Do you think a person is destined to get rich or remain poor?

@scheng1 (24649)
May 1, 2011 12:16am CST
When a person gets rich, some people will say that it is their destiny or fate. While many people agree that a person must work hard and work smart to get rich, they also think fate plays a part. Do you agree? If yes, do you think we can change our fate so that we can get rich, even if we are very poor now?
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44 responses
2 May 11
It is possible, but it will only take you faith to change fate. due to the believe of many people, they might not be able to chanhe their status because their faith is very low or at times they don't even believe in change. so for that category of people nothing is posible.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
3 May 11
Hi big2moses, that is true. Some people even make sure others do not get rich too. They view it as a sin to get more money than you need for survival, and they always tell others not to go above their station in life. I think these people are plain stupid. if there is a way to get rich, they can spend less time on working for others, and more time on self fulfilling work, such as charitable work.
@raj_gupta (311)
• India
1 May 11
I usually don't give credit or make excuse of destiny for what ever good or bad happens to me. It totally depends on person to person that how they see it but for me money comes to only those who can handle it and not to those who are destined or deserving.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Raj_gupta, most people feel the same way. When a person is poor, and starts to make excuse, nobody will pity him. If he puts in much effort in learning a trade, work hard, save hard, and still is poor, then others will blame it on destiny or fate. I think many of those rich ones are not really good at handling money. That is why many of them become poor after a few years. Those celebrities and former sport champions are good examples. Once they are not that famous anymore, they become poor.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
2 May 11
I don't believe there is any such thing as fate. We are who we are because of the way we have been brought up and educated and the way that we have decided to take control of our own way of thinking. Most people tend to think of 'upbringing' and 'education' as something that is done to or happens to them rather than something which they have any say in or control over. Who we are, meaning our personality, and how we think and react to every situation is what determines whether or not we shall be successful. This is something that too few people realise. What we call 'fate' is really our unconscious reaction - positive or negative - to the thousands of random events and opportunities which are presented to us each day. Becoming successful at anything is simply learning to choose the right opportunities at the right time and to reject any which don't lead to the path or lifestyle which we desire.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
2 May 11
Although I don't think that the apparent mechanisms of astrology (that the position of bodies in our solar system in relation to each other and to the background of distant stars has an effect on an individual at the moment of his or her birth) has any sound or logical basis in fact, I do believe that we are all "children of our time" and that being born at a particular time in history and into a particular culture plays a significant part in the formation of our character. With 'fortune telling', it very much depends what one's attitude to it is and, especially, how the individual uses the results. We none of us really know even a small part of our own nature - our good points and bad, our strengths and weaknesses - because we are, in truth, very complicated beings. If someone tells my parents (or me) that the planets were in such and such a position at my birth so that I should have a tendency to become a good artist, will not the natural thing be that I should be given pencil and paper at an early age to encourage this? If, on the other hand, knowing nothing about 'the stars', I happen to develop a particular interest in something, the way that astrologers have learned to interpret and phrase their predictions over thousands of years is such that we naturally tend to hear and fasten on those traits which happen to be particularly true and automatically reject those that don't seem to fit. Since I am interested in writing, words and the way that language affects us, I find astrology a particularly interesting and fascinating subject because of the way in which character traits are described and interpreted. Besides being the father of modern astronomy, I believe that astrology could be said to be the mother of modern psychology and, having the greatest respect for parenthood, I tend not, therefore, to 'laugh it out of court' as some do. I strongly believe that we can have complete control over our own destiny. First, however, we have to know what we want for ourselves and want it strongly enough so that it becomes a desire and a goal (whether fully expressed or not); then we have to know ourselves well enough that we are aware of our particular abilities (very few know what they are really good at though many can say what they like doing). We should also understand that, often - indeed, more often than not - our weaknesses are our strengths and vice versa. That is hard to appreciate for some people but I have often remarked that the best teachers are those that had difficulty with learning themselves and the best psychologists are very often people who became involved in the subject through needing help themselves. Some things may come naturally to people but it is often the things with which we have struggled (and, to some degree, conquered our weaknesses) in which we really show our mettle. Some of our character is genetic (nor do I quite rule out the possibility of some kind of ethereal influence due to the time of conception or birth), much of it is formed in the first few months and years of childhood and some comes from a, later, conscious effort to 'be like' someone else (whoever we may particularly idolise). Not nearly enough, perhaps, comes from learning to know who we, ourselves, are because most of us are never taught how to look at ourselves but often told how others - parents, teachers, friends - see us (and how others would like us to be!) Although Hamlet was speaking of reasons for taking the ultimate way out, there is a lot we could learn from his famous speech, especially, perhaps: "[i]Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action.[/i]"
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
3 May 11
Hi Owlwings, the Chinese concept is quite different from the usual astrological readings that the people in the West are more familiar with. The Chinese believes in the concept of Ying and Yang, and use it to explain every contrasting situation. For example, the soft moonlight is Ying, and the strong sun ray is Yang. This concept is very close to what you have mentioned about our weaknesses being our strengths. On top of that, the concept of the five elements come into play. The Purple Star Astrology looks at a person from how he views himself, and how others view him. That means the inner person (the actual person), and the outer person (the one that people see). It also looks into the personality traits that he inherits, the environment that he lives in, and his own desire. That is the Heaven luck, Earth Luck and Man luck element. If all the three luck are in harmony, he can live a fulfilling life. if not, he will feel that something is missing from his life.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
2 May 11
Hi Owlwings, you have brought up a very interesting perspective. When I studied Purple Star Astrology, our teacher mentioned that fortune telling should not be done for kids under a certain age, since their thinkings were affected by their parents. However, once kids start to think for themselves, their personalities and future outcome in life are linked. Even those born with certain bad personality traits have to learn to control their weaknesses, so that they can enjoy success in life.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
4 May 11
No, I think it more depends on the economic system used. In some countries, pretty much whatever group you are born into, is the group you stay in. However that is not the case in free-market capitalist systems, like the US. Here there are thousands of stories of people born into poverty, and end up wealthy for life. Take Michael Flatley, for example. Grew up in the poorest side of Chicago. He learned to dance when he was 12, and now he's an international star. Was he destined? No. I think he worked hard, and learned his skill, and became what he wanted to be.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
4 May 11
Hi Andy77e, I think if we are fortunate to born in a country that rewards hard work and smart work, we have to thank fate or destiny or whatever it is. Had we born in the poorest region in Africa, we can never get rich, since survival is a big issue. Hard for the kids from absolute poverty background to get rich. They are always hungry, and not educated at all. I think for us who are fortunate enough to learn to read and write, and learn skills that help us in employment, we should not become proud.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
9 May 11
Hi Andy77e, that is a very sad reality. Looking at the young persons today, we can see how the future will be like. I think the last few recessions had helped to humble the people in many developed countries. Many youngsters are travelling to China and Asia countries to look for work. Even though they will earn lesser, but they have work. In a sense, they learn to deal with culture difference, and learn to shed off the arrogance of developed world. I think the world can see that even America has to humble itself against the mighty China. It used to be America ordering China, and criticizing China over the human rights issue. Now China has the power to ask America to shut up. Funny how the way money works. The rich always have more freedom in speech. The rich country always can order the poor countries about.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
4 May 11
That is what I meant by the economic system. If you born in government run socialist systems like Africa, then yes, you don't have much chance.
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
1 May 11
A person can't choos to be born in a rich or in a poor family, but once you grow up, you can try to change your situation (in case if you are born in a poor family). The rich one has to take care not to loose all his/her positions, which also may happen. In the history, there have been many rich people who have lost almost everything and people, who have been born in a poor family, but started to fight for changing their destiny since their childhood, and get rich when adult. So your conditions can be changed, you only need enough motivation and work on it, you also have to be patient.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Camomile, it is hard for the rich people to lose everything unless something major happens. I think the story in Gone with the Wind is a great lesson. The rich plantation owners suddenly become very poor, when the slaves revolt, and they lost everything. I like this story, and the title is very appropriate. When crisis hits, everything literally gone with the wind. In normal circumstances, poor people may become the middle class, but they find it hard to enter the list of richest people in the country.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Camomile, I love the storyline in Gone with the Wind too. Are you talking about the youngest sister who become a nun? I think she is the strongest of them all. Scarlett is the weakest of all emotionally, even though she thinks that she is the head of the family. I think this story contains a very important lesson, about putting the most important thing in life first. Sad to have gain everything, and lose everything, including her lover, the affection of her son, and her only true friend.
• Germany
1 May 11
Hi Scheng1, 'Gone with the wind' is a very nice classic, I love this story. The youngest is a very great example that we never should stop fighting for our dreams and never should give up aspirations or loose our hopes. For a person, used to live without anything and to be poor, live is easier to overcome than a rich person, used to have everyting, who loose suddenly everything. So a person born in a poor circumstance who fights to get something more in his/her live, takes more care about what he/she gets and earns. So for this person it's more difficult to loose everything again (if no natural disaster happens).
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
1 May 11
Hi scheng... I think all things are possible through hard work. Some rich people came from poor families and they just worked hard to attain what they are right now. Aiming high for big money requires a great responsibility, patience, hard work and sincerity. Maybe if a person is poor and got married to a rich person, then it is destined for the person to get rich.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Adnileb, the reality is that not all who work hard get rich. So many people are working so hard in developing countries, and they still cannot make ends meet. Sometimes it is a matter of luck. Those who happen to say or do something right when the bosses come around, get the promotion. The rest can work very hard their whole life, and still cannot get rich. I think reality is wearing a lot of people down. Many of those poor people marrying into the rich family get mental illness. They cannot cope with the stress of the lifestyle of the rich people. One notable example is the Crown Princess of Japan, a commoner who married the Crown Prince.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Adnileb, if everyone is rich, then we will live like the angels. In the first place, the concept of rich and poor would not come into picture if Adam and Eve did not rebel. If they had stayed faithful, then everyone would be rich. Nobody would owe any part of the earth, and levied rental or tax or any other such nonsense. i do not believe that God wants anyone to be poorer than the rest or richer than the rest.
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
1 May 11
Oh, yes, luck is also an aspect in getting rich. Those who works hard but didn't get rich maybe are destined to be poor then? Hmmm.. Or maybe that was planned by God, not to get every one rich. Just what would you think our life would be if all the people in the world are rich? Would you think it's awesome? That no one is poor?
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
1 May 11
HulloScheng! Fate or God's decision does play a part in this.Now , for example, when a person is rich and is also careful with his money the natural assumption is that he would be rich. Misfortunes like debilitating illnesses and accidents, prolonged medical treatment to keep away pain are situations that are beyond him.Whether this is for himself or his family , it is all the same.If GOd has willed that he would die a rich man it would happen. Regarding a poor man, he has to make efforts and earn and save.Depending on his capacity and motivation he succeeds. GOd preordains it and any person works accordingly.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
1 May 11
That was a sweet thing and this lady is a real sweet person.. Poor people are often more generous than the rich.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Kalav, having read of so many disasters around the world, I agree fully with your points. We definitely can direct our effort, change our thinking about money, and gain knowledge about different investment strategies. However, we cannot determine our outcome. The Chinese saying that what is rightfully yours is yours. That statement has proven true for centuries. If a person is not meant to get rich, he can never get to keep his wealth for long. Somehow or other, he will end up as poor as before. We apply this concept to nearly everything. For example, a person without good supervisory skills can get promoted to supervisory role, but he will not stay long in that position.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Kalav, that is a nice saying. I have not heard of this particular saying about the rice being destined for us! I think that is a very wise saying. A few years ago, we traveled to a remote part of China for holiday. We did not know that the workers were going to use explosive to make tunnel, so we were stuck in the mountain. Traffic piled up, and many drivers and passengers just waited. It took six hours before they allowed us to travel again. In the meantime, my friends and I went down to the nearest village for a look-see. An old woman offered her lunch to us. It was a simple meal of fermented rice with sugar. However, we enjoyed the generosity of the old woman very much. In fact, we felt sorry for her, since we could see that she was poor. The hut was simply built, and the mat on the elevated wooden platform served as a bed. We gone through our pockets for things to give her. We had a few sweets, and some money. Experience had taught us to give sweets, and not money. Otherwise, she would feel insulted. I think that bears the truth of the saying about the rice meant for us.
1 person likes this
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
1 May 11
hi Scheng, I trust luck and fate,what ever thing are done in our life ,not our lifes every body's lifes will be linked with fate and luck,i have experienced several times, though you work hard if luck is with you ,you will be succeed in any thing, education,career,job or rich, according to the situation a suggestion will come to our mind do or not do things,take my life when we have passed 12th class all my friends register with employment exchange and got jobs,but on that time i am some what rich means my father is partner in big business,i have not registered and not got job i got job with my father's recomendation in a Big Fertilisers company after doing there for 33 months i have resigned to job and helped my brother in travel agencies,if continue in that job now i may get more than 500 dollars as my salary,now the travel agency was closed and all my business also closed and i am working at my brothers shop for 80 dollars per month as supervisor, so fate and luck will play a key roles in our life,have a nice day
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Yugasini, yes, sad to say that your experience is a very common one. If only you have stayed on with the big company, you would have earned more money, and probably pay off the house sooner. Just too bad that luck turns when we least expect it. I think your friends envy you when you have the job with the big fertilizer company, and now they are better off than you. Anyway, luck cycle keeps changing. You may get lucky next year.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
2 May 11
Hi Yugasini, I think the marriage of your first son will change your fate for the better. There is one ancient Chinese custom of using marriage to ward off evil in the family, especially when the older persons have ill luck. Hopefully everything will be good for you again. Luck cycle always changes. Right now I do not have the best of luck either.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
2 May 11
No one can rich without hard work but it is right the fate also play vital role. Very few person are here who don't to work hard to get rich. But if some one work hard and he have not enough earning than to whom we blame. It is attitude if some failed in life than success person comments on that he is not hard worker and person like him blame fate. A success person never believe in fate.
@patgalca (18435)
• Orangeville, Ontario
2 May 11
One can be successful and earn a lot of money, but they can also spend the money unwisely and not manage it will (ie not investing). You reap what you sow.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
4 May 11
Hi Anil02, actually many successful people believe in fate. When you read their books, you can see that the word "luck" appears so many times. Warren Buffet felt that he was lucky enough to born in United States. Had he born in Africa, he would not have achieved the same level of success. Many successful people talk about their personality traits, colleagues, friends, associates and other factors. But they never forget to mention luck. If they do not have the good luck to grab opportunities when they come, they will not get rich.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
4 May 11
If you are giving full credit to luck than what it will make differance if Warren Buffet born in US or Africa or in Pakistan. Because it is his luck to be a trrilioner. Actually luck work when we work hard. It is saying that God help the people who will work.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
2 May 11
Hi Scheng1. You, no doubt, know the hymn "All things bright and beautiful"? but one verse originally in this hymn has been suppressed by most editors as being elitist and offensive: The rich man in his castle, The poor man at his gate: God made them high and lowly And ordered their estate. What these editors either don't realise, or don't care about, is that Mrs Alexander was referring to a particular rich man and a particular poor man, and it wasn't only in this life that God ordered their estate. What really matters is what you do with the providences God sends, and whether you have allowed them to lead you to Christ (Of course, in the providence of God, poor people can sometimes become rich through application). I heartily recommend a read of "The Rich Man and Lazarus" by Brownlow North. I don't know whether you can read it online (Joseph Alleine's "An Alarm to the Unconverted" definitely exists online in readable form), but apparently you can listen to it online (^North).
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
4 May 11
Hi JohnRok, I have not read the first verse. I think that is a reality, but hardly a fact that people like to acknowledge. Most of us are unrealistic. We like to believe in fairytale. The rich one and the poor one are both blessed in different ways. Even if God keeps the poor man poor, he still has blessings for the poor ones. All of us have ups and downs in life, and we cannot feel happy all the time. If the rich man has no son, he will feel a part of his life missing. if the poor man wants to get rich, and cannot find a way to do so, he will feel miserable all the time too. Thanks for recommending those books. I will hunt for it in the library, I still prefer to read paperback.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
2 May 11
I couldn't paste, so had to type in the link. All you need to do to make it work is delete the second "http//".
@tammy27 (1241)
• Philippines
1 May 11
not so sure.. perhaps it depends on the hard work of a certain person. there are poor people who can still get some small time jobs but instead they just sit on the sidewalks and beg for money and/or food. if these kinds of poor people will exert more efforts rather than be parasites on other people, perhaps the future wont be so dark for them.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Tammy, I think those who beg for money are as much victims as the real beggars. I read that there are many big gangs that kidnap children, and break their arms or legs, so that they can get more money from begging. Those kids grow up without a skill except knowing how to beg. I think those who can work, but use this method to get money, really deserve their punishment when heaven punishes them.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Tammy, there are so many wicked people around. They can think of so many terrible things to do in order to get rich. If only God punishes them earlier, then the world will be a better place. over here, many poor people start to sell a few packets of tissue paper for a dollar. They keep the profits. Most of us help them by buying the tissue paper, since they make the effort to buy and sell.
@tammy27 (1241)
• Philippines
1 May 11
you're so right. and i also hope that those gangs big or small would be punished as well. i get so sick knowing that there are situations like these..
@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
2 May 11
If you have no means to get rich then you are destined to be poor because you can not afford the cost of education which is the stepping stone to be rich, however, your perseverance to reach the top is possible if you will focus in your determination to study by looking for scholarship grants and at the same time work while studying. Excel is the key word, highly exceptional in your intelligence and talent is next to be rich aside from having already the richness in your own family. We already have our own fate unidentified from the beginning and realized only as we slowly move towards its destiny. We make conclusion as our fate, we can change it by having hope and if it is not yet too late to start all over again.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
4 May 11
Hi Macayadann, it is ironical that those who are highly educated do not want children or many children. Some of these single women and men are highly successful in their careers, and family planning is not in their agendas. On the other hand, the poor are the ones who have many children, and these are the ones least able to afford to bring up the children. I think many governments have done a very bad job in educating their people or help them to build up a happy family. Many Asian countries are in this situation. Countries such as Singapore and Japan have extremely low birth rate. The problem is that the cost of living is too high, and people are too well educated to take time off from work, and look after children. As a result, they choose not to have any kid at all.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
3 May 11
Hi Macayadann, I think the country we live in has a part to play in term of education. Some countries provide free education for everyone. But the problem is that the working population has to pay a very high tax, and the people may not even appreciate the value of a good education. Some countries do not really sponsor or subsidies education. That is why many gifted children work in the farms, and they can never break free from the cycle of poverty. That is what happens in many African countries. These kids do not even have a chance to receive a year of elementary education. No way to look for scholarship or whatever. That is why I think luck has a factor in our success or failure.
• Philippines
4 May 11
It is true enough that partly the future or fate maybe attributed to the role of the government to those poor, if only they will give a chance to have one student for scholarship per poor family at least it will ease up the burden. Also the role of the couple in the solution of over population, they must see to it that they will plan the number of kids to have and again this is another role of the government to educate the poor couple about family planning.
• Philippines
1 May 11
Yes, I believe that fate or chance plays a part. All the famous people in history could not have been renowned without meeting the right circumstances. While I believe that whether being rich or poor is our choice, I also believe in the role that luck plays. If we are poor now, we could certainly turn our lives around. Who knows whether we will be really rich in the future? Only time will tell, and it surely will not happen if you don't do anything about it! We can do something about our circumstances. It is as Ronda Byrne's The Secret says: If you think positively, then success will be attracted to you. At the same time, one must do everything he is able to, to help themselves be successful. (Hopefully in the moral manner...) :)
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 May 11
Hi Happycaprice, I share the same viewpoint as you. Life is not as simple as one plus one equals to two. It does not mean that we work hard, save money, and invest, then we will definitely get rich. Many things in life are not within our control. Those who survived the earthquake in Japan have lost everything, including their loved ones. It does not matter how hard they have worked in the past. Nothing can save them from the destruction of such a powerful earthquake, except their plain good luck to be in the right place.
• Philippines
2 May 11
Nice point you have there. All those people were very unfortunate, and I hope they rest in peace. Still, they could not have known about their bad luck. I do believe while they were alive they strive to have a good life, and that's what matters. Some things are definitely not in our hands, but we should still strive. :)
@gorila (186)
• Indonesia
1 May 11
I think, actually hard work and destiny are linked. because the destiny is the accumulation of hard work.
@gorila (186)
• Indonesia
2 May 11
oh yes, in addition to hard work and destiny, there is another important element which is a key serrations, that is patience. without serrations key (patience), then whatever expensive key head (hard work), and as beautiful as the key body (Destiny), it will not be able to open the door of success.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
3 May 11
Hi Gorila, that is a very nice illustration, and very appropriate too. The Buddhism teachings emphasize on eternal life cycle. It says that even if we work hard, and live an honest life in this current life, and not get rewarded for our effort, we are sowing the seeds for a better life in the future. It attempts to explain why many people are so plain lazy, and yet they manage to enjoy life. I think it is important not to give up, and hold a long term view. No point having instant gratification, and then waste all our hard earned money on luxuries.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
2 May 11
I think both fate and effort can play a part. Obviously, if you are born into wealth you usually reap those benefits automatically without necessarily putting forth a lot of effort(work). I don't think if you are born into poverty you have to stay there. As long as you have your mental and physical abilities you can work to put yourself in a better position. You also have to make smart choices along the way so as not to lose what you have earned or inherited.
@patgalca (18435)
• Orangeville, Ontario
2 May 11
I was born and raised in an upper middle class family, but married into a poor family, and then I became ill. Being born into a wealthy family does not mean you will remain wealthy. Not by a long shot.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
4 May 11
Hi Lumenmom, that is true. While it is good to born into a rich family, the more difficult task is to keep the wealth or even increase the wealth. The chinese saying that it is hard to build an empire, and even harder to keep an empire is very true. Most people read of poor people getting rich by building a world class business, but they forget that inheriting the business is tougher.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
30 May 11
Well, not all the people have a luck to get rich. Even if we are working hard and hard. But we don't have luck to be rich. I don't think we can be rich? We are borne with no dress and this is shown of poverty. But when we are getting old. We get dress which means shown of prosperity... It is not good if all people of the world are rich. Because life is not being happy I think. If you are rich and I am rich...why should I work for the benefit of others? Who serve me, for my dinner or breakfast. Who will wash my clothes or the clothes of a rich man...if all people are rich? So, it be better to have poor sometimes. Because rich people will be happy and poor people will be happy too...
@mallu30 (461)
• India
11 May 11
Man's destiny remains in his hands only. Lord Buddha said "Man writes his own health and destiny." In Bhagavad Gita, God said "Thought forms the seed of your karma and detiny." Threfore a man's future remains in his hands only. If we want to become rich, or to remain poor it is depend upon by our thoughts only. We can create our destiny by our thoughts only.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
11 May 11
Hi Mallu, Buddha teaches about karma effect on the present life. i remember reading a story about how his favorite disciple got killed in a forest by robbers. Since his disciple was enlightened being, other disciples were puzzled as to the outcome of his life. Why would a good man suffer such a bad ending? Buddha replied was that this disciple had to pay for what he did in his previous life. This disciple led his parents to the forest, and killed them in the forest. He did not get his due punishment in his previous life, so he had to repay in this life. If the karma effect holds true, there are many things in our present life that are out of our control. Since we are unable to know the past nor the future, we have to assume that when bad things happen to us, we are repaying for our past deeds. This theory is good only for those who believe in Buddhism.
• United States
12 May 11
I definately do not beleive in destiny, i beleive my destiny lies in my hand, i'll take the blame for anything that happen to me. Beleiving in destiny makes people get lazy, they think they are destined for things they never work for. One again, YOUR DESTINY LIES IN UR HAND.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
12 May 11
Hi Idmega, I believe that whatever comes after adulthood has more to do with our effort than destiny. However, whatever happens before we gain adulthood can due to destiny. For example, many poor kids in Africa do not have a chance to grow up. Many of them die of starvation. That is definitely out of their control. They do not even have the ability to work hard or find food. They are too young for it.
• India
11 May 11
i don't believe in destiny and fate any one can get rich by them self if she/he had big dream to become strong mind foundation to be rich any one can , have you ever read david swoats(spelling is not correct ) magic of thinking big , in that book he says if you have dream and you can put excuses in bin we can be any thing you can see more and more examples on it something about me i had only $20 in my bank ,but i want be a millionaire and i will
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
11 May 11
Hi Whitehowkz, I think we forget that many people dying of hunger in Africa never have a chance to dream big or get rich. They never even have a chance to live to adulthood, since most of them will die of famine or sickness at a young age. For us who manage to born in a developed world or developing countries at least have the prospect of finding a job and working hard. Those who are starving in Africa, and ignored by their own governments and the world, did not even have a chance. I think we have to look at things from different perspectives. It is by fate or destiny or God's blessing or luck or whatever other unknown reason that we are fortunate enough to have enough to eat, have jobs in the country, and get an education.
• Singapore
31 May 11
Yes as long as you seek to get out of poverty there will always be a way, however tough it is. As the saying goes, once you've hit rock bottom, the only way is up. I don't really think it is fate or destiny to "become rich", unless you mean like individuals that are born with a silver spoon. Still, if they are complacent, most of them will not get to enjoy their wealth. On the other hand, most of the rich people worked hard or were very lucky which allowed them to become wealthy.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 May 11
Hi Mewtonx, I think luck is really a factor that decides how rich a person can be. There are so many hardworking persons in the business world, yet there are so few who get rich. Even in the financial world where it is easier to get rich, not even half of them can retire at the age of 40. Most of them have to continue working just to pay off the house, and have enough for retirement. I think working hard is one factor, working smart is another, and the most important of all is to have luck.