There are no bad dogs, just bad owners.

@megamatt (14291)
United States
May 9, 2011 9:44am CST
I can't get too mad at dogs for being loud, obnoxious nuisances around the neighborhood sometimes at night, barking at every little thing, like they own the place. I find that sometimes a dog is a reflection of their owner. A well trained dog is going to be from an owner who is willing to take the responsibility of having a pet. And having a pet is quite the responsibility. You'd be doing our furry friends a disservice if you are not willing to commit and help them be the best and most well behaved that they can be, so they can have healthy lives.
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15 responses
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
10 May 11
amen to that! pet owning is not an easy task. therefore, if an owner is not ready then he or she should not have one.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
12 May 11
Indeed they should not. I mean, condemning a poor animal to a fate that's so horrible, they would be better off in a different home. I do believe that its a grand thing to have a pet, but it is really something where if they are not on board all of the way, then they should really not go forward with going with the pet. Its something you got to be on board with all of the way. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@urbandekay (18278)
10 May 11
There is much truth in this saying all the best urban
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
10 May 11
Yeah there does seem to be a lot of truth in that for sure. Looking around the neighborhood, I see an examples of the results of good owners. Then I've seen the results of not so good owners. I just really wish that there were more good dog owners. It does in fact sadden me that this is not really the case. Really bad situation but there is much to do about nothing. Perhaps the owners should be trained first. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
10 May 11
I absolutely agree with this saying. This is said to be true also when a dog bites a person or attacks another dog. The owner should have control over their dog. A dogs behavior is based on how they are trained. A dog is misbehaved when an owner doesn't properly train their pet. How I see it is if a person doesn't have the time to properly train their dog then they shouldn't have one. There is a lot more to owning a dog then simply feeding it and letting it outside. A lot of people need to consider the training that needs to go into having a dog also.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
10 May 11
A dog is not a decision that can be taken lightly. I really do feel for people who do in fact want dogs and really, they are great animals to have, when trained rightly. However, if they are not trained properly, it is going to end in a horrible, horrible manner. I think that most dog owners would feel bad if their dog would attack someone. Yet, many people are at a struggle to understand why when that actually happens. Looking into the mirror should give a clue. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
10 May 11
I agree. In my neighborhood, most of the dog owners are keeping them only as guard dogs and not a part of their family. Thus the dog is acting very territorial, loud and very obnoxious. My pets however are our family and yes they seem territorial too but not to those who would just pass by but only to those who would trespass. They never barked at a guest as they know when one is invited or not. I have trained my dogs to become sociable and friendly but protective of us as well. Never kept them in cage as that would make the loud and obnoxious but let them stay inside the house and sometimes stay in my bed. Since they are part of my family and loved as pets, I had them neutered so they won't get stressed whenever they see a female dog going around the neighborhood. I love them and so does my whole family.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
10 May 11
That is the key distinction between good dog owners and bad dog owners. Letting them know when the right time is to be protective and not to go over the top. A dog is naturally going to warn off a person going into their territory that is unfamiliar. Until they have completely assessed the fact that it is a threat or not. Now those that keep getting loud, no matter what, that could be an extremely difficult thing to swallow. Its all down to training your dog properly. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
10 May 11
true..... the same also when a child commit a sin.... the first question is: who is your mother???? the second question is: that's the way your teacher in school teaches you?????
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
10 May 11
Quite right, they are very similar in many ways. Change the upbringing for better(or for worse for that matter), and there are a lot of changes in the subjects to say the very least. Therefore, everyone, both pups and children, they start as blank empty slates, it is up to others to bring out the best(or worst) traits, as the case might be. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
• United States
10 May 11
My dog is extremely well behaved, is clean, and a very happy dog. I think it is definitely because of the way he was brought up. It was raised around my family, and we are all clean, intelligent, and nice people. We trained him from when he was a pup and ever since he has been a great dog. Labs are the best!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
10 May 11
Very good job on raising your dog to be the best. If there were only more owners out there like that, then more of our furry friends would live happy and rather productive lives. It is quite unfortunate how this is often times not the case, as their are environments that they might not grow up the best in or get trained the best. It is all about proper training and environment. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
9 May 11
We just can't judge a dog to be a bad one. they have to learn their manners somewhere. the first place of learning has to be with the owner. Good and bad habits have to begin with the ownership and training of every dog.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
9 May 11
There are sometimes where the master's manners are less than so. Therefore, perhaps the master should be the one that should be trained. The dogs are a reflection of the abilities of their master to train them properly. They have certain instincts for sure, but they got to be brought out in the right way and that could be a potential issue. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
• United States
9 May 11
MY newest dog Lady is well trained. But if someone comes around my yard I know about it. Its normal and natural. You want a dog to bark at people otherwise you could be killed or robbed. Lady makes sure that my neighbors know that someone is running around the neighborhood. Of course though late at night she is inside asleep, but if she hears something outside you will know about it. I like this in her. My other dogs don't bark at all and anyone could walk right into my home without me knowing it. Yes there are bad owners, especially the ones that let their dogs roam free all over the neighborhood.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
9 May 11
Well its natural for a dog to want to protect their home. If it just a warning to make a person think twice, but relaxing when the person is proven not be be a threat. There are people who really let their dogs run wild. They wonder why their dogs are running wild as well. Especially considering the traffic is bad around here, it would be rather important to train your dogs properly. Of course, it is really important to train your dogs at any point. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
10 May 11
I agree as well, I really love dogs and I believe that they are gift from God. Gifts to remind us that we are not alone and someone can love us whatever our looks are. If only those not so behaved dogs can be trained fully, the issue is not with the dogs, but with the owner.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
10 May 11
Dogs are truly a gift for sure. And they are something to cherish for all time. The problem is, not a lot of people really appreciate what they have. Therefore, they might have their intentions that are rather misplaced. Dogs can truly be loyal, once they find a great owner but sadly, they might be loyal to a bad owner and that is really going to be a poor reflection upon the poor animal itself. It is going to be trouble when dogs are lead astray. Still dogs are great companions for life and really an animal that can keep a person company with their companionship. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
• United States
9 May 11
It is like children we raise them with rules, love and care and hope that they obey and be the best they can be. Quite difficult with dogs because they cannot speak but as a dog owner one has a duty and responsibility to assure they are doing all to raise their dog appropriately and that they are obedient. Dogs will not know how to be obedient unless they are taught, so unless one understands that this needs to be applied they should not attempt to own one.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
9 May 11
Very true. I understand that people would want a pet. However, if they are unable to properly care for it, then it might not be the best idea to really have a pet. Really kind of like children when everything comes down to it. Therefore, you got to really think long and hard before you take a step. It can't be something that has an interest for a few minutes, but you really do not think about all that much. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
• United States
9 May 11
I would have to agree. Even the pet trainers will tell you that it is all about training the owners to teach the dogs. I have 3 large dogs myself and they are well behaved and do as I say. No yelling. It's call trust and repect. If you can get your dogs to trust and respect you, they only want to please you and make you happy. If only kids were that easy. HeHe.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
9 May 11
Yeah, kids are a little bit more complex. The same general principles apply, but it is really not that easy. There really does need to be a relationship and foundation of trust and respect. You need to convince the dog to work with you, as opposed to working against you. That requires some time and a lot of hard work but it really can be done. It is a commitment in many ways. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@ajk111 (2495)
9 May 11
i love dogs and agree they tend to be a mirror image of their owner. but it annoys the heck out of me when a dog barks through the night!!! i could possibly hide my love for dogs and shoot that one!!! lol!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
9 May 11
I really doubt very much that you are the only one that is sorely tempted. Yeah it might go from slightly annoying to murderous intentions after a couple of hours. That might really sound mean but it really cannot be help. A dog that booms through the night, it can't help it, it has not been trained not to. Does not stop it from being annoying however. Then again, you just wonder what their owner is like. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@Arkine (216)
• United States
9 May 11
I agree completely, I have 8 dogs--6 of which live in the house, the other two I'm just waiting on finances to get them nuetered and then they will be able to come in as well (I just don't want them getting into a dominance fight while we're not around). Anyhow, I've met some really good dogs and some really misbehaved dogs. It really does depend on whether or not the owner has taken time to properly train them--of course that also depends on the training, I know of one dog that was trained to attack uniforms--specifically police uniforms, but it would also go after other "uniform" styles (whatever it precieved to be a "uniform"). When the owner was arrested the dog was brought in (after trying to attack officers) and the animal rescue determined it couldn't be adopted out ... sad ending for the dog, and it was all the owner's fault. I can understand wanting a dog to protect your property, and training it for that purpose, but to specifically attack certain kinds of people? It just made me sick (not to mention they kept the animal chained up in a fenced backyard), the poor animal never had a decent life. I whole-heartedly believe there are some people that just shouldn't own pets. If they are going to abuse them, then they shouldn't have them ... and if they aren't willing to learn how to take care of the animal properly (neglagent owners) then they shouldn't have the animal. It's a huge responsibility, these animals (dogs or other wise) are depending on their owner for food, water, medical care and, of course, companionship. They want to be members of a pack (family), people need to understand the animal that they have agreed (by purchasing) to take care of. Okay, I'm done ranting. ;)
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
9 May 11
That's a very good point about training. There are people who train their dog, but for all of the wrong reasons. And then that confuses the dog, when they are told that something like that is wrong. Granted, a dog can be a nice deterrent for people who are wishing to do your family harm and they can be trained for that purpose. However there is a difference between being defensive and being extremely offensive. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@drasnian (548)
9 May 11
I completely agree with you. We have a golden retriever, who is beautifully behaved. She isn't noisy, she doesn't chew furniture, she's never bitten anyone, she'll walk with you without a lead on and she'll happily wait outside a shop for you. I know golden retrievers are some of the easiest dogs to train, but you still see ones who are badly (or not at all) trained. There's a guy who lives near us and owns one...he won't walk without pulling, can't be left alone or he barks like crazy, and is a nightmare for jumping up at anyone and everyone. But the fact is, the guy kist doesn't spend enough time with him. The dog misbehaves, he says "Stop it!" and when the dog doesn't..he gives up. Similarly, I know a west highland white, who yaps constantly if you don't pay attention, nips regularly and jumps up. The owner says "She's such a brat" to us and "Sit!" to the dog, in the same tone of voice you'd use to talk to a little baby. She cooes at the dog, whether the dog is right or wrong, and always in this high pitched voice that makes the entire room cringe. And yet we looked after her while the owner was on holiday before, and she CAN be so much better if you're only consistent with her. The pet very much reflects the owner, and the time they've put in.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
9 May 11
A well trained pet is a nice thing to really behold. You really got to work with the pet and it appears that you have gotten good results. You can really take two dogs, completely identical to start with. Have one person train them in a proper manner, and have another person not really train them right, if at all. You are going to really see that. A pet is a true reflection on the owner and the work that they are rather willing to put it. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
• Albania
10 May 11
you totally right