What is the concept of TONEADAY now ???

May 6, 2011 2:00am CST
Guys, I have logged in into Toneaday after so many days. So first of all, i had to give an english test . That i gave and submitted. After that I was permitted to rate the words. But as before i got 2 cents for every 1 word / phrase rating , this time i am seeing that i am getting nothing. Just the words which are rated by me are counted and my rank is going up. There is a section of points , but it is not calculated now. I think it does calculate once every 24 hour . Just i want to say, i am unable to understand the latest concept now. Can anyone tell me here, how is it working now? How are our earnings calculated?
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1 response
6 May 11
I'd never heard of the place, so I went and looked. In the "How it works" section it says that you only earn if you're invited to rate words in a campaign. From what I can tell, all the daily rating work is to get points and climb their leaderboard. I can only assume that the higher up you are, the better chance you have of being invited for the paid stuff. No idea what points do apart from that, though.