How i look girls please tell me picture

May 1, 2011 10:00am CST
some girl say i am not good an very ugly she say i will never get girlfriend please tell how i look
3 responses
• India
2 May 11
[b]Dude you are UGlY untill you think you are ugly.. you are not if you think you are not.. you should not give the damn what people or what the girls are think of you you shud be the king in your own words.. People says bad about you cause they are not so good than you or may be they dont like you cause of something thats why they said something bad to you , By the ways from my Opinion you are not at all ugly but in fact you got a handsome personality my friend.. have fun..
• Canada
2 May 11
You are who you are. Everyone has their own opinion. Don't let the opinion of one individual bring you down. Of course there will always be someone that is going to call you ugly, but there will always be someone that won't, you just have to go find that someone. In this world, there is always someone for each other. :)
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
1 May 11
If you want my honest opinion. You are not a bad looking person. I was expecting worse I wouldn't consider you ugly. Different people like different things. I've seen people look a lot worse and they have someone so there is definitely hope for you.