Do you think that the death of Bin Laden will end terrorism?

@marguicha (225193)
May 3, 2011 5:35pm CST
I don´t think so. Bin Laden was the head of one of the terrorist movements in the world. But there are others. And many of them are highly respected institutions that use the same methods Al Qaeda uses. I am against war, against weapons, for respect of other cultures. I think that could be an alternative way of fighting against terrorism. What do you think? Share!
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16 responses
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 May 11
I couldn't agree with you more on this! There has to be an alternative to war and weapons! If people were to learn more about the people they fear, they may in fact find that what they really need to fear is the media that makes the world so dangerous! The media is the pawn of the government propaganda wing and they will do whatever they can to make the world so dangerous that people are afraid not to support military intervention. Education about the differences between cultures is the answer and if people would learn through reputable sources this information, there could some day be peace I think. Thanks for bringing this up!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
18 May 11
I will try to do that once in a while. Right now, I have a fever again and am freezing so I need to go back to bed. My temp this morning was 102.9 then went down to 99 and now is 100.9 again. I went to the doctor today again to see if they can get to the bottom of it because it has been like that from Wed through Sat and is that way again today. Talk to you later.
@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
18 May 11
Remember that to keeep temp down you have to put cold towels in your throat and temples
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@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
18 May 11
I am sorry that I cannot give two best answers, Deb, bcause I like your answer so much! Maybe you should make posts on your experiences in other lands. If we learn more about other cultures, we can be more respecful of other people.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 May 11
Terrorism has been practiced through the ages. Societies, even so called underground societies have agendas which they wish to implement by whatever means necessary. Osama bin Laden wasn't what he was portrayed to be. He wasn't the freedom fighter who was 'in the trenches', even though he used great PR tactics to make it seem so. Osama bin Laden was a paper pusher with an agenda, an agenda shared by others who formed a group based on religion. His contribution was in building, winning over communities, his connections via family in the business world brought equipment to do the building with. His fund raising abilities along with his media persona presented opportunities for others to be seen as enthusiasts of the locally accepted religious hysteria. Al Qaeda isn't one large group headed by a council, it is several smaller groups each autonomous in it's actions and even in philosophy. There will still be terrorism, still be attacks against civilized countries, attacks against individuals. Osama bin Laden, much like the Crusaders of yore, believed he was freeing his religions Holy Lands from foreign invaders, he believed he was spreading the one true way to reach heaven, he most likely thought what he was doing would result in a good thing, if it could just been forced into others consciousness. I would have liked to have seen him captured and put on trial in the World Court. With each nation placing their charges in that trial. In this manner it would not have been one country being judge and executioner, but rather the world's people demonstrating their unwillingness to be pushed into anything other than what they freely choose to do or believe. Terrorism has it's roots in beliefs and a willingness to force those beliefs onto others, by any means necessary. Today terror is easier than ever to spread, the technology to do damage, the speed of travel and the swiftness of news being shared.
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@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
5 May 11
I totally agree with your answer and I feel that there have been Bin Ladens since the world bagan.
• United States
3 May 11
Sadly there really is no end. If anything it may now cause more hatred. I am sure he has either other allies and or followers. I just wish we could feel safe but unfortunately more may come in the near future.
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@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
4 May 11
Usually and unfortunatly what you say is right. I do wish people would have more respect and less hathred for each other.
@Zer0Stats (1147)
• India
4 May 11
I don't think so at all.Even if we intentionally want peace,we are some war inclined people. Well I do think both sides are so consumed with fear and rage that neither side has a clear,honest image of the other.Nobody on either side is listening,nor has been for several decades.The historical period known as "The Jihad" may last as long as did its predecessor,"The Cold War",and be,in the end,the cause of just as much pain.Perhaps historians a millennium from now will lump the entire era together and call it "The Time Of Fear".
@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
5 May 11
I feel that all this is part of human nature. When I read History books, I see the same since the beginning of time. People fight for power, for riches and just for rage. Unfortunatly, the powerful don´t go themselves to fight on an arena, but send innocent people to be slaghtered.
@Zer0Stats (1147)
• India
11 May 11
Yeah its like 'History repeats itself again and again'.No matter how much we study history and learn how to prevent it from happening again,at the moment of action human nature takes over and we react the same way because its just how we are.
@ajk111 (2495)
3 May 11
i do believe terrorism is a credible threat and has to be met head on. what i disagree with is our troops getting killed in Afghanistan. Not to mention the cost involved in that war. i say bring our troops home, use the money to defend our shores and investigate internal terrorism.
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• United States
4 May 11
People seem to think that this will slow terrorism and hurt it badly, but honestly, Bin Laden hasn't been the main threat for years. Its been 10 years since he was one of the main leaders of Al Qaeda. Lately, he has just been in hiding and he hasn't been a large part of terrorism. He has also been ill with heart problems and with all the constant running and hiding, I doubt he has had time to fulfill his duties as an Al Qaeda commander. Its true this is a big moral boost for the United States and it also makes people feel safer, but I do not think this will hinder terrorism much.
@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
5 May 11
I wholly agree with you. Bin Laden was more like a synmbol to the United States than a real threat himself. I´m sure that there are other people in charge by now.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
4 May 11
No it will not end. But it should make leaders think twice about being safe. We found OBL even though he used no electronic communications at all. We can hunt them down, it may take years but we will do it.
@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
5 May 11
I understand what you say by your use of words. THe word "hunt" gives me shivers, I must say. Do you think that if you hunt down a group there will be no others rising= It has happened through History. There must be another way.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
3 May 11
No, I don't think this will end terrorism. I doubt it will even stop Al Qaeda, let alone the others. And diplomacy? That only works with people who desire peace as well. Some people hate us enough to kill us. Period.
@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
4 May 11
I think peace and respect or hate and killing works on both sides in a problem. Wars have two sides. History usually say the good guys are the ones who win.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
6 May 11
No, but it does end our excuse for occupying Afghanistan. Bring the troops home and focus on real defense, that's how we reduce terrorism.
• United States
4 May 11
No I don't think so because think of all the creepy followers he had and that is very sad and scary to me and I am sure to other people in the world, I think it is terrible that those people are so cruel and demented!!! I still have fears of going to any airport or even the mall, without knowing that some creep is up to something. I am still terrified of all people like that never knowing if we are among them in a crowd or what?
• Philippines
4 May 11
dead laden - more proofs needed
Hello Marguicha, As long as there is poverty in the world, there will always be extremist struggles. with what's happened to this, i think justice was completely serve in this. unfortunately, there are those who refuse to accept or tolerates other's culture because of blind faith and a religion that causes brainwashing among it's people. fight poverty, let people have more jobs and opportunities for a normal livelihood.most specifically, their right to education
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
5 May 11
Nope it will not sadly.I wish it would but sadly bin laden was just one of the millions of monsters on earth.since he is gone someone will replace him and his evilness the evil of mankind is never over ... I wish it could all just end tho.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
17 May 11
hi, we all know that Bin Laden is the leader of a really terror terrorist,they only killed Bin Laden but not the group of Bin Laden,he still have many followers every where in the world and there wants still remain especially now because they can revenge any time.
@zaga_cleuth (1407)
• Philippines
11 May 11
No. It will actually agitate the start of another terrorism.
@shibham (16977)
• India
4 May 11
This is just the beginning of war against terrorism in 21st century. there are miles to run in this arena as terrorism has thousands hands. have a great day.
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
4 May 11
I dont think so. Osama Bin Laden was just the leader of the terrorist, it means that he still have followers and that followers will continue the war that there leader created and even get worse because they will take revenge from us.