Freemason Organization
By Secret
@IntrovertShy (2780)
Marikina, Philippines
May 9, 2011 10:45am CST
I have heard one devoted christian on another forum telling everyone that those who are involve in freemason organization are the follower of satan. I searched on the internet about freemason organization. I found that Jose Rizal is one of the best leader of freemason organization. There are many well known people that are members of freemason organization and I really just cannot believe of what one devoted christian says about freemason organization. My mother also said that those who are members of freemason organization are indeed a follower of satan. How true is this?
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7 responses
@Jaytech (2251)
9 May 11
A lot of people involved in Free Masonry are naive & well meaning, but to understand the background of these organisations you have to go a lot further back in history. I'm not qualified to explain in though, but I know a man that is, let me introduce you to Pastor Barry Smith. He dedicated his life reseraching this stuff & explaining it all in his ministries, so if you trukly want to know more watch this :)
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
10 May 11
Pastor Barry Smith was a well know, self-proclaimed end of times conspiracy theorist. He was not much better than the other snake oil salesmen who are renowned for their failed prophecies. You need to select a better source if you are to have any creditability.
@Jaytech (2251)
10 May 11
Well done, you said all that & managed to avlid using the typical & old tin foil hat line. Now instead of hurling the same tired old lines actually prove what he says is wrong, explain how he knew about the current financial collapse way back then in the 90's.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
10 May 11
If you make enough predictions and keep the language vague enough eventually there will be some that are close enough that your followers can claim a hit. If he had managed to nail the specific cause and name the primary players and name specific dates I would be a bit more impressed.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
10 May 11
What is the source of your information or is this just something you have heard from someone who heard it from someone?
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
10 May 11
On the other hand I don't believe in the divinity of Jesus. Does this make me a follower of satan?
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
10 May 11
The Freemasons aren't Christian and they are Devil worshippers by all accounts they where and still are some of the brightest people on the planet that are members of this organizations. There founding was to unite the different sciences and to preserve the knowledge gained by the studies that the Church was afraid of the common person knowing as the Church this being the Roman Catholics in the Dark Ages wanted to remain the masters to knowledge because they know the more the common person knew about the Universe the less they would know and that is why many of these secret to semi secret orgainizations existed or still exist to this day because their are still to this very day powers that want to keep the flow of information way from the Common person. The Freemasons where mostly carpenters and other builders of their time so most of the Buildings for example in the United States that are old enough to have been constructed during the early years of this nation where built by freemasons. The Guild is one of crafts men. Their are other organizations like the Illuminati that are far more secretive and stay in the shadows their very existence is debated as their history seems to spring up and go away. But even their history was one during which the Church was losing its power and they where freethinkers daring to challenge the power of the Church in the lives of the common person so these groups where and are still to this day labeled as being devil or evil groups because they dare to take away some of the power from the Church and dare to share that power with the people by having them question their own beliefs against that of which the church wants them to believe.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
11 May 11
Interesting comments here...Do you people know that most of the Founding Fathers of the United States were in fact Freemasons? Why then, if the Freemasons are not christian, would they have put so much christian stuff in the buildings, in their speeches and on the money. They put their symbols there too, but they did not leave out christianity. Where they hypocrites? No, I think not.
The Freemasons got their bad name from the catholics. Anything secret was suspect to the catholics and heretical. They were harassed constantly and accused of all kinds of nasty things. The evil stories stuck because for so many centuries the catholics ruled. Just as the catholics attacked the Jews they attacked the Free Masons...The Freemason just did not have the rest of the world against them so they survived better.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
11 May 11
I think that I am wrong about the money part...but I am not wrong about the Founding Fathers being religious and Freemasons. I also know that Freemasons come from all walks of life and all religious backgrounds and they do not have to stomp on a crucifix as part of any ritual...that is ludicrous...If it were true, there would be many fanatical Ultra Orthodox Jews in
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
9 May 11
I would have to say that is 100% false information. My oldest brother has been a Mason for over 40 years now, and if anything, he's more religious (praying, going to church, etc) than he ever was before. It's a good organization from all that I can see from personal experience. My brother's group does a Christmas party for under-privileged children, giving them each an age appropriate gift as well as food and a full day of fun. They help people who can't afford glasses get their eye exams and glasses, and many many other things that directly benefit our community. Did you know that the Shriner's are Mason? Most people don't even think of that, yet they provide funds for children who have no way of paying for their operations and such. (And many without those operations would die before adulthood.) Does helping others who are poor and in need seem like the act of a satanic organization? Does selflessly giving to aid your community and the poor seem like an act of satan? I don't think so... Most people are too quick to tag something they don't understand, nor take the time to find out about, as something 'satanic.' They are of every faith, jewish, protestant, Catholic, and from all the ones I know personally, they are faithful churchgoers and have a basic ethic that is superior to a lot of the members of my own church.