Lets start a list of things Democrats PRETEND to be for.
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
May 1, 2011 11:04am CST
With Democrats having control of both houses for 4 years, including 2 years with a supermajority and a rubber stamp president, I think we've had ample opportunity to see what they have only pretended to stand for.
1. Union rights/powers: In the last 4 years democrats have done NOTHING to restore the powers of federal public employee unions. Those powers were taken away by Jimmy Carter, a Democrat who also had the benefit of a supermajority.
2. Opposition to sending jobs overseas: This was a big thing for John Kerry in 2004 when he blamed Bush for giving tax breaks to businesses that shipped jobs overseas. Now those tax breaks had been in place since Reagan was president, but he didn't care about that. Since getting a majority in both houses, Democrats have done NOTHING to prevent jobs from going overseas. They have not ended the incentives for shipping jobs overseas, nor have the created any incentives for keeping jobs in this country. In fact, they've actually made it LESS desirable to keep jobs here by increasing the costs of doing business, both raising the minimum wages, and forcing employers to buy healthcare plans for their employees.
3. The Constitution: Many democrats, including Obama, who called the Patriot Act unconstitutional have now renewed it multiple times and even had the audacity to give it ridiculous names like the "Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act".
4. Reducing the deficit and the national debt: While republicans controlled both houses and the presidency the deficit got as high as $413 billion. At the time the democrats got control Republicans had reduced the deficit to $162 billion. That deficit skyrocketed after Democrats took control to the point where it is currently at more than $1.4 trillion. Since republicans have gotten control of the House, democrats have viciously opposed any and every attempt made by republicans to reduce the deficit calling any cuts evil, heartless, immoral, etc. while also claiming that seniors will die if the cuts are passed.
5. Equality: Democrats have done everything in their power to make sure that women, gay people, and minorities are NOT treated equally compared to men, or specifically, white men. They go out of their way to make sure unqualified applicants get jobs based solely on their race. They allow voter intimidation by minorities and mock those who oppose it. When women and minorities oppose their policies they single them out and aim to turn other women and minorities against them while openly yelling racial slurs at them.
Anyone else have things to add? If you'd like to defend democrats against these accusation feel free. I'd love to hear a defense. If you want to talk about a list of things Republicans pretend to be for, please do it on another thread since it's not the topic here. I'll gladly respond, and add to, such a thread.
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5 responses
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
2 May 11
You forgot to mention standing up for the little guy. The ones who work and invest in the retirement plans, the elderly who buy bonds in US Companies to help them expand business and employ American workers. Then when the market crashes you bail out the investment bankers who were to blame for the crash (the little guy's taxes are used to bail them out). Then the little little guy who bought Bonds in Chrysler and the Democrats took the Bonds away and gave the company to the Union and many people lost their retirement income and the Union Officials kept their high paying jobs.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
2 May 11
Ah yes the little guy. I also forgot to mention the poor. They care so much about the poor, but not enough to give THEIR money to the poor. Gore, Kerry, Obama, Biden all give significantly less than most people to the poor (Biden literally gives $100-$300 annually). They'd much rather raise taxes and give OTHER people's money to the poor, typically people who are already doing so without the government forcing them to.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
2 May 11
The same things can be said for the Republicans. As far as I see it, they are both the same.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
4 May 11
I can't begin to tell you how many hypocritical I have met. Adams, a Republican Representative from the Claremont,CA area is certainly one of them. This was was nearly recalled because people couldn't stand his shady politics. This man was playing dirty, he promised the people in the district several things that he could not deliver.
Grace Napolitano was another one. A Senate Democrat from the Montclair, CA area, she couldn't give her constituents a straight answer when it came to the issue of the budget cuts. We kept grilling her on what was going to be cut, and how much, and she really couldn't give us an answer. She kept tip-toeing around the issues. Many of us were a little disgusted with her.
For the record, these are politicians that I have actually met, and I can say that it wasn't a great experience. Nearly turned me off from politics.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
1 May 11
Excellent points. When the democrats are runnig, they talk big about all they will do. When they get into power however, all those things are forgotten. After all, if they wopuld do all they say that they are for, then they would have nothing to make promises in the next time.
Or, like in the case of 0bamacare, when the truth gets out about all the things that will happen once implemented, then people realize that those promises aren't so great after all.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
2 May 11
I have to go to bed, so I only started reading your rant, but will point out one blatant lie:
Eevery effort at ending tax breaks and incentives for shipping jobs overseas has been thwarted by the right wing.
After a while, republicans actually start believing their own lies.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
2 May 11
Show me the efforts democrats have made then. Show me how republicans thwarted them during the 4 years that they controlled both houses and during the 2 years that they had supermajorities in both houses and had Obama as president.
If you can provide me with that, I will admit that you are right, I am wrong, and that I made a mistake. This is your big chance to finally prove me wrong ladybug.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
2 May 11
You don't get it ladybug. That bill was a joke. Republicans didn't block it, Democrats did. Don't you wonder why they waited 4 years to even WRITE that bill and when they did it was written in a day? Don't you wonder why it was never brought up when Ted Kennedy was alive and they had an unstoppable supermajority? Don't you wonder why they only tried it once and then tossed it in the trash when their own party voted against it instead of filling it with the standard bribes and payoffs like they did with Tarp, Obamacare, and the stimulus? It was never intended to pass. They never wanted it to pass. They already made sure the necessary opposition within their own party was in place to block it just as Pelosi made sure that there were just enough blue dogs voting against Obamacare NOT to block it. It was a ploy ladybug, meant to fool people like you.
This thread isn't about republicans even though you've tried to make it so. We already know they don't mind jobs being shipped overseas. That's not a secret. They don't pretend to be against it. Democrats have completely fooled people like you and throw you the occasional bone like this after they're sure such a bill won't pass because their own party is against it.
"You are drawn to me like a magnet and I am flatterred"
This is MY thread ladybug. YOU are the one who responded. I fully encourage people with opposing views to post on my threads, but don't post here and pretend it was me following YOUR posts when clearly it is just the opposite.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
2 May 11
I have proven you wrong on several occasions and most of your attempts to prove me wrong only illustrate my points further.
I am not playing a game with you taskr. This feeds your ego or something, but, am here to post what I know to be fact, and it is always oppositonal to yours. It's 11 my time, I have a 12 hour work day tomorrow and for the remainder of the summer. I don't spend every waking hour on mylot digging up links and videos of dems fighting for the overseas tax break to stop.
But, I will add it on my to do list so that I can show you what you already know and blinded yourself to.
But, not because I care for your silly fight. You are drawn to me like a magnet and I am flatterred, but don't have time for it.
"Republicans argued that revoking the tax breaks would punish American companies and make them less competitive with foreign firms."
Disect the story, ridicule it for being Huffpo, site the stupid dems who voted wrong, do as you wish, but, unbury your head soon. Quit PRETENDING to be for something for which your are not.