The Takiyya "president"
By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
May 9, 2011 9:29pm CST
In 2008, for some seemingly unknown, unfathomable, UNTHINKABLE reason, our Congress, Courts, and MSM engaged in takiyya, the Islamic doctrine of permissable lying in order to deceive, distract, disarm, and disable a perceived enemy.
Through this conspiracy of lies and cover-up they were able to install into the WH a man about whom very few knew very much......
except for Oprah Winfrey, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Bernadette Dorn and Bill Ayers, the Chicago Mafia, including Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett, and David Axelrod, Percy Sutton, Khalid al Mansour and various other Arabs and Russian Socialists.
The "why" of such sedition and treason is just becoming discernable to some, but has been known to truth-seekers since before the usurpation took place.
In 2004, the Kenyan Sunday Standard article (picked up by the AP) informed us "Kenyan-born Obama All Set for the US Senate. Alan Keyes warned us of this man of "seared conscience".
In an obvious ploy to win an election by committing fraud and treason, Nancy Pelosi submitted two different DNC certification forms: 49 including NO eligibility clause, one, to HI, with the clause inserted.
Congress held "eligibility hearings" on John Sidney McCain, a known American natural- born citizen whose family of US citizens has served this country for generations, ostensibly because he was born in a military hospital in Panama while his father was on military duty there.
Yet, the Senate REFUSED to hold similar hearings on a man whose name we barely knew and are still quite unsure of.
Why might that be?
We know of the Soros-Arab-Russian ploy to take down America using the race card.
But it goes beyond that which we can see in the natural, 'cause to any thinker among us the complicity among such diverse groups doesn't make sense. Beyond the "normal" human motivations of greed, power-mongering and such, lies the answer to "why" this unknown quantum has been allowed to be catapulted into a position which gives him power to annihilate a once free and sovereign nation.
The trail of breadcrumbs hidden in plain sight is obvious to those who understand the Scriptural proscriptions in Proverbs 21 and 28 ("the righteous are concerned for truth and justice") and Proverbs 16 ("the throne is established on righteousness").
Nonetheless, Teleprompter Man prevails, aided by defensive linebackers, Imperious
Queen Oprah Winfrey, Michelle, the fistbumper, Robinson Obama("Don't get between her and a tamale"), and slumlord Valerie Jarrett.
Noteworthy are the photoshopped and phony Birth Certificates, Bin Laden "capture" photos, and other minutia, as fraudulent as the fraud in the WH.
Also noteworthy is the fact that the one thing he SHOULD have photoshopped was the Air Force One plane he flew low in the NY skyline in order to scatter us like ants and signal his Muslim buddies that he can do as he wishes with impunity, thus emboldening our enemies, of which he is one, both foreign and domestic.
And, so, a self-confessed and State Dept. dual-national, most likely also an illegal alien in this country, sits arrogantly and lawlessly in the WH with his guns aimed at his jihad mission of divide, conquer, and bankrupt America. And not a peep is raised against all his lawlessness.
Among other things, Obama is the "Next Phase of (the "maybe dead/maybe alive") Bin Laden, with a hatred easily as big for "The Great Satan" and "The Little Satan" - America and Israel, for the uninitiated.
And Satan is truly the OPERANT word here, given Dr. Manning's insights and those of many dealing with the "natural" aspect of this phenomenon heretofore unknown to man.
Make no mistake, "the spirit of lawlessness is already at work" in the person of Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Steve Dunham, aka Barry Obama, aka somebody Soebarkah, aka Son of Satan.
All he does is done in darkness and is counterfeit.
He cares not for truth.
The mystery of lawlessness is deception.
He has a perverted, lying mouth.
Evil, pride, and arrogance are his calling card.
As to the above, the same can be said of the father of lies and his duplicitous embodiment.
Don't forget: antichrist means "lawless one".
Dont' forget: Muhammed rode a horse named Barak up to heaven.
Remember. Pay attention. Be prepared.
2 responses

@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
11 May 11
In my opinion truth dose not matter.I have always thought this all has been an inside job from the beginning. Both parties are involved in the big cover up,top to bottom. Most people has seen with their own eyes the results of putting an unfit man in the white house.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
11 May 11
yes, Yes, you are right. Unfortunately, it will cost us our nation and our freedom, because only the truth can set us free, both spiritually speaking and politically speaking.