I wish

United States
May 9, 2011 1:19pm CST
I wish I had done some many things differntly in my life *I am only 23 but* I wish I had waiting for the first time I "made love" there was nothing good about that day. I wish I had waiting to have kids I was only 19 I know so many people are so much younger then that. But I wouldn't trade my kids for anything in the world. I wish I would have had kids with a differnt man. I wish I had tryed to save my sister but when the truth came out it was to late she was already gone. I wish I had said good-bye to my dad while we were watching him fade away in the hospital bed, He was only 45 when he died of lung cancer from smoking. Although I cant change any of that what I can change is were I live, I need a job I need a home for me and my kids. Not living with people who put me down all the time and tell my kids they can do things I tell them not to do. I love my kids and I want to give them a better life then this. I want to make a home for them with a loving mother and a man to show them that not all men will just walk out when things arn't perfect. My 3 year old son asked me "Mommy when can me you and sissy live in our own house?" I just gave him a hug. I didnt know what to say.
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8 responses
• Philippines
9 May 11
There are some things that we will only regret when they or it is gone. Hoping for something or maybe better things have happen if we choose the other way around. But if that will be the condition, or you are always thinking of the same thought everyday. I am sure there is only one thing you will feel and that is regret. I'll bet from that very first thought it your mind everyday it will always bring not so good vibrations that will always wreck your day and left with nothing. But there is one thing that can cure these anomalies and that is acceptance. Things happen for some reasons, Some reasons only God knows why. But for sure a person will never survive if he will deal with anger all the days of his/her life. It will only live him/her miserable. Why don't you think of some positive things: you are your children with, That is an inspiration. They need you to be strong. They have questions, I know as a human you have limitations in answering all these stuff and making them easier to understand things beyond thier control will be impossible, but if you are breaking down, to whom should they look for strength, for shelter for a home? I know God is there but you have to ask as well for his divine intervention so that His enormous strength will manifest in you, for sure your children will see it and will be encouraged as well. Negativity will just crush you to pieces. I know very easy to say but a little bit harder to do but that is far way better than brooding over a spilled milk left dry by time.
• Philippines
9 May 11
Whew I really hate typing errors (refer above post ^_^) , jeez sorry about that but I wish when you read this you can get the message... Godbless
• Philippines
11 May 11
Everyone fights his or her own personal battle. Sammy, be strong for the sake of your children. Everything that happened to you had made you a lot stronger than before. It's like a gem that without subjecting it to too much friction, it will not polish. I advise you to find a job and seek the help of people around you to help you get a job. Don't be shy. There are institutions that take care of job search - government or private. There will always be willing and good samaritans out there. From a new job, you can start building your dreams for you and your children. Take the task one at a time. Lastly, pray for God's Divine Providence. He is just right there beside you, so call on Him for guidance.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
9 May 11
The past is past. It cannot be changed, no matter how hard we wish. It is better to think of how we can improve our lives today, for this is where we have power. It is great that you have set goals for some of the things you want to change like your living situation and job, but remember not to dwell too much in the future either. Just take it one step at a time, so that it won't seem so overwhelming and you can definitely achieve those things. Remember to focus on the means rather than the ends.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
9 May 11
hello Sam, I understand how you feel. I am also a single mom right this moment. I stopped asking those why's...i get tired of asking when there is not answer and no one can give me the answer either. What i did is changed my life from being a sentimental one. Those experiences makes me a stronger person more than i can think i am. I never thought i can live my life and make a better me,and give my kids same life when we're still a whole family (with their dad) Just have faith in yourself my dear. You are still young,you still have a long to go and dreams to achieve. I am 24 when i gave birth to my first born and i am a single mom now for many years. You can make it as i did. Be strong and your kids will give you the strength that you need. hold on and life will be brighter
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
9 May 11
My heart goes out to you. I really feel for you and all the things that you wish you could have changed. It is a great thing that you want to do so many awesome things for your children. Keep that attitude and disposition for hard at your goals and don't give up no matter what anyone tells you. Negative people can have an affect on the things that we think we can do. Those are things that you can accomplish for you and your family just don't give up. You will be proud of yourself, your kids will be proud when you reach your goals.
@jemilane (176)
• Philippines
10 May 11
ohh.. I just hope that life is just so easy but whatever happens to us has a purpose. Things that happened in your life made you a stronger person i know and has given you courage to do things esp for your children. We have choices to make that's why we make it a point to do the right and best thing for there isn't turning back at all. Just pray to God and have faith in Him and I'm sure He will guide and help you like what He just did to me and to everyone else.. :)
@patgalca (18435)
• Orangeville, Ontario
9 May 11
We all have different paths we can take in our lives. We have many choices and decisions to make and all those tiny little choices can affect our future in a big way. I married the first man who showed any interest in me, even though he was abusive. I could have, should have, handled that differently, but if I had not married that man, I would not have moved to this town and met the man I am now married to and have the kids I have. So, it's kind of difficult for me to have any regrets. There are a lot of things I wish I had done differently but we can't change the past. All we can do is pull our socks up, brush off the dirt, find the will and determination to make our life what we want it to be. This is not a lecture to you... it's a lecture to me too. We can't unring a bell. What's done is done. Now we make the most of it or change what we can. I wish you much luck in making a good life for you and your children.
• United States
9 May 11
That is heart-breaking to hear, I can imagine how you must felt. You obviously care very much about your children and love them very much! They are lucky to have you as a mom. Fo being only 23, seems like you have already learned a lot about the decisions we make in life. I am 33 and feel like I am just learning now about life and the effects of the choices I have made in the past. Keep being determined and you will see your desires and wishes come to fruition. I read this kids book once at a time in my life when I really needed it - It was called "Don't Look Back" by Mary Engelbrecht. It is uplifting in a way. Harword and dedication will get you where you want to be.