if i take a crash course on SEO, will it increase my job opportunity online?

April 28, 2011 8:33am CST
hi mylotters, please help me decide... i've been an odesk member for 1 or 2 months now and i still got no response from my applications and i've noticed that most of the requirements or the in-demand jobs requires SEO knowledge. Now, i am planning to take a crash course on SEO so i can get the certification that most of the employers are looking for before hiring someone. though the crash course costs a bit but it will be very convenient for me working online from home while starting and taking care of my family. that's why i am very determined to work my way on getting a job online...hope you can help me think if i'm on the right track or not...your comments, views or tips are all very much appreciated...thank you in advance my lotters ^_^...
1 response
@tammy27 (1241)
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
i came across tons of employers already, im actually a freelance writer for 2 years now, but there are instances where i have to leave job. if you want i can help you... may i know where you're from?
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
hi tammy27, just found out that we're from and in the same country "philippines". I am from cagayan de oro...really, thank you in advance for the intention to help me...are you also w/ odesk? i've tried freelance writing too but fortunately after a thorough research on scams w/c i was almost about to be victimized by that site so i immediately deleted my account. though i am not a pro in writing but i really want to be one someday. hope you can also help me on that part...thanx much tammy27^_^ any help to work my way on getting a legit job online would be very much appreciated...^_^