Do you have any vanity?

May 7, 2011 5:31am CST
One of my friend bought a car last winter. He was so happy because have a car is a dream for many Chinese. So, he wanted to show off it, during China spring festival he drove the car instead of by a train for many kilometers to see his relatives. Unfortunately, he had a car accident due to heavy sonw during these days. He was safe, but his car is scratched. He was absenced a week in order to deal with this accident, so, his boss was very angry to docked his some salaries and criticises him. I think all of these damage caused by his wanity. if he didn't drove his car during the snow day. he will be alright. What's your opinion about that?
1 response
@la_chique (1498)
7 May 11
Well here in the UK, having a car is just the normal thing to do. People do spend silly amounts of money on cars they dont actually need though, so I know what you mean about the vanity. But wow, a week off work to sort out his car? My boss lets us take our car to the garage, then come back to work in the space of an hour, not an entire week. No wonder his boss was angry.
• China
7 May 11
yes, he was regret for to show his car to his relatives because the whole thing give him a lot of troubles. I think most of people have vanity more or less, but one person who has too much vanity will lead him to a unhappy life because he always want to compair everything to other people, its so tired.