? Though it is courteous to reply, but at times there really isn't anything to add to what he/she responded. So I just respond to those things which I feel I can add to, or to congratulate them on whatever they shared. (They bared their hearts to me, so it's the least I can do). Do you wait for the discussion-starter to reply to your response? If you started the discussion, would you really respond back to everyone? I read in the guidelines that you shouldn't thank everyone that responds to your discussion. What are your thoughts on this? Good day! :)
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27 responses
• United States
28 Apr 11
I do not see the need to respond to every single response? Some responses just don't have enough depth and or I have no other thoughts to add. I would only respond if I had something worth saying or wanted to help someone out. Though at times I do wish that the creator of the discussion would leave some sort of remark when I take the time to type out an entire paragraph haha. Though in that case maybe he or she was too lazy to read such a big response :p
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
28 Apr 11
@ blackwinged: If you found that you were were signed out, it's usually an indication that your browser is set to not accept cookies. You should allow cookies for MyLot, at least.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
28 Apr 11
Happy... I've never tried owl's suggestion, but know that it must work for him. My way of getting around the disappearing response is to do a "CTRL+A" to highlight everything I just typed & then I do a "CTRL+C" to copy it. Then if it disappears, all I have to do is "CTRL+V" to paste back in EVERYTHING I had just typed. When my response is particularly long, I do the "CTRL+A" & "CTRL+C" after every paragraph just to protect myself!!! Then if the unthinkable happens, I can paste back to my last thought & just continue on!!! This has saved me a LOT of frustration!!!!
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• Philippines
28 Apr 11
hi! i don't think anyone would be too lazy to respond to a long response. it took much effort, after all. sometimes i attempt to respond to someone, but then there was en error in processing that reply, and my comment is gone! i get so frustrated that i don't attempt to do it anymore! LOL
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
8 May 11
I sometimes get into that kind of situation wherein I started a discussion somehow, most comments that I get to receive would have the same content. When that happens I feel like I just keep rephrasing the same response that I gave on the other comments that I replied to. There are also times when the posted comment is already concise. It has everything, covered most, if not all the details that the discussion could possibly have. Getting a post like that would sometimes leave me agreeing with the person who made the post and a simple thank you seems to be the only reply that I can post. I tend to just agree on every detail that the person pointed out, try to imply an objection if ever I do have any to object on, and finally show my gratitude by thanking him or her. Then, there are those posts that simply had nothing for you to interact with. Most of them would be a few lines which makes me respond to a few lines as well. However, there are times when I just feel like posting that I can reply so much even when the previous response was quite short. Perhaps the words on that previous post just jolted me with more ideas. That's quite rare these days though.. For those that don't ignite me to type anything at all, I sometimes just leave them with no response. We can't avoid that.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
8 May 11
Yeah, there is that possibility. Then again, why hold back? If you really have something to say, just post it and let them decide if they still want to post a few words or really engage in discussion. I mean, after all, this site is about discussions about different topics or subjects that we get to talk about. Posting a few words isn't bad, but it won't really accumulate that much when it comes to earning as well. Perhaps how long one responds indeed reflects his or her interest for the discussion. You can also consider the possibility of having little idea. Of course, there is also enthusiasm or perhaps chances wherein a person actually knows a great deal about a discussion, yet happens to be tired and just decides to leave short thoughts. Your welcome ( ^_')b
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• Philippines
8 May 11
Indeed. There were times that there's a short response, but I tended to reply with a very long comment. I stop myself at that time, for fear that I read too much into what he/she said. After all, he/she only said a few words. Sometimes I think the length of the response is a measure of how interested one person is about the discussion. (Which is bad of me! lol. Some people are just men of few words. ;P) Thanks for responding!
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• Philippines
8 May 11
Yes, of course you're right. The point is to discuss with other people. Next time I will not hold back. Sometimes I type very little because I'm tired, too. But often times than not, it's because I'm a person of few words. These days I only post to discussions I am really enthusiastic about. That way, I can give myself fully to a discussion. :D
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
28 Apr 11
Just thanking people for responding may seem polite but it does nothing to further the discussion. The object of the 'game' here is to DISCUSS! That involves: 1) A topic about which people are likely to have an opinion and which encourages them to express it in more than just a few words. 2) Responses to the topic which are descriptive, relevant and original 3) Comments (or replies) on the responses which are, likewise, descriptive, relevant and original and which further the discussion. If you don't have all three, then it is not a discussion. (1) and (2) only make it simply a 'question and answer' session (and, if earnings are your goal, you will earn very little, make few friends and won't be truly participating). If you can find little to say to any of the responses you get, then, assuming that they are good quality responses, either you have little interest in the topic or it wasn't a good discussion topic in the first place. Not all of the responses you get, of course, may be worth replying to, especially if they say nothing new, but if it's a good topic, most of the people who respond are worth a paragraph or two from you, surely?
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
29 Apr 11
I find that we "win some and we lose some". Some discussions we believe are going to be good, with plenty to talk about are complete flops, while others, which seem to be throw-aways take off! It does seem to matter WHEN you start a discussion. Not all the world is awake at the same time and there are definitely 'slack' periods on MyLot as well as busy times, when everyone seems to be starting discussions and nobody seems to want to respond! Having a good friends list is important because then many people will get an email saying that you have started a discussion and, hopefully, will come and take part. Actually, I find that feature annoying so I have turned it off for everyone. I should really go through my list and selectively turn notify on for some people! I haven't started a discussion for ages because of the duty of 'maintaining' it and, at the moment, some days I can type loads and other days my mind is a blank!
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• Philippines
29 Apr 11
hello owlwings! yes, i do try very hard to think up original and interesting topics that people would like to respond to.more importantly, it should be a topic that I would like to discuss with them. one of my discussions have 25 responses and most of them are original and I promptly discussed with them. :)
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• Philippines
29 Apr 11
I do find that all of my discussions have many responses the day after I started them! So then I would expect that all of them have read everyone else's response and should therefore respond with original thoughts. Email notifications are annoying, so what I just do, is look at discussions "my friends started" and then choose among them which I want to respond. :)
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
28 Apr 11
It depends upon the response. IF you are asking for information and you get it I don't see a need to respond, but in some discussions the response deserves an answer to rebut the point or to prove the statement wrong.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
28 Apr 11
Surely, if one is just asking for information, then it's not a discussion (by definition)!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
28 Apr 11
Let me start by asking a question to your question..."WHAT is a discussion???" In my eyes, a discussion is the EXCHANGE of ideas between 2 or more people!!! When you start a discussion, you are placing your idea out there. When I respond whether it is in agreement or offering a different point of view, I am giving you my point of view. If I say something that you can expand on, I feel it is your duty as the OP of the discussion to continue your expression of your idea. Of course, this goes in both directions. There are many occasions where I respond to a discussion & when the OP comments back that it brings up another thought, so I add another comment. If they choose to comment back once again, I might add an additional comment. I have been known to keep up the "discussion" until either of us run out of anything to say. I read in the guidelines that you shouldn't thank everyone that responds to your discussion. What are your thoughts on this? I read the Guidelines to say that we should NOT just respond with the words "thank you", but I do NOT read it to say we should NEVER respond!!! It has been pointed out here that we earn from "what we say" NOT "from what others say". Back when my Mom was gravely ill with an unknown disease & dying, I started a discussion asking for information. I had over 100 replies & I responded to EVERY one of them!!! I really appreciated the information shared & wanted each & EVERY person who took their time & made the effort to assist me that I truly appreciated what they had shared with me!!! That was the BEST earnings day I've had on myLot!!! I don't think you're creating a discussion IF you don't make an attempt to comment to "MOST" responses. YES, there are ALWAYS a few that are done in such a way as there is just NO way to respond. The ones that truly have NOTHING to do with your discussion, you have the option of reporting & having removed from your discussion. I use that option as the absolute LAST thing I even think of!!! There are some members who will just leave gibberish in a vain attempt to earn something...or dare I say anything. I believe you can tell who those people are. Some are from a completely different culture where they just don't understand what the topic even is. Those I can forgive. If one is so far out that I can't think of anything of substance to say, I have been known to respond with "That doesn't make sense to me. Please explain further!!!" Regardless, I personally feel that once I start a discussion, it is my RESPONSIBILITY to continue it no matter which way it goes!!! Yes, there are times near the end, that I have said EVERYTHING I have to say on the subject & have NOTHING further to add, but I still give it my best shot!!! I've had members respond to one of my discussions that was 2 years old & still I went back to add my comment. That, in my opinion, is what a discussion is!!!
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
30 Apr 11
Like in real life, sometimes the ones who do the least think they are working the hardest!!! When responding, if I can't put my whole heart into it, I usually skip & go to another discussion!!!
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
hello LadyMarissa! This has given me a lot to think about! Truth be told, it has given me more reason to admire you and people like you who put much effort and thought in their responses. Yes, I sometimes feel that I can distinguish between those who only want to leave a response for its sake, and some who really put thought into the discussion. But I do believe that everyone is working hard. Thank you for your time! Good day! :)
@allknowing (142115)
• India
28 Apr 11
Commenting is a good thing. It bonds us here. It is not that there will be nothing to be said. You can always find something. More than commenting it is responding to topics is more important which I find is grossly missing here. I have so many friends but I hardly see them on my page. I sometimes wonder what the purpose is of accepting friends!!
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• Philippines
28 Apr 11
yes, but sometimes, there is nothing more to talk about. lol i agree, people should respond more, but I guess they feel they don't have anything to add to the topic anymore. that's what i feel sometimes. -_-'
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@allknowing (142115)
• India
28 Apr 11
Not commenting or responding should be more an exception than a rule. I find the reverse here. But that does not deter me from doing what needs to be done here. Happy myLotting.
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@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
29 Apr 11
It depends. If I only receive a handful of replies, as is usually the case, then I'll respond to each and everyone, especially if they are from friends of mine here at My Lot. But if there are many, many replies, which is a rare, then there are times I'll neglect to do this. However, as a general rule, I think it's nice to reply to each one, as they've gone to then trouble of bringing your question to life.
• Philippines
30 Apr 11
I have the same experience as you. I prioritize my friends' responses, but sometimes I feel like they don't need to further their discussion. Most of the time, I only get few responses, so I can reply to all of them. What I really learned here is that it's difficult to keep up a discussion! I'd prefer to have a discussion with few responders. hahaha. Good day! :)
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
28 Apr 11
In the real world...in a real discussion...I would respond to each person involved in "said discussion!" NO MATTER their input, even if it is just a courteous.."Thank YOu"! I see NO reason, to change my manners in the cyber world! The "responder" took time to stop by your discussion..AND acknowledge you by responding...therefore, in my books---they deserve acknowledgment, for who am I to JUDGE the quality of their input, even tho' it may be repetitive..their response may have meant the world to them! I have been the "brunt" NON-acknowledgment in an active discussion...and it truly hurts "one's" feelings, and I always keep sensitivity in mind! Maybe, the initiator of the discussion "has felt it all has been said,"....but I still will recognize their response...and take this opportunity to learn a little bit more about them/their existence. Something like; "Thank you for your opinion, and I really respect that you took the time to stop by..and add your comments! Your comments seem to aline (with/against)the myLot population and given me new food for thought! By the way, just hear on the news, (such and such is happening in your world) and how is that with you?" I think it makes a person (cyber friend) feel valued...and that's a nice warm feeling. For me...I do not ignore any responses! Take care..and Cheers!
• Canada
29 Apr 11
The next responder "LadyM" has said it all...very eloquently and succinctly! One thing I have learned here, I never start a discussion without time management in mind...just in case the discussions sparks interest and there is a lot to respond to, keeping in mind that all responders like to be recognized for their input! This is just something that works for me! I have been up since 2:15 a.m., as Canada being part of the Commonwealth, we love and respect the Monarchy...and so far, William & Kates wedding is spectacular! Take care and Cheers..
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
hello pergammano! that is very courteous of you and something to be admired of! I will definitely try to do more of that in the future. My problem is, our connection hangs, and instead of being able to comment back on everyone's opinions to make them feel valued, I give up in frustration. So I just pick among the 20+ responses which I feel I can add to. Rest assured, I respond to MOST of my responders. :)
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@shibham (16977)
• India
10 May 11
Hi.. I reply back to each and every response of my discussions even i take part on interactions too... it makes a bridge with my friends. I do not ever think that i have nothing to reply back to some one. You may give a look to any of discussions where maximum responses i get. Have a nice day.
• Philippines
10 May 11
Wow I am quite envious of you for getting that many responses! And you reply back to all of them. I commend you! I am also answering each of my responders, but it really is no hassle because I don't get much, unlike you! Thanks for responding! :)
• United States
29 Apr 11
If I started the conversation, I do my best to reply to each person who comments. I feel it's common courtesy not to ignore the fact that someone took the time and effort to comment on my post. However, sometimes I may be so behind in my online and offline activities that it may take me awhile to respond.
• United States
29 Apr 11
You're to be commended for doing so..:-)
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• Philippines
9 May 11
thank you! :")
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
me too! I think i spent more than 1 hour responding to the responders of this discussion alone...
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@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
hello, Actually, that true you dont have to thank each of the respondents about your topic all you have to do is to say what you want to say that is related to your topic.It is really depends on you what will you say but in that way you can earn more. alright? good luck
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@iklananda (1202)
28 Apr 11
thanking mean that you care and you loved them to replay their discusssion. surely you wont replay to much 20 max i think, and it won't spend a lot of time. But if you post 10 discussion and get 20 comment of it that's different think
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@mohdromly (165)
• Malaysia
29 Apr 11
For me ,I always say thanks to all persons that comment on my discussion with honest.
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
then i will also say thank you!
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
i meant, "thank you, mohdromly. :)"
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
Hmmm.. I actually just comment on some posts and sometimes I don't check if they replied to what I said. Replying to all comments can be tiresome if you don't have anything to add and especially if your discussion got a lot of comments. :/ I guess you should comment back when you have something to add or something relevant to what he/she said. :)
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Apr 11
It is usually best to comment. I find that I do not go into great detail when I start a post, and also when someone responds, it is their respond you are commenting on, not the original post. Sometimes things need to be explalined and somethings the post takes on a new turn that you did not know about.
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
hi suspenseful! i have learned that too. when i start a discussion, i usually go into detail. I once started a discussion that wasn't detailed and i was reported! they must've misunderstand what i was trying to say! but when the post becomes a different topic altogether, i try to stop, because it should be a new topic, don't you think?
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
29 Apr 11
Personally I try to say something to everyone that responds to any of my discussions. Sometimes I have very little time but sooner or later everyone gets some kind of a response. If they make the effort then so will I. Have a great day!
• Philippines
30 Apr 11
I do that sometimes. At times there are so many responses, that it will take me some time to respond appropriately to all of them. Some people obviously put their thoughts into the response, and it's those that make me stop and think for a better reply. good day! :)
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
28 Apr 11
I usually to the responses that I get in my discussions, if I don't have anything to say back to the responders, I just say thank you.
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
hello ivy! yes, from what i learned in this discussion, it's more considerate to comment back on a response. thanks! :)
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
30 Apr 11
I response some of the comments in my post but I can't response all of them. I love to communicate with those people who commented on my post but sad thing I can't reply them all back...
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
29 Apr 11
I have only started a few discussions but I try to respond to every response. Before I start a discussion I try to evaluate my time in case there are a lot of responses required. I feel if there isn't a reply to a response, it is just a question and answer. I sometimes have a problem thinking of something to respond, but if I think about it awhile I usually do. I think if the person took the time to respond, then I should respond to them. It is rude not to. There is one person that never replies to anyone. I don't bother responding to his discussions, because I know there will be no feed back.
• Philippines
30 Apr 11
I have noticed in some discussions that the person who started it didn't reply back. Sometimes I also don't bother to respond to that discussion BECAUSE there's no feedback.thank you! :)
@neenie (343)
• United States
29 Apr 11
I started a discussion like this a few weeks ago and it was an eye opener for me. Apparently, a lot of people on mylot don't like it when you don't reply to others that have replied to your discussion. Now I always try to respond to people, unless I really have nothing that can be said.
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
hi neenie! oh no, i didn't see the discussion that you started! but at least i got more input from your comment! this discussion has also been eye opener for me. i learned from the others that it's best to comment back. but it's more important to start a quality discussion. :)