My cat bit me and drew blood!!

United States
May 10, 2011 8:21am CST
Hello fellow mylotters. My cats began fighting yesterday morning; I was in the yard and heard them carrying on. When I came in, I saw them all in a circle growling at each other. The last and only time I had ever seen them do that is when I had a dog, and the dog had scared one of them and they all got in a circle and growled at the dog. I took the dog out of the room and all was well. Not this time. For some reason, they are still fighting. They were carrying on all day long and I got tired of it. In the morning I chased them with water. Usually that works, but yesterday it did not. Last night they were going at it again in the spare room and were loud, so I went in the dark room and began yelling at them to stop, figuring maybe if I am yelling they will finally listen. That's when the cat attacked, the female who is the mother of the other 4. She got me on both legs, and when I finally screamed and ran to a chair to jump on, one of the other cats she was fighting with jumped on her and she finally quit and ran downstairs when I grabbed the squirt bottle. I fought with her for an hour or so to get outside, I was going to put her in the street. Got her on the porch and she was carrying on with her yelling and I grabbed a broom and chased her with it. She is afraid of a broom for some reason, so I thought if I had the broom she would go outside. Finally she is soaking wet and does go out the door. I did get her back in on the porch and left her there all night with water and litter. This morning, the other cats were at it so one is in a room to himself. They have never fought like this! I've had them for 4 years, and helped Baby birth her boys and never, ever have they fought like this. What can I do?
1 response
@allknowing (133790)
• India
10 May 11
When I have had cats the only time they did fight was during mating time. The male and female really fight and for quite a few days. But what you have narrated is pretty strange. I have never seen cats fight on normal days. The only solution would be to give away one of your cats.
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@allknowing (133790)
• India
10 May 11
I hope you have gone in for tetanus injections.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 May 11
They are fixed, so there is no reason for the fighting, and I thank God I had them declawed as well! My goodness, they could have really harmed each other if they had their claws. Now I have let one of them out of the room and he did not start a fight, but another one did! So now Bootsie is in the room. They are all acting afraid of each other, and one of them even peed on my pillow yesterday probably because he could not get to a litter box that someone was guarding.
@allknowing (133790)
• India
10 May 11
They could be emotionally upset. You could consult your vet and get some advice. I feel sorry for them. Cats and dogs are very lovable creatures and they demonstrate it amply and this behaviour surely needs looking up.