facebook love it or hate it? addicted? need to tell every1 your whole life story
By angelordevil
@angelordevil (45)
May 3, 2011 6:36pm CST
facebook - such an interesting topic do we love it or hate it personally i dont mind it but i have a friend and she seems to have the need to post everything she does on the site i really dont understand why yes it is a social networking site but do you really need to tell your whole friends list your exact activity every minute of every day.
i have another friend who used to put his whole if on facebook but he is much wiser about what he writes now unfortunate for him he had to learn this the hard way he accepted friend requests from many a people he did not know or even heard off and updated his every movement he had pictures of his house both inside andn out and made it public knowledge of his up coming holiday he posted dates and times of departure and return and made clear the fact that he had no body to watch over his house while he was away. unfortunatly when he returned from his holiday he had been burgled.
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11 responses
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
12 May 11
Hi, angeldevil. My cousin told me that she never puts her house and car on Facebook at all. I see why she will never do something like this. It can be very risky and dangerous! They say that it is never wise to accept any and all friend requests that you don't know either. I try to be very careful when it comes to something like this. We just may never know whom is out to get us. I don't tell every detail that is in my life at all. I wish to leave this hidden. The less that someone may know about me, the better my personal life will be. I told my sister that she does not have to post just about everything that is going on in her life on Facebook at all. I tell her that no one needs to know every simple detail. But still, she continues to do so anyway, even though she has told me that she does not. She lets them all know, what she is about to eat, if she has a problem with someone on her job, what she wants to do bad to a person. She may not mention all of the full details, but just talking about this issue is enough to know that she is giving out to much of information on Facebook. I am sorry about what has happened to your friend. I know that by know he realizes that he can't just put any and everything on Facebook. It can have consequences behind it!

@Gabsonola (49)
• United States
11 May 11
To me i don't really use facebook but with the way people use it it takes alot of users time wic is not advisable am not saying people shouldn't use it but they should reduce the way they use the social network
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
4 May 11
I am a active member of Facebook for years,and i don't share my life story their.Every one who create a profile on Facebook create for a reason,an what ever that reason is i don't.
If you check my status,an Facebook from i just join all i put up is Bible Verse and Motivational thoughts.
A lot of people share their life story,and even curse other people with their profile.I keep my personal stuff to my self an my family,I know what to share and what to keep.
But a lot of people do share their life story their.
@dream_ozn (1752)
• Singapore
4 May 11
I personally don't mind facebook too. But, i believe each of us should draw a line when using Facebook. We should not put all of our information up there. it also gets abit irritating when my friends put up all his activities into his status. Where they are, what they are doing now. Some updates here and there is fine. But not updating it the whole day.
Your friend is really unfortunate. Perhaps he thinks that only his friends can see his profile. I think this is a very good lesson for all of us. We should remember that Facebook is not as secure as we think it is. Many other people can see our profile and plan events against us.
@ohsodianne (433)
• Philippines
4 May 11
Owww! That's really sad. I guess this is why you should always be cautious about the things that you post in fb and other social networking sites for that matter. For me, facebook is just my way of keeping up with everybody. Sometimes when you're busy, you don't know what's going on with your friends so if you want to know what they're up to, you can always visit their site. Or for example if you lost their number, you can simply go to their page and ask for their number. However, I don't spend a lot of time in fb because it gets boring for me after 5 mins. :)
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
4 May 11
It's your friend's fault! Facebook is a social network, tons of people can see our profile unless we edit our privacy settings. And besides, I think it's stupid to share your every move and every bits of your life in Facebook! Even celebrities don't do that and they are public figures. Your friend really learned the hard way.
I like Facebook because that is where me and my friends, especially those faraway connect with each other. We share things that we can't share over cellphones. We actually communicate more in Facebook than in cellphones and telephones. Facebook is a good way to share pictures and thoughts for the day. It isn't necessary for us to share this and that part of the house, what time we left the house, etc.
I also use Facebook to play games such as FarmVille and Bejeweled Blitz.^^
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
4 May 11
I think there are people on facebook and twitter that feel really lonely, but they do the opposite to attract others, if I know every single went to the bathroom, that the person is now in this store and tweeting...I don't miss her/him, hahaha.
It's like they need to tell to fullfill some loneliness but instead they push the friends away. What you are gonna talk about if you know this person's last 3 weeks?
@existwithme (122)
• United States
4 May 11
Face book is more of a whatever thing to me. I get on it mostly when im bored, or sometimes to hear whats going on because everything gets posted on fb. I would not say im addicted because I am not that impressed with fb, it atchually becomes quite annoying at times, but checking fb is a daily thing with me. The good parts of facebook is it defiently is something to do when you are bored. It also does help keep up with things and people. I atchually hae talked to some people that I would have no contact with if it was not for facebook, like old friends and such. The bad thing is defiently the safety, and then also the over stating or constant up dates. When there is a worldly issue it gets posted on fb as soon as it happens and stays a statis topic for about the next 5 days. Then you get the people who complain about how it has been a topic for the past 5 days. Recently it has been bin laden, almsot everyones status consisted of him, but I get it it is a very huge accomplishment and a very big topic. It does sometimes get aggravating though. Then of course there are the people who update every single part of their life, and it is mostly people with the fb on their phone who do it the worst. I love reading intersting post, but people who post something that is very predictable I don't really want to hear about, like if you are eating dinner, that really is not something that shocks me and I want to know about, now if you are eating dinner with the president, that is something status worthy.
I really did like myspace better than fb though, I felt like it had more things to do and more personality. It was not just status and pics, there was so much more to post and you learned more about a person that what they are doing. On fb there isn't many ways to alter it everyone is pretty much the same. I would spend hours fixing up my myspace, and I can be done with fb with in minutes. But no site is really that fun w/o other ppl on it. So when fb became the big thing I shifted over that way. I do wish everyone would go back to myspace though.
@ennaihl24 (47)
• Philippines
4 May 11
Facebook is like virus, very much contagious... And if you want to make an update about what you are doing why not use twitter and not Facebook. I don't hate Facebook, but I don't like it neither.
@cormiera (278)
• United States
4 May 11
facebook is just annoying to me everyone and i mean everyone feels the need to tell there whole lifes story makes it so unsafe really b/c if u are always updating ur status what your doing ware u are at etc makes it soo much easier for online predators to stalk and pray on the facebook users and ppl just dont realize