Book & DVD

@Tina30219 (81712)
Onaway, Michigan
May 2, 2011 9:31am CST
Today I just ordered Eat Pray Love the book and the DVd can't wait to get them been wanting to see the movie and read the book for a while. I will share what I think of the movie once I watch it.
5 responses
@tammy27 (1241)
• Philippines
2 May 11
i have that book!! hahaha it's great, i wont tell you anything so you still feel blank and perhaps excite bout it. hehehe i havent watched the movie though, but my aunt give me the book a couple of months ago, and its my aid to boredom.. :)
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@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
2 May 11
Glad to hear that it is a good book it will make me more excited to read it once it gets here.
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@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
2 May 11
So, did you order them through Amazon, or some other service. I am getting quite a bit built up in my Amazon account, because of my Swag Bucks cash outs. I do not know if I want to save it for gift buying or treat myself. Last time I treated myself.
@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
2 May 11
Yeah I got both through Amazon. Amazon is where I buy a lot of my books and movies. Yeah I have some added up money in my account in Amazon.I use swagbucks also and cashout for amazon on there.
• Philippines
2 May 11
The book was great. I had expected the movie to suck, but I was pleased to find out it was good. It's definitely different from imagining it, from actually seeing it in the big screen. It's good to watch the movie first, and then read the book to better understand the story. But that's just me. ;) Enjoy!
@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
2 May 11
Yeah I normally watch the movie first when I read book that has a movie along with it. Sometimes I have noticed that a book is better than the movie and vice versa. I know a lot of people say the same thing.
• Philippines
2 May 11
yeah. most of the time, for me, the book is better than the movie. Maybe because we like our own imagination more than the director's! Perhaps it all boils down to which you did first, read the book or watch the movie. Some people are biased towards the thing they did first. haha
@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
2 May 11
I will look forward to hearing what you think. Some people feel that this is a lifechanging book.
• Indonesia
17 May 11
the funny thing about the movie is as soon as the movie came out at the cinema, many travel agents in Bali offers the Eat Pray, and Love experience to the tourists where they will guide them to visit some of the beautiful places that Julia Roberts' character went in the book. Bali itself is already popular and as Indonesian we are proud that it was featured in the book and cinema since it boost positive image about our country
• United States
2 May 11
I had heard some about the movie and heard it was really good. I have not had a chance to see the movie and or read the book so I too look forward to hearing how great it is.
@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
2 May 11
I hear good things on both I have a girlfriend that read the book and saw the movie as well.I will definitely be posting on it as soon as I read the book and I will share on the movie as well.