Triond Users

@pjnjclyn (176)
Newton, New Jersey
April 29, 2011 3:06pm CST
I have just joined and have a question for the ones that have been using Triond. About adding friends do you just randomly add people to your friend list? Is it better not to have that many friends? I am trying to figure this whole thing out thank you for any suggestions that can help.
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7 responses
@marcmm (1804)
• Malaysia
3 May 11
One thing you should know when you add someone as your friend. Unless they also add you as a friend you will only become their fans. that means they won't see anything you write in their news feed. Last time I try to make many friend as well but now I just figure it out, I just stop it. Try to target your reader from outside triond community. there is where the success come from. Promoting your article is good but it almost like 1 time traffic. Write a quality article of the most sought topic. For long term succes try to write something that will never get obsolete or what people will keep on looking either now or 10 years in the future. Friends, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace...etc... It didn't help much.
@pjnjclyn (176)
• Newton, New Jersey
7 May 11
I have not been on due to health issues my name on triond is the same name that I have on here looking foward to reading new and interesting things on triond
• Philippines
29 Apr 11
I only have 3 friends currently on the list. it is only on the 25th of the current month when i started posting. The first friend first one who added me up is another mylotter and the other two whom i added up were both a choice which i had made at random. Both though are from the Philippines, the same country where i am from. I guess having a number of friends will help you market your articles as your friends are updated with your activities. The more friends you have, the higher the probablility that your articles will be viewed and the more chances for you to return them the favor by reading their publications as well while learning from them. Hopefully, in time, i'd be able tohave more friends. You can add me up if you like! i would welcome any invites especially from people who are my fellow members here in mylot! :)
@pjnjclyn (176)
• Newton, New Jersey
29 Apr 11
Thank you for the information. It would be nice to have friends that are on mylot as well then you can know where they are coming from. Good Luck on your journey in Triond
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
29 Apr 11
I like to add friends where people may share my interesys. it makes the friendships more exciting and rewarding that way.
@lgendrot (32)
• United States
29 Apr 11
I always thought organic growth was the best kind, I mean if you write good articles then you'll garner better and more fans quickly. On the other hand, if you just add random people left and right you have absolutely no guarantee that a) they'll add you back and receive updates about your content and b) read your content anyway, I mean they don't know you at all so why would they? Just become a fan of the writers you like the most and try messaging some of them, I've spoken through messages and had decent conversation with many of the "top contributors" before. Most of them are really easy to contact and talk to. Have fun! :D
• Bulgaria
30 Apr 11
Is depend of your desires.I think if you want to integrated yourself in Triond's comunity is better to have more friends and talk with them.Sometimes they will give you good ideas and asistance in writting articles,or you just learn something interesting by them.I'm happy to add new friends on this site just to change some expierence in writting and post comments about the articles.In this way we stimulate each other and the publishment is great pleasure and relishment.i'm ready to add you as a fried there if you have desire about this.My nick name is ivaylo2009 you can find me with ease.HAce a nice day!
@sashakiddo (1102)
• United States
29 Apr 11
I add people to my listas much as I can, but when I add them I make sure to comment on at least one of their articles first. That way they will know that they are getting something from the friendship. It is good to have many friends, so that they view your articles. If they see that you view theirs, they will view yours, if they know how Triond works. It is best to look at the regulars, who comment on a lot of articles. When you see a lot of articles with the same people responding, those responders are the ones you want to be friends with. You will get to know them over time throught their comments.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
29 Apr 11
i have only added people that have added me or have become my fans. i dont spend a whole lot of tme there just because i dont have it.