Is there any permanent cure to Diabetes?

@mallu30 (461)
May 8, 2011 9:55am CST
My friend, aged 30 suffering from diabetes. Recently, just 3-4 months back diabetes detected and from then he using medicines. He is taking every step to keep the disease under control. He is taking all the precautions like attending for medical check up regularly, walking in the morning, taking low calory food etc. I am very sad about my friend that at an early age he was diagnosed with diabetes. Is there any permanent cure for diabetes?
8 responses
@annc78 (35)
• Philippines
12 May 11
I don't think that there is a cure for diabetes. They said that once you have diabetes, you will carry it the rest of your life. My mom and dad had diabetes, and i'm always updated to all what we can do about it. But no real cure, you can control it, but no cure. Once you have diabetes, all is affected, your blood pressure, your cholesterol, etc. Your life at one finger snap will be different. All that you have to eat and not to eat. Proper diet. Not too much salty food, sweets, almost everything. That's why they call it the "rich man's desease" because the medicines, proper diet foods are too way expensive. But that's it, that's life, you'll never know if someday we are going to have it or not.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
11 May 11
There is no permanent cure of diabetes mellitus. If it is a non-insulin dependent variety, it may respond to lowering of the body weight because in this variety, there is no deficiency in insulin secretion but the condition develops due to reduction in the number of insulin receptors on the cell wall. If the body weight is reduced,the number of insulin receptors on the cell wall is increased and the blood sugar level remains within normal limits.
@narthan (325)
• India
9 May 11
Though some medicos claim Diabetes can only be controlled and there is no complete cure for it. Some Ayurveda professionals claim that it can be completely cured through Ayurveda treatment.
• Philippines
8 May 11
there still no permanent cure for diabetes, He just need to follow what the doctor says, control his food intake, do daily exercise, so that the complications arising from diabetes will be delayed or prevented
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
8 May 11
it's sad to say but there is no cure for diabetes. it will just get worse and worse, but if you know how to take care of yourself, you can slow down the progress. tell him he has to take his medicines on time and refrain from starving himself. he has to watch his sugar intake and maintain it in a normal level (80-120mg/dL). not much sugar can cause hypoglycemia which can make him weak and pass out, and also difficulty of breathing, but on the other hand if there is too much sugar (hyperglycemia), he may experience headache, difficulty concentrating, blurred vision, and fatigue (weak, tired feeling). so it is best to maintain the normal glucose level. he should get his own glucometer so he can monitor his blood sugar everyday at home. yeah some are born with diabetes, my classmate in college has diabetes too. i hope for the best for him and i hope he doesn't experience any difficulties. take care and Happy Mylotting
@mrgpk63 (444)
• United States
9 May 11
Diabetes is When Your Pancreas can't Produce enough Insulin. So you require Injections of Insulin or You can Control the Sugar Intake with Pills. You can be Skinny to Average Weight and Still get Diabetes from a Bad Pancreas. You may not Eat that much Sugar Daily and Still have Problems. It can be caused from the Medicines You take. Some Obese People with Diabetes can have Special Surgery to Reduce the Food intake in the Stomach. That Leads to Weight Reduction and in some Cases a Cure to Diabetes. But it is for Real Over Weight People and a Doctor can Determine if the Person will Benefit. In some Cases Save Their Life in Later Years.
@gerald_lian (2188)
• Australia
8 May 11
Unfortunately, at this current point of time, there is no permanent cure for diabetes. I am sure that there are currently many research studies going on worldwide regarding finding new treatment options and potential cures for this chronic condition, but in the meantime we only know so much about the disease to be able to only manage the condition. It is good that your friend is taking all the necessary steps to keep the disease under control and he should be commended for that. A healthy diet and exercise regime is the mainstay of diabetes management, so it is an encouragement that your friend is already doing things like walking in the morning and taking low calorie foods. If he has been initiated on diabetes medications, he should take them compliantly as directed by the doctor to keep his condition under control too. Perhaps in the near future, there will be a cure for diabetes when researchers manage to find out something more about the disease that we currently don't know yet.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
8 May 11
I am sorry to disappoint you. As of now there is no permanent cure for Diabetes. Not anywhere in the world. Had it been there I would be the first in line for the cure. I have been Insulin dependent for thirty years now. So I should know. Please ask your friend to read up on the condition, there is lot of information and help on the internet. Exercise and diet are important as is regular medication. He should be okay! Everthing to be careful about and nothing to worry about.