charging android phone

@cgirl123 (264)
May 5, 2011 8:02pm CST
Hey guys! :) I need to know the best way to charge my new android phone, since i can not find the information in the guide book.. should i turn off the android or it is better to keep it on while charging it? Is it okay if i turn on and off the android often? (turn it off while charging it and then turn it on again, and so on). Will it affect the longetivity of the battery? Since android phone consume a lot of battery if i switch to 3G and keep it online, if there a time when the battery is fully use so the phone turn off itself, will it cause any damage to my android phone? i search online too but still confuse and do not get enough information, so i think i should ask the right person, someone who use the same type of android phone or someone who had experienced with android phone. Thanks before mylotter, your opinion and comment here surely will give me some help..! :)
6 responses
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
6 May 11
Well charging it while its on or off really does not matter anymore. But turning it off may increase battery life.
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
7 May 11 is obviously right, if the phone is off then the battery is not in use.. but if it turned off then nobody can contact you..then why having a phone..?? :)
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
7 May 11
Well I am suggest a way to increase battery life but its your choice anyway. ofcourse you will not turn off your phone when its ringing 24 hours a day.
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
9 May 11
Dear o0jopak0o.. i am sorry if what i have written above made you feel not comfort, please dont take it to heart..i dont mean to make you angry or dislike (thats why i put the smiley :)), maybe i just not that good in writing.. .
• Philippines
6 May 11
I am always advise that it should be turn off whle charging your phone or don't use it while charging so that it would take less time for it to charge. It would only take for about 2-3hrs to charge it (you'll know if its batt ful already, a notificationb in the main menu would tell you if it's done charging. To conserve your battery life, if you're not using wifi or not brwosing the net turn it off, I noticed that it tends to drain your battery faster when you're using wifi
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
7 May 11
yes, that is true! using a phone while charging it is not only make it needs longer time to be fully charge, but also can be harmful, i heard that the heat can blow the phone! very scary if you use the phone to call someone and the blow up while you are talking and the phone is right in your ear.. .
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
6 May 11
i have an android phone. i was advised that when charging, you should only limit the time you charge your phone. it does not matter much whether you turn it off or on when charging as long as the phone is not overcharged. make sure you keep an eye on your phone, limit time charging to 2 and a half hours and maximum at 3 hours only. do not leave it overnight!
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
7 May 11
thank you chiyosan..! :) my phone usually take 2 hours until it fully charged. Sometimes, although the battery is still a half use, i would rather charge it because i am afraid it will run out of battery as i use it for browsing. Do you think it is okay or this kind of habit can makes my battery drop faster (because i charge it more often than it should if i wait until the battery is almost fully used)? I always try not to charge my phone in the night when it almost time to sleep, i would rather charge my phone's battery early in the morning as i woke up.. :) thank you for your suggestion anyway! :)
6 May 11
hello cgirl congras once again on ur new android phone with my personal experience smartphone's battery tends to finish faster than normal phone. there are many reasons why it happens but it is not the faulty battery or misuse of battery. there are many programs running in background to give you live information so it is called 'smart' phone. if you close those programs which u dont need then you will be able to save some battery life. but be careful coz u dont want to close the touch screen program :P it may be my superstition but i think if u charge ur phone unnecessarily battery will ware out. i dont knoe how scientifically its true but thats wat i think anyway if u switch off the bluetooth, wifi and screen when not in use it will definitely help u to preserve battery. and it is always good to carry charger around hehhe ^^! have fun playing with ur phone ;)
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
6 May 11
hi again s2daj_genx! :) thank you for your information.. :) thats a good idea, i will carry my charger always then so i will not afraid to run out of my battery :D
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 May 11
It doesn't matter nowadays if you turn off or on your battery when you are charging. Battery nowadays are made to last unlike old cellular phones before. Much so with android coz the makers knew that people find this phone very useful all the time and couldn't afford to turn it off coz they don't wanna miss a very important email or messages. I need to know what kind of android phone are you using coz there are some whose battery can really last for a long time compared to cheaper androids. In htc's case they advise to turn off the background data to save battery usage or adjust the brightness of your screen. Turn off the bluetooth or wifi when not in use as well. In my case my wifi is always turned on but my background data service is off and i turn it on only when i need to download apps in the android market.
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
6 May 11
waw, what a relief to hear that information from you toniganzon! thank you very much! :) I am using Samsung Galaxy Mini, just bought it last month :D Thats cheaper if compared with others samsung android like Samsung Galaxy Gio or Ace, but the performance and application is also good. Thats why i choose that android.. ^^ Samsung galaxy mini can be source of hotspot and wi-fi and i think thats cool, compare to those blackberry phone most of my friend use.. what do you think?is the quality of the battery is good?
@ckciasigurl (2081)
• Italy
6 May 11
hi cgirl your phone is new? nice! congratulations any way, it doesn't matter whether you turn on or turn off your phone.the important is you charge your phone if it is properly drain and empty , you can also turn of the 3g of your phone so that your phone will not be easily drain , it will not affect the longetivity of the phone if it on while charging,
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
7 May 11
hi ckciasigurl.. :) yes, i have a new phone! very excited with my new android..! :) waa, the samsung's girl told me not to let the battery of my android wear off and cause the phone turn off itself because it will damage the phone or the battery.. where did you got the information to let the battery properly drain and empty? yes! i always turn off my 3G and switch back to 2G when i need my android only to send SMS or call :)